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托福独立写作常见话题拓展思路讲解, 个人类主题写法指点,今天小编给大家带来了托福独立写作常见话题拓展思路讲解,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福独立写作常见话题拓展思路讲解 个人类主题写法指点


从个人individual的角度讲,托福独立写作可能会向我们提问以下4个方面。第一个是campus life就是学校的生活学校的教育; 第二个leisure life就是在课下课外我们休闲娱乐方式; 第三个就是social life我们交朋友和自己的家人沟通;以及最后还有,当我们长大了成人还会遇到professional life.而根据数据统计,托福考试每年的独立写作话题中,有60%左右的话题都是在针对个人而言的,因此个人类话题需要大家重点准备。


campus life考最多的是选课,该不该学基础经济学,该不该学历史,该不该让孩子添加field trip就是外出活动,这些都是经常会考的选课类的题目。还有问孩子该不该在课外的时候有leisure life,比如宠物类话题:说宠物是教会责任感的最好办法,说宠物可以教给孩子很多道理;再比如运动,运动教会生活道理,问你同不同意。另外还有传媒类话题:媒体对青少年是利大于弊、还是弊大于利,以及看电影该看什么样的电影,这些都属于在校内和校外的生活,其实语料要准备起来是很相似的。

social life交友类内容,比方说聪明的朋友和有趣的朋友你选哪一个。再比方说三选一题目:选朋友,三个朋友里头你挑哪个;是旅行交友好还是参加运动队好,还是参加社区劳动好;三选一的交友题都是在谈论的是 social life(sociallize) 。和家人的关系方面就会问:是不是应该让兄弟姐妹来带小孩,还是应该让父母来带小孩。这都是和别人在沟通在互动。这样相关语料你会发现,不必相似。

在四个生活类题目中professional life比重会大一些。这是关于工作,成功、品质。比方说“一个领导最重要的品质就是沟通能力”,或是“领导到底是应该做决定很迅猛还是应该有耐心的想想再说”,这些都是关于人的important value;和工作方式相关的也有,选择两个计划哪个好,是务实的好还是挑战的好;做事的方式是应该一下子把事情都做,还是分开了慢慢做。像这些都是成人之后进入工作之后,你在处理问题的时候要思考的。

所以大家在进行语料分析的时候,四种生活其实就是校园的、校外的、娱乐和家人相关的。这些都是平时on a daily basis每天都去输入的语料。每天不求多,每天十个,慢慢背,背下来两个月后你再写文章,感觉就不一样,这是语料它的神奇之处。

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:spend time on school studies or playing


Should young children spend most of their time on school studies or playing?

Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?


两种观点都有些极端。先比较两种观点,然后选择一个折衷的立场。早上学的好处和坏处:好处是很多提前上学的孩子显得聪明,对付学习显得游刃有余(be more than equal to a task; accomplish a task with ease)。完成formal education的时候比别人年轻,有更多的选择余地。坏处是,经常挨欺负(be bullied; be treated rough)。早熟(precocious),可能会有副作用(negative effects)。晚上学的好处和坏处:实际上并不吃亏;学习好坏不见得一定跟上学早晚有必然的联系(positive connection)。坏处是,家长如果引导不好,不利于智力发育(development of child's intelligence)。立场:不见得一定要尽早上学;孩子确实应该多花一些时间去玩。但是应该正确引导,因为玩也分为好多种,玩棋牌游戏显然比玩泥巴(play with mud)要有益得多。


Some people believe that it is important for children to begin their education at a very early age, and spend most of their time on academic studies. Others believe that children should spend their time playing instead of studying. To understand the logic behind these two views, we must compare their advantages and disadvantages. If a child spends all of his/her time studying, he/she will advance quickly in school. He/she will learn things early in life that other children, who spent their time playing, will not learn until they are at least a few years older. This child will learn the value of education early on, and will be able to impress his/her parents with his/her knowledge, therefore gaining self-confidence and motivation. If a child spends most of his time playing, he/she will not learn about mathematics and science, but he/she will learn another important skill: socialization. When children spend their time playing together, they learn how to interact with others. They learn how to share things, and how to settle a disagreement amicably. Children can also increase their motor skills if they spend their time playing games that involve hand-eye coordination. Both of these perspectives have valid points. However, I think it is best to try and combine playing with learning. If children can learn about the basics of academics in a fun and playful environment, they are likely to become more interested in it. A very young child has no interest in studying, and I believe that adults must allow children to have fun. Otherwise, the children will grow up to be uncaring, antisocial adults. This does not mean, however, that education is not important. I feel that there is a right time to introduce studying and academia to children, and this time is not when they are very young. It is better to wait until the children are at least five or six year old before trying to get them to study.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:things young people can teach older people


Is there anything that young people can teach older people?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.




It has been a common conception that young people have nothing of value to teach their elders I firmly disagree with this statement, and posit that in fact, the opposite is true. Young people have a plethora of information to teach old people. One of the advantages of being young is having a different perspective on life than one's seniors. Young people have not been influenced by nearly as many people as an old person, and therefore, their thoughts and ideas are more their own. An older person can learn from these new ideas, and once again, see the world with the freshness and fascination of a young person. Also, young people tend to embark on all of their projects with a kind of intensity and perseverance. This quality can sometimes be lost as one gets older. After spending time with a young person, an old person tends to gain back some of this vitality. For example, I have seen many older people who did not live their lives to the fullest. However, with the addition of a grand-daughter or a grandson, they regained much of their youthfulness. In my opinion, this was fully due to their seeing the vitality in the young, and learning from it. Finally, young people tend to enjoy experimenting when they are working on a project. Older people are usually set in their ways, and will continue doing a chore one way, even if it is not the best way. Young people can offer insight into new methods of doing even the simplest tasks and often will think up new systems that do not occur to the elderly. In conclusion, I think older people can learn much from the future generations. Of course, this is not to say that young people cannot learn from their elders. The educational process does not only work one way through generation gaps.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:required to study art and music


Should all students be required to study art and music in secondary school?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.


尽管All是绝对修饰