无话可说、逻辑混乱、语意混淆等等,是常见的雅思口语障碍。今天小编给大家带来雅思考试口语障碍应对手册 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
雅思考试 口语障碍应对手册
刚接触雅思口试的一些考生会出现这样的情况:考试中,被问问题时,左思右想不知如何作答,于是便以沉默回应。同时对面的口语考官也秀出一张poker face(冷酷的面庞),对考生冷漠的表现不予理会。此时,恐怕整个考场的空气都要凝固了。
面对 “熟悉程度不够”,考生可以主动寻找素材,比如上网查询或大范围阅读。这是一项需要考生长期积累才可解决的问题。
而面对“思路单一”,则建议考生答题的时候换种思考方式,比如在回答Do you think flowers are important?这个问题时,多数新考生会直接回答Yes, I do./No, I don’t, because…because…because…”这里之所以不断重复because这个词,是因为想不出要如何扩展回答。但如果我们换种思路,比如反向思考If there were no flowers, what would be like? (如果没有花,那世界会变成什么样?)也许,看到这儿,你会有更多的观点叙述花的重要性。再比如,回答How often do you eat chocolate?这个问题时,对于现在不喜欢吃巧克力的人来说,直接解释恐怕有点儿困难,因为很多时候,不喜欢一些事物并没有任何理由。但如果我们从不同的角度展开问题,也许又可以让自己变得健谈起来。比如现在我很少吃巧克力,可能一年内只吃一两次,但是小的时候几乎天天都吃,尤其是X.X口味。See?结合自身情况对比不同时间的特点,又可以拓展问题了。
1. I go to school from Monday to Friday, because my parents go to work every single day. 我周一至周五上学的原因是我的爸爸妈妈每天都要上班。
2. The teacher told me this website, so I use it twice a week. 我每个星期使用两次这个网站的原因是老师推荐的这个网站。
另外,除了代表因果类的连词会被混乱使用之外,转折性连词的使用对一些考生也具有一定的挑战。比如,有些考生会把while, whereas和but的意思相混淆,虽然三者都有转折之意,但but的转折意向更为强烈,而其余两个单词一般用于平行对比。请对比下面两个句子的含义:1)Talking of sports, most girls enjoyswimming; while/whereas most boys like playing football; 2)Talking of sports, most girls enjoy swimming, but she likes playing football. 在第二个句子中,明显强调的是“她喜欢踢足球”,而第一个句子仅仅是平行对比男孩女孩喜欢的运动而已,并没有特别强调某个人的喜好。
最后,个别代词的错误使用也会让听者感到无比费解。有学生前一句中讲到I love novels,结果后半句中出现了it’s really interesting,不知道这里的it到底指代的是哪一本novel。还有同学刚说完people如何如何,后面又出现了it…居然把人变了属性,而且还将各类人统一变成了it…,听者表示实在很难理解其中的含义。不论怎样,多数情况下都是代词it惹的祸,所以要格外注意它的使用。
1. relax myself
2. make hard efforts
3. …this subject is close to money
在英文中,“让我自己很放松”只有relax me这种说法,没有relax myself这么一说;“付出了辛苦的努力”一般在英文中叫做make a lot of efforts;而“一个离钱很近的专业”在英文中并非翻译得那么直接,说成…learning this subject enables me to earn more money会更合适一些。
除了各种中式搭配错误,还有些词义相近的表达也容易用错。比如,在I visited some sightseeing和The Great Wall is a famous building这两句话中, 因为某些单词理解偏差,导致听者有些困惑。第一句中sightseeing表示“观光”,怎么可以visit呢?一般最常见的搭配是go sightseeing;第二句里building一般表示“有屋顶和门窗的建筑”,而万里长城显然是不符合这样一个特定含义的,只能用structure来形容。
一方面,中文和英文是两种不同的语系,很多措辞都不太一致,同学们总是习惯于逐字将中文意思翻译成英文,导致出现诸如relax myself或learn knowledge的说法;
另一方面,每每在汉英字典里查到了某个英文表达,多数同学会全盘接受,但其实一个英文单词在不同场景下可能会有不同的含义,有时虽然汉语意思相似,但用法及英文含义却不尽相同。比如前文中提到的structure 和building,虽然在多数汉英字典里两个词都被翻译成“建筑”,但其实用法还是有点儿区别的。
1. Do you ever give people gifts ?
Yes,In Chinese culture,sending gifts is a common habit, and it happens on many occasions like birthdays, wedding ceremonies, farewell parties and house warming parties, first date between lovers, marriage anniversaries and especially in festivals.
