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雅思口语考试Part 1中,会进行两三个简单对话。考官们会变化两三次话题,并且这几个对话的主题互不相干,可能出现的话题更是数不胜数...下面小编就和大家分享 雅思口语如何让part1回答丰富起来,欢迎阅读!



总的来说,这部分的问题回答长度在2-3个句子为最佳。除了点头YES 摇头NO的答案之外,可通过下面方法让你的回答丰富起来:

1. 通过举例的方式进一步解释回答,说明理由, 比如:

Q: do you think that we spend too much time with computers?


A: Well, I suppose we do, because computers play an essential part in our daily lives. And I think it is ok as long as we make sure we can get enough exercise everyday as well.


2.讲述故事,可以是个人经历,有趣的事等, 比如:

Q:when did you watch your first movie in a cinema?


A: I can’t really remember,it was so long ago. But I do remember very clearly going to see the Saw. It was my first time watching a horror movie. And I was so scared that my mum had to take me out of the movie.


3. 针对问题表达个人观点, 比如:

Q: do you like shopping for clothes?


A: oh yes, I LOVE it! It’s my favorite free activity which makes me really happy especially when I finally get what I want after long expectation. Sometimes, I think I spend far too much money, though, and I ‘d spend more if I had it.



Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve.

You should say:

what it was

when you set it

what you did to achieve it

and explain how you felt about it

A goal that was particularly important to me was when I decided that I would learn to play the piano. At least I wanted to get to the level of grade 3, a level where I could play a number of pieces in front of people, and sing a little bit at the same time. I wanted to be able to perform in public, is what I am saying. That was my aim, and at grade 3 you can sort of achieve this, at least playing pieces which are not too complicated. I am not talking about playing Rachmaninov’s 4th Piano Concerto or anything like this! Anyway, so I had a teacher, and to be honest I found it really really difficult at first… well, not just at first, I found it really hard all the way along. It took me a couple of years, I went twice a week to my piano lessons, I practiced on an electronic keyboard at home, and I was pretty determined. I think the reason I eventually achieved this aim, this goal, was because I was very self-motivated. I was not doing it because of being pushed by my parents, or school teachers or anyone – I was motivated purely by my desire to be a performer – to succeed in playing to a level when I could perform in front of others and entertain them. This would be about 5 or 6 years ago now. I think it was around the summer holidays when I set this goal and made this decision for certain. When after a couple of years I passed the exam and got my results, I was really delighted. And that’s why now I am continuing to study the piano, with even more motivation, because when you achieve one step, one stage of success, you feel inspired to continue on, you feel encouraged, you feel confident and capable of doing anything! So, I felt great, yeah, and I still feel great about this!


1. Do people usually set long-term goals or short-term goals?

Some very organized people set goals for almost everything. It’s actually a really good habit. If you set goals, you are also likely to be more motivated. Everyone needs to see a ‘path before them’ and see milestones, points of achievement along the way. It’s important to set short-term goals as well as long-term goals. If you set small goals, you then become better at managing your longer term goals.

2. Why is setting goals important in the workplace?

Goal-setting is essential for getting any projects done. So, when talking about the workplace, usually we are talking about groups of people - teams. And when dealing with teams and managing projects, there need to be goals, there need to be aims, there need to be set, agreed-upon steps that everyone has a responsibility to play a role in, in order that the larger end-goal can be achieved successfully.

3. What’s the difference between goals set by old people and young people?

Emmm I’m not really sure actually. In some ways there is no difference, it doesn’t really depend on the age of the people, but the type of person and the nature of what they seek to achieve. But, one difference might be that older people do have different types of duties and responsibilities and aims in life, so they are likely to have different goals and perhaps different ways of try to reach those goals. Young people’s goals are more related to examinations, study achievements and work achievements. Older people’s goals might be more family oriented or perhaps hobby oriented. To make a generalization, I guess that’s the best way to answer that question!


Describe a successful small company.

You should say:

what it is

what it is like

how you knew it

and explain how you feel about it

The small company I would like to talk about is a business that my friend Gareth started. It’s a consulting company that helps to manage the marketing information and data for other large companies. The company also builds websites and helps to create marketing materials for companies. It’s a small company but fairly successful because it has a stable number of regular clients as well as all sorts of little side projects. There’s about 10 people in the office and the company culture is warm, friendly and energetic. I first heard about it because Gareth is my friend and he talked a lot about it as he was establishing the company, hiring employees and renovating the new office. Actually, I helped him out quite a bit at first and enjoyed watching Gareth’s idea and hard work because a successful and interesting business. I feel great to have been involved in it, and although I am now living in another city, I often talk to Gareth and he tells me about how the company is going, and shares his latest ideas with me.


1. Which would you prefer to work for, a family-run firm or bigger national company?

I’d prefer to work for a smaller family-run company. Although, in some ways they are not as prestigious, I actually think that smaller companies can offer more interesting and exciting experiences. You end doing a wider range of tasks and feeling a bit closer to the owners and managers of the company. There is a level of flexibility and warmth that you don’t really get in huge companies.

2. What are important factors in making a company successful?

There are a number of key factors that contribute to making a company successful. Firstly I think the owners, the founders or main managers need to have a sense of vision, a strong self-confidence and an ambitious personality. I also think that a company needs the right kind of employees. The managers need to have a good sense of who and who not to recruit. They also need to treat the employees well, give them fair salaries and other benefits and holidays that will ensure they will be loyal to the company and work as hard as possible.

3. What kinds of qualities should a successful businessman have?

A successful business person should, to be honest, be quite assertive, quite dominant in some ways, and know how to talk to a variety of people in the right ways. There are moments to be very dogmatic and firm, there are moments to be soft and diplomatic – a good business person should be able to gauge the different situations and adopt the correct attitude to suit what is best for the company. Being decisive is another quality that is important in a business person who wants to succeed and do well. Sometimes you have to make decisions, the best decisions possible, in a very short time – so being able to think fast, evaluate things quickly and be decisive, is very important.

4. What emerging industries do you know about at the moment?

The biggest industry that I know about right now is probably the technology field, especially AI … artificial intelligence. A lot of money is being invested in optimizing AI technology and using it in all number of different ways. Some people say that within just a decade computers will be doing most of the jobs which humans are doing today. I’m not sure if this will really happen, but it’s certainly an interesting thing to consider. Secondly, a fairly new industry is the development of renewable energy resources. Although people have been researching this for decades, it is only recently that there has been more of a drive to create alternative forms of energy and there have been some significant breakthroughs in solar power and electric and hybrid vehicles.



