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  在下列每组单词中, 有一个单词的划线部分与其它单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。

  () 1. A. knowledge B. snow C. own D. low

  ( ) 2. A. hear B. ear C. heard D. dear

  ( ) 3. A. cheap B. children C. reach D. machine

  ( ) 4. A. walked B. heated C. stopped D. passed

  ( ) 5. A. any B. matter C. happy D. carry

  二. 词汇与语法知识(共15小题,每题1.5分,共22.5分)

  6.Sandy could do nothing but ___ to his teacher that he was wrong.

  A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit

  7.The person ___ of the factory has ___ ill since last week.

  A. in charge, been B. in the charge, fallen

  C. taking charge, fallen D. in charge, fell

  8.The boy was so ___ about the pandas in the zoo that he stayed there the whole afternoon.

  A. nervous B. eager C. anxious D. curious

  9.Please ___ up this chair for me. It’s really comfortable to sit on.

  A. put B. hand C. fix D. shut

  10. She was frightened and, ___ what was wrong with him, at once rang up the doctor.

  A. knowing not B. not know

  C. didn’t know D. not knowing11. Readers can ______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

  A. get over B. get along C. get in D. get through

  12.___ we shall raise ducks or geese remains to be decided.

  A. That B. If C. Whether D. Where

  13.All ___ is needed is a supply of oil.

  A. the thing B. which C. what D. that

  14.. How long ___ to finish the work?

  A. you’ll take B. will take you C. you’ll take it I D. will it take you

  15. He thanked me for what my son _____ .

  A. didB. had doneC. does D. has done

  16. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she ____.

  A. will arrive B. arrives

  C. is going to arrive D. is arriving

  17. The story ______, and everybody knows about it.

  A has got round B got round C was got round D has been got round

  18. In China,___bicycle is___popular means of transportation(交通).

  A.a;不填 B.the; a C.the; the D.a; the

  19.The price of vegetables is_____than before.

  A.much cheaper B.still dearer C.even higher D.a lot more expensive

  20. —— How about the price of these refrigerators?

  —— They’re equal in price to, if not cheaper than,___ at the other stores.

  A. others B. it C. that D. the ones三.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  The Middleton Bank was robbed,and Detective Paul Nichols was sent for.The bank 21 said,“The robber had a long and ugly 22 on his right cheek.”It happened that the man came into the bank and stood in line with the other customers.When he reached the window,however,he 23 the bank clerk a piece of paper,saying,“Do not say anything or 24 anything.I have a gun and will use it if I have to.Put four thousand dollars in a(an) 25 and hand it to me.”Realizing he was not joking,the bank clerk did exactly as the robber wished.The man walked out of the bank, and no one realized what had happened,not even the lady standing behind him.

  A thorough search was made, 26 no such a person with an ugly scar was 27 .

  “I can't understand how he could get 28 so rapidly,”Detective Nichols told his 29 Nancy that evening.“We questioned 30 inside and outside the bank.No one saw a man with a scar on his 31 .”Nancy Nichols was a very 32 woman.Her husband liked to discuss his 33 with her because of this.

  She enjoyed helping solve a case.While her husband was 34 a program on TV,Nancy sat drinking coffee in 35 .“Why should the robber want the bank clerk to 36 the scar?”She said to herself.“He should have wanted to 37 it.”

  Nancy rose from her seat,and went over to turn off the TV.She let her husband know what she had come up with.

  Five minutes later,Paul was in his car,hurrying to the 38 station.Another 39 was organized.

  The robber was caught within twenty-four hours.The man had been a(an) 40 ,and knew how to disguise(伪装)himself.

  21.A.leader B.guard C. clerk D.director

  22.A.bite B.hole C.birthmark D.scar

  23.A.handed B.read C.wrote D.printed

  24.A.do B.see C.hear D.touch

  25.A.car B.envelope C.box D.lorry

  26.A.and B.but C.because D.so

  27.A.killed B.heard C.found D.invited

  28.A.out B.up C.in D.away

  29.A.wife B.daughter C.sister D.workmate

  30.A.no one B.nobody C.everyone D.somebody

  31.A.leg B.face C.arm D.back

  32.A.beautiful B.ugly C.polite D.practical

  33.A.studies B.family affairs

  C.personal affairs D.family plans

  34.A.watching B.hearing C.looking for D.listening to

  35.A.anger B.surprise C.danger D.silence

  36.A. see B.feel C.make D.cover

  37.A.wipe B.clean C.hide D.find

  38.A.railway B.police C.radio D.bus

  39. A. meeting B. search C. discussion D. group

  40.A.farmer B.inventor C.traveler D.actor 四. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题3分,满分45分)


  Houston, Texas (June8,2002)---In 2004, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) will send two robots to separate place of Mars to seek out past or present signs of water. It is an exciting idea to send two robots driving over very different places of Mars at the same time, to be able to see what is on the other side of the hill.

  Last month, NASA announced it was sending one robot to Mars, but after two weeks, it decided there was enough money for two. The robots will be sent up within two weeks of each other in May and June of 2002 from Kennedy Space Center. If all goes will, the two spacecraft will touch down on Mars, after a seven-and-a-half-month space flight, on January 2 and 20, 2004.

  The robots, each weighing 150 kilograms, can cover 100 meters per day. They are designed to be able to examine the mineral content of the soil, and their special camera will be under control from Earth, the robots are able to move more freely compared to those sent up before them.

  The actual landing points have not been determined yet, but the scientists say it will be in areas where they hope to find water.

  41.According to the news report, scientists plan to send robots up to Mars to _____.

  A. find out whether there is water on Mars B. see if robots can find minerals there

  C. test how fast robots can drive there D. prove that robots can work on Mars

  42. How long in between will the two robots be sent to Mars?

  A. 1 year. B. 7.5 months. C. 2 months. D. 2 weeks.

  43. One of the important jobs for the robots on Mars is to _____.

  A. study the soil B. walk everywhere C. test the new camera

  D. find a suitable landing point

  44. We can infer from the last sentence that scientists_____.

  A. have changed the landing points many times

  B. hope to land the robots on the surface of water

  C. are still working on the plan

  D. know where they can find waterB

  Lillian Beard whistled and smiled while she worked. “Why are you so happy?”her co-workers asked her.

  “Last week I got my income tax refund,”Lillian answered.“This morning I went to the bank and cashed the check. I have $ 462 in my pocket. I’m thinking about the money. How will I spend it?”

  After work, Lillian came home and decided to wash come clothes. She looked at the jeans she was wearing. They were dirty, so they put them in the washing machine, too. Ten minutes later she thought, “The money! It’s in the pocket of my jeans!”Lillian ran to the washing machine and took out the jeans. The money was still in the pocket, but it was wet. Lillian put the money on the kitchen table.

  A few hours later the money was still wet. “Hmmm,”Lillian thought.“How can I dry this money?”Then Lillian had an idea. She could dry the money in her microwave oven! Lillian put the money in the microwave, set the timer for five minutes, and left the kitchen.

  When Lillian came back a few minutes later, she saw a fire in the microwave. She opened the oven door, blew out the fire, and looked at her money. The money was burned.

  The next day Lillian took the burned money to the bank. A teller at the bank told her, “If I can see the numbers on the burned bills, I can give new money.”Unfortunately, the teller found numbers on only a few bills. The teller took those bills and gave Lillian $ 17.

  A newspaper reporter heard about the burned money. He wrote a story about Lillian for the newspaper. Several people read the story and called the newspaper. “Tell Mr. Beard to send the burned money to the US Department of Treasury,”the people said. “Maybe she can get her money back.”

  Every year about 30,000 people send damaged money to the Treasury Department. Experts there look carefully at the damaged money. Sometimes they can give people new money for the damaged money. Once a farmer’s cow ate-his money ––– thousands of dollars. The farmer killed the cow and sent the cow’s stomach, with the money inside, to the Treasury Department. The experts gave the farmer new money.

  Lillian sent her money to the Treasury Department. The experts looked at Lillian’s burned money and sent her a check for $ 231. What did Lillian buy with the money? She didn’t buy anything. She gave the $ 231 to friends who needed money. Lillian said, “When I burned the $ 462, I thought, ‘Well, my money is gone.’”The check for $ 231 was a big surprise. I decided to give the money to my friends. Money is important, but people are more important to me.

  45. Where does Lillian’s $ 462 come from?

  A. Her salary B. Her bonus(奖金)

  C. She picked up on her way home D. Tax which has been overcharged

  46. How did Lillian dry the money?

  A. By blowing B. By putting it in the sun

  C. By drying it in microwave D. By putting on the table

  47. How did Lillian know she could send her money to the Treasury Department?

  A. Her bank told her. B. People from the newspaper

  C. A friend phoned her. D. She thought out herself.

  48. Lillian gave her money to ________.

  A. her mother B. her friends

  C. Treasure Department D. farmerC

  Your mobile phone rings, and instead of the usual electronic signals, it’s playing your favorite music. A friend sends your favorite song to cheer you up. One day, a record company might forward new records and music videos to your phone.

  The mobile business is getting into the music business. For the moment, the interest is in pleasant ring tones, but some companies are hoping to take full advantage of the next generation of mobile phones ― all – purpose gadgets(小玩意儿)that blend phone, personal stereo, video player and Internet browser into one.

  Finally, record companies might send new records and videos to fans who register(注册)their cell phone numbers.

  The fans could pass music or songs along to friends― a kind of musical trading card. Unlike Internet tracks, mobile downloads would be easy for record companies to control, said former record industry official Ralph Simon, who is now chairman of Yourmobile, based in Santa Monic, California.