2. Do you ever receive gifts ?
Of course ! I got many gifts every year on my birthday. Including flowers, clothes, fragrance, cups, jewelries and so on. Frankly speaking, some of them were things I don’t need. For instance, one of my classmates gave me a basketball.
3 . Do you prefer receiving a gift or giving a gift ?
It’s the former. I like the feeling of opening a box ,with no idea what’s inside. Usually, the gifts were the things I need, like cosmetics, nail polishes, sunglasses and scarves.
4. Who did you last give a gift to ?
One of my best friends, her name is X.X. I gave her a Barbie doll as her birthday present. I grew up with her and both of us adore Barbie doll since we were kids. She loves her and keeps her in the shelf.
雅思口语题库Part2话题范文之:interesting neighbour(有趣的邻居)
Describe an interesting neighbour of yours
You should say:
Who the person is
How did you know this person
And explain why you think this neighbour is interesting
2.主题:邻居Andrew John先生
3.故事线:50岁的Andrew John是一个爱读书的退伍军人,我们都热爱阅读,我们的关系亦师亦友,是很好的邻居。
Mr. Andrew John (...use one of your neighbour's name...) is one of the neighbours whom I like very much. Since I live in an urban area, people are close to each other and maintain a strong neighbourhood relationship, unlike the metropolitan area.
In our neighbour, we know almost each and every people living there, what they do, what are their updates, what are their profession and their overall personality and characteristics as well. Mr. John's house is adjacent to ours and I meet him almost every day. Mr. John is a retired army person who is now around 50 years old. He lives in his house alone and I have never found his relatives visiting him except some old colleagues. He stays inside his house most of the time and in the evening he sits in the veranda. He is a quiet man and likes to read a lot. I have seen him coming to live in his house almost 5-6 years ago. He bought the house from our previous neighbour.
I had had several conversations with him and I often play chess with him. I like to read as well and our reading habit was the primary reason we started liking our accompany each other. I like and admire this man very much. Though at first impression he seems to be an arrogant person, but in reality, he is an intelligent, calm, good-hearted and charming man. I have heard lots of stories from him. He has travelled to many different places and has lots of experience. Since I have become close to him, he recommends me books that I mostly enjoy reading. He advises me whenever I seek for his guidance. He is sometimes a close friend, sometimes a mentor and sometimes a guardian. I like him because of our unclaimed friendship, his personality, honesty, morality and his great mind.
地道用词the metropolitan area
be adjacent to
personality and characteristics
Though at first impression he seems to be an arrogant person, but in reality, he is an intelligent, calm, good-hearted and charming man.
I like to read as well and our reading habit was the primary reason we started liking our accompany each other.
He advises me whenever I seek for his guidance.
He is sometimes a close friend, sometimes a mentor and sometimes a guardian.
I like him because of our unclaimed friendship, his personality, honesty, morality and his great mind.
1-4月雅思口语Part2话题范文:weather you like
Describe the weather you like
What it is
What you do
What are the impacts of the weather on you
It may sound strange, but my favourite weather is when it is cloudy, windy and drizzling as it makes me feel calm and relaxed... I like such weather especially at night because I can hear the little raindrops falling and see the dew on the window, and it helps me to sleep like a baby... It is very pleasant... Also, I love foggy weather... It's very romantic and gives me a sort of feeling like I'm in an old black and white movie. However, I don't like heavy rains and downpours. And I hate when temperature goes below zero, it's too cold for me. Probably, the type of weather I like is common for the United Kingdom... But in my hometown such type of weather is very rare. Usually, we have dry and sunny days with occasional spells of rainy weather.
,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考场高分表现的6大杀招一、表述长答案的能力。我们的答案要长,就要在答案里包括丰。下面小编给大家分享雅思口语考场高分表现的6大杀招,希望能帮助到大家。 雅思口语考场高分表现的6大杀招文档下载网址链接: