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It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?



Population ageing has emerged as a global phenomenon in the wake of the now virtually universal decline in fertility and increases in life expectancy. Many countries are confronted with new demographic realities that spread from the cities to the villages. In my opinion, more problems than benefits will surface with this trend.   Admittedly, older people often have time to offer for the benefit of family and the community. Nowadays, the young tend to rely on the older generation for household chores. It is also reported that time devoted to voluntary work and care is at its height within the age groups over 55. Such devotion adds greatly to the community well-being, if not to the GDP.


Population ageing, however, brings about serious economic and social problems. When the number of workers decreases, the national income goes down. At the same time, as a person's use of health services increases significantly in the later years of their life, an ageing population causes a relative rise in the public resources required for pensions, health and residential care outlays. Moreover, with an ageing population, the problems associated with the "sandwich generation", people who have both children and parents to look after, have gained increasing prominence. Members of this "in-between" generation are often torn between the needs of raising children, caring for ageing parents and job responsibilities.   To sum up, population ageing is an inevitable prospect, the negative effects of which outweigh the positive. As ageing is a normal part of lifecycle for human beings, we must recognize its challenges to our life and society, and work on effective strategies to minimize its adverse influences.




News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Nowadays, the expanding influence of news media on the society has been a heated social issue in debate. Some believe this trend is negative because the media controls minds of the public. personally, I partially agree with this view, and my reasons will be explored as below.


The most worrying aspect of new media is that it overwhelms people’s daily lives. Actually, our lives of today are news-oriented, because of the 24-hour nonstop news cycles on TV, radio and Internet. Under such news bombardment, the information overload takes place, which means people’s attentions and minds have to be glued to focusing on and interpreting endless news, comments, gossips and rumors, necessary and unnecessary, no matter where they are, in workplaces, schools, buses or homes. As a result, news media is a huge distraction, which makes people exhausted and reduces their concentration and energy on their tasks or families.


Another big concern of news media is about its roles in manipulating people’s thoughts. Psychologically speaking, watching news media is a strong process of washing brain, in which the personal judgments of individual viewers might be removed and replaced with the media-established ideas. For example, for the purpose of politics, many influential newspapers, TV programs and online websites disclose the foibles of privacy, and even deliberately fabricate false rumors, scandals to diminish some political candidates in an election. Obviously, the cheatings and lies on news media are detrimental to the social equity and democracy, because they keep voters from thinking freely and independently.


However, the positive impact news media bring to our lives can never be ignored. In fact, the exposure to these news and reports can give the audience valuable messages and suggestions in day-to-day life. For example, the information about forecasts of weather and traffic situations in rush hours on regional newspapers or radio channels can instruct local residents to make proper schedules, plans and routers for travelling outside. In addition, reports about pressing social problems like epidemics, natural disasters, violence and crimes in streets also help to arouse the public’s awareness of the importance of improving education and health care systems, as well as the necessity of saving environment.


In conclusion, the demerits caused by news media override its benefits for the public. Although it can provide useful and practical information to the audience, it influences people in more negative ways, including an unbalanced life due to addiction in news, as well as the misunderstanding about social issues.



一. 雅思写作评分标准对语法的要求

我们在上文中说到的雅思写作评分标准的最后一项是Grammatical Range & Accuracy,这是什么意思呢?先来说Grammatical Range,也就是语法应用的宽泛度,也就是我们通常说的语法使用的多样性,另外一个Grammatical Accuracy很好理解,就是语法的准确性。那么针对这样的要求应该如何备考呢?小站雅思君建议大家系统地学习一本语法教材,初级语法书够用,中级语法书更好。系统学习完成以后还不够,这只是达到了解的程度。想要达到准确运用的境界还要练习。练习是不能拿写作来直接练的,建议先练语法题确保语法知识完全掌握,然后再尝试在写作中运用各种语法。

二. 雅思写作评分标准对词汇的要求

雅思写作评分标准第三点是Lexical Resource。这个评分标准也不用过多解释,就是考察大家的词汇量和对词汇的运用。针对这个评分标准应该如何备考呢?首先是扩充词汇量。写作词汇和阅读听力对于词汇的掌握要求不同,听力只要听音知意即可,阅读只要看到认识即可,但是写作涉及的词汇不但要认识,还要掌握用法,能够熟练运用。那么什么样的词汇是我们所熟知的呢?打个比方,当我们要去形容一个漂亮杯子的时候,我们在脑海中会浮现出诸如beautiful、nice等词汇,但是却想不到delicate、gorgeous等词汇,虽然这两个词一看到也都认识。那么beautiful、nice就属于我们我们能拿出来应用的词汇范畴,而delicate、gorgeous则属于看到认识系列。大家要到这一点要求就要扩充自己能够熟练运用的词汇,这样在写作中才能拓宽用词范围。

三. 雅思写作评分标准对结构的要求

我们在第一段中说到的雅思写作评分标准Coherence and Cohesion指的是文章的连贯和衔接。如何达到这一标准呢?大家要在写作中注意文章的结构和逻辑。如何将一篇文章很好地串联地一起?如何能让自己文章的逻辑性更强?小站雅思君建议大家在平时写作的时候注意一下文章的结构,多积累逻辑词。可以参看一些写作范文,学习文章结构和逻辑,积累写作方法和对逻辑词的运用。

四. 雅思写作评分标准对审题的要求

最后,我来说说上文中提到的雅思写作评分标准的第一点:Task Response。这个评分标准的意思是对写作任务的回应。如何才能有效回应写作任务?首先一点是切题。雅思写作分为大小两篇作文,小作文多是图表题,此时要做到切题只需要找到关键信息,清晰阐述即可;大作文要求考生根据某一个话题阐述自己的观点,此时要做到切题必需审清题目再下笔,建议先审题再列提纲再写作。


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