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我们的答案要长,就要在答案里包括丰富的信息。今天小编给大家带来雅思口语考场高分表现的6大杀招 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



我们的答案要长,就要在答案里包括丰富的信息。简单举例,考官问“Are you working or studying?”好印象的回答必定长于“I'm studying/working。”。长答案不仅显出咱们的语言能力,也表达出我们愿意提供信息的积极态度,同时更彰显出我们的自信——只有英语好才能用英语“夸夸其谈”不是?所以,回答问题一定要长。

刚才那道必考题的回答可以参考 a。)“I'm studying, in a very beautiful school which is famous for its excellent ciriculum for accounting majors。”b。)“I'm a senior high of one of top 5 high schools in SH/BJ/GZ, but my heavy workload really puts me under quite much pressure。”或者 a。)“I work as a clerk in the largest private bank in my country。” b。)“I'm a secrectory for a large joint venture. The company is really good, but my routine bords me somehow。”请注意回答的内容褒贬皆可,只要用词造句到位,第一时间内就可以让考官眼前一亮!这需要学生在雅思口语练习中进行优秀语句的练习和创造,并通过其他的复习资料进行补充,提升自己。




数量必须有限。坊间曾有一个说法流传,说明显的长停顿超过5个的话,其它方面再好,最高也只能拿到6分。由于是坊间流传,依据和真实性自然无法考证,但还好有雅思最基本的一条原则可以参考——只要不影响交流。所以,这里和大家分享一条我和我的学生一直介绍的方法,以供参考。将自己的答案录下来,或者讲给朋友同学同伴听,看看停顿有没有明显stand out,听完之后回想一下刚刚听到的答案中“呃呃哎哎”的停顿或是“悄无声息”的沉默是不是印象最深的,如果是的话,说明咱们的停顿将会严重拉低分数,否则的话,数量还不成问题。   方式必须自然。但这“自然”是让考官听起来舒服的自然,而非我们说起来的自然。能让考官耳朵觉得自然的停顿不会引起考官耳朵的不快,自然也就不会导致考官提笔记下停顿的出没,也就减少了它们影响我们分数的可能。因此,即使咱们实在无法减少停顿,我们也可以通过“自然停顿”的方式有效地控制停顿的影响力。一些常见的自然停顿:well, so, you know, it's like.。.呵呵,不得不指出的是,这些自然停顿确实需要大量练习才能真正练到自然的哦!



Usually, boys like to play war games with model guns, shouting at and killing their enemies。


这里提到了三种语言标记,discorse markers(firstsecondthird.。.), linking phrases(on the other handfrom the above statment.。.), connectives (andbutbefore.。.)。这三种语言标记都是英语为母语的人士经常使用的,国内大多数烤鸭用得最多最自然的就是最后一种了,并列句、转折句不在话下啊!但是语义群之间的过渡连接就没有这么流畅了,原因是我们和西方人在逻辑和逻辑表达方面比较明显的差异。具体差异不在这里赘述了,就请各位烤鸭们习惯起“条条框框”来,咱们一起来做个说话的“理性人”吧。




当然,凡事都有度的问题,不过大多数烤鸭们在考试室里都很难放松到不断意识到自己的错误,所以放心大胆地去改正自己的错误吧。It'll do you good!



Talking about a X.X.X, there are a number of alternatives,but the one I’d particularly like to mention today is Bali, which is also called paradise island.

Bali is a place to the south of Indonesia which is a small island but is becoming more and more famous by its fascinating tourist attractions enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people from world at large.

Well, my summer vacation is just on August, so our family decide to spend someday there. You know, it is officially recognized as a picturesque place that you could be fooled into thinking it was a wonderland. When we got there I was totally overwhelmed by the clear sky, the incredible blue seawater, the relaxing/pleasant wave sounds and the soft sand. Everything can make us enjoyable!

As For me,I was completely crazy about this place in 7-day trip, swimming in the sea,underwater diving,eating sea food took up most of my leisure time. Plus, when I felt tired, I just wandered around the island, lay on the beach chair and breathed the sea wind.

When I came back form Bali I left all troublesome things behind me, I mean, as a college student/employee I always bear too much pressure from work or study. Through this trip, I totally loosen up and get recharged.

这样大家在准备地点类话题时就可以直接拿来套用了,譬如跟外国人的一次谈话,就可以是发生在巴厘岛的事情,问路啊,聊天啊等等。机经话题A place where you go to relax 是不是也可以是这里啊。Please describe a place you often visit一样也是巴厘岛,你可以说每年过年全家都会在这里过年,这里暖和而且适合放松啊。所以,我们用一个地方解决了好多个问题对不对。

雅思口语Part2话题范文:a quiet place

Describe a quiet place.

Where it is

How often you visit there

What you do there

And explain the reason why you like or dislike the place.


My grandfather's house is a quiet place that I visit around 2-3 times a year and like very much. This is in the village (...say a village name...). My grandfather’s house is a big house with lots of open spaces and a river is flowing nearby.

In this big house only 3-4 people and 2-3 servants live as my grandparents are no longer in this world and my uncles, aunts are mostly living in different big cities.

There are 7-8 rooms in the house and a big garden in front of the house. The servants take care of the garden and keep the place neat and clean. Since I live in a city and work for a big company where I have lots of responsibilities to perform, the city life seems very busy and even sometimes chaotic to me.

Whenever I visit my grandfather’s house, I get an impression that I have come to the most peaceful place in the world. I have not seen many places and have not travelled extensively but in my experience the peace and the mental tranquility I enjoy being here are unmatched. One of the reasons can be my childhood memories; as I have spent my childhood at this very house and whenever I go there, lots of memories flash back and give me a pleasure that I do not get from elsewhere.

I know this place from my childhood as I was born and grown up here. This place is different to me. I leave behind my busy life and come here to relax both mentally and physically. The memory of my departed grandparents, my childhood and other happy events are related to this place. I can get fresh air, meet some of my relatives, enjoy the country life and stay close to nature here and for all those reasons, I like this place very much.




