察觉到 vt. detect
外貌 n. appearance
吸引,吸引力 n. attraction
喜欢社交的 adj. sociable
忠实的 adj. loyal
志向 ambition
陪伴 n. company
(人)动手能力强的,(物品)轻便的 adj. handy
乐于并善于合作的 adj. cooperative
有条理的 adj. organized
聪明的 adj. intelligent
有天赋的,有才华的 adj. gifted/ talented
体育好的 adj. athletic
无忧无虑的,乐天派的 happy-go-lucky/ carefree
相互的 adj. mutual
有艺术气息的 adj. artistic
真诚的 adj. sincere
直率的 adj. candid/ frank
背叛 vt. betray
敌意 n. animosity/ antagonism
靠不住的朋友 fair-weather friend
好感,关爱 n. affection
拥抱 n.&vt. hug
安慰某人 vt. reassure sb./ comfort sb.
肤浅的,表面化的 adj. superficial/ shallow
表述清晰的,口才好的 adj. eloquent
永恒的 adj. eternal
活泼的,活跃的 adj. lively
谦虚的 adj. modest
尴尬的 adj. awkward
对自己所处状态感到紧张或缺乏自信的心态 adj. self-conscious
两难的困境 n. dilemma
确定性 n. certainty
真实的,真正的 adj. genuine
低估 v. underestimate
美德 n. virtue
调解 v. reconcile
荒.唐可笑的 adj. absurd/ ridiculous
很烦人的 adj. irritating
承受力或者恢复能力强的 adj. resilient
低调的 adj. low-profile/ low-key
很支持的 adj. supportive
有感染力的 adj. contagious
豁达的,接受能力强的 adj. open-minded
狭隘的生活态度 a parochial outlook toward life
内向的 adj. reserved
富有同情心的 adj. compassionate
不爱多说话的 adj. reticent
让某人逐渐放得开 bring a person out of his/ her shell
本意虽好但把事情做砸了的 adj. well-intentioned/ well-meaning
自我欺骗 n. self-deception
爱骗人的 adj. deceitful
自信的 adj. assertive/ self-assured
容忍的 adj. tolerant
机灵的 adj. witty
有智慧的 adj. wise
体贴人的 adj. considerate/ thoughtful
理解他人的,善解人意的 adj. understanding
口齿清楚的,表达能力强的 adj. articulate
很逗的 adj. amusing
极度搞笑的 adj. hilarious
过于自我的 adj. egotistical
漠然的 adj. indifferent (to )
孤立的 adj. isolated
喜欢虚荣的 adj. vain
懒散的 adj. laid-back
很友善的 adj. congenial
优雅的 adj. elegant≈ graceful
好朋友 n. chum
花束 n. bouquet
杰出的 adj. prominent
(人)老练的,(工具)复杂高端的 adj. sophisticated
顽强的 adj. touch
琐碎的adj. trivial
托福写作解析:agree or disagree
Children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smart phones, video games for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for children' s development.
As electronic devices like computers and smart phones are popular in every home, children have spent more and more time on them. With growing concerns about children's future development, some people think playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better. However, I do hold a different view.
Reason 1:
With the development of technology, electronic products are becoming more and more powerful, and customer experience is improved as well. In this way, children can get more fun and joy from these products than that from playing simpler toys or playing outside.
Reason 2:
Nowadays, Internet Education such as Khan Academy is increasingly acknowledged by people. It is a common phenomenon for children to learn knowledge through computers or smart phones. There are even some video games that are designed to practice children’s ability of thinking and other abilities.
Technology makes life better. As long as parents and the school work together and guide correctly to prevent their children from getting addicted, these electronic products would have positive influences on their development.
对于“agree or disagree”的题目,同学们的中心观点可以是同意(agree),可以是不同意(disagree),也可以是是视情况而定(it depends)。
Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time.
Which of these situations do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
回答:With the development of science and technology, people’s living standard has been improving day by day. According to the family plan, one couple could have only one child.
So child becomes the center of the whole family. Some of them are even spoiled. Therefore, I think it is better if the young adult could live independent from their parents as soon as possible.
修改后:As we all know, some young adults have the sense of independence in a special period so that they want to choose to live apart from their family, while others still choose to stay with parents in the family.
Family can provide young adults a warm bay where he or she could turn to whenever any problems arise. However, considering the sound development of the young adult both mentally and physically, I think to live independently the earlier, the better.
Independence is a lesson that each of us must face one day. The detailed reasons are listed below.