  “If you pass a song along to other phones through a network, each phone can be charged,” said Simon. “It’s like going through a toll gate(收费站). There’s more possibility for copyright control than there is on the Internet.”

  Massachusetts – Based Converse is offering a service in Portugal and the Netherlands that lets people record tunes on their voice mail or send music as presents to friends. Finally, people might be able to sing karaoke and pass them along. The company is sure that people will want to use music to reach out and touch someone.

  “A mobile phone is not a listening machine, and you’ll be disappointed if you think you can change it to a radio,” said Ohad Ouziel, a creative manager for Converse in Israel. “But if someone sends you a phone while you’re on vacation, you appreciate the feedling.”

  49. The underlined word “blend” in the second paragraph most probably means________.

  A. send B. become C. mix D. compare

  50. “Massachusetts – based Converse”in the sixth paragraph probably refers to_________.

  A. a person B. a city in Israel C. a state of the USA D. a company

  51. Record companies __________ the idea of passing songs and music along mobile phones.

  A. are worried about B. are interested in C. try hard to stop D. take no notice of

  52. According to Ralph Simon it would be easier to _________ through mobile phone network than through the Internet.

  A. protect copyright of music works B. send personal messages

  C. pass along songs and music D. send voice mailD

  Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes into touch with them. Their values ― this can not be repeated too often ― aren’t necessarily our values. Physical comfort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most important things. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a room with rotten food covered by small worms, and an old person lying alone on bed, taking no notice of the worms. But is it interrupting personal freedom to insist that they go to live with some of their relatives so that they might be taken better care of? Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we’re in danger of carrying this idea of personal freedom to the point where serious risk(冒险)are being taken with the health and safety of the old.

  Indeed, the old can be easily hurt or harmed. The old is like a car; it needs more mechanical repair as it gets older. You can carry this comparison right through to provision of spare parts. But never forget that such operations are painful experiences, however good the results are. And at what point should you stop to treat the old body? Is it morally right to try to push off death by continuing the development of medicine to excite the forgetful old mind and to make the old body active, knowing that it is designed to die? You cannot ask doctors or scientists to decide, because so long as they can see the technical chances, they will feel it necessary to give them a try, by the rule that while there’s life, there’s a hope.

  Talking to the old, however, you’re forced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or health than it does on your ability to have fun.

  53. After reading the paragraph, we can learn that__________.

  A. very old people enjoy living with their relatives

  B. social services have nothing to do with very old people

  C. very old people are able to keep their living places very clean

  D. old people enjoy living alone so as to have more personal freedom

  54. Some social workers think that__________.

  A. old people should keep their living places clean

  B. one should not take risk dealing with old people

  C. health and safety are more important than personal freedom

  D. personal freedom is more important health and safety

  55. The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to________.

  A. your talk to the old people

  B. one’s memory or health

  C. the conclusion you’ve come to

  D. whether age is happy or unpleasant 五. 补全对话( 共五句;每句为3分,共15分)


  Jane 与朋友到餐馆用餐,服务员询问吃什么以及要不要喝点什么,Jane 一一回答,并问有什么特色菜。

  Waiter: Good morning, Madam. How many persons are there in your party?

  Jane: Three. 1 for three by the window?

  Waiter: No problem. There is one over there. 2 to have?

  Jane: We’d like three sandwiches, some vegetables and soup.

  Waiter: 3 to start off with?

  Jane: Yes, that’s a good idea. Red wine, please.

  Waiter: 4 ?

  Jane: No, not yet. One of our friends hasn’t arrived.What special do you have tonight?

  Waiter: French steak. It’s very nice.

  Jane: It sounds good. OK, 5 . 六. 书面表达(共30分)




  2.在职业学校(business school)学习两年。

  3.学习酒店管理(hotel keeping)、打字和公关(public relations)。


  1—5 ACDBA

  6—10 AACCD 11—15BCDDB 16—20 BABCD

  完形填空:21—25CDAAB 26—30BCDAC 31--35 BDCAD 36--40 ACBBD

  阅读理解:41—44 ADAC 45—48 DCBB49—52CDBA 53—55 DCC

  补全对话:1. Could we have a table

  2. What would you like?

  3. Would you like some wine

  4. Can we serve now?

  5. We’ll take it


  Dear gentleman,

  I wish to apply for the position advertised in yesterday’s China Daily. I feel that I can meet the needs of your company. I’m 22 years of age. After graduating from a senior middle school, I took a two-year course in a business school, studying hotel keeping, typewriting and public relations. I’m good at both operating PC and the English language in listening and speaking. I’m interested in secretarial work.

  I think I have the ability to do the work well and I’m fit for the job. I want very much to be accepted by your company. I’ll work hard if I can work in your company.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Xin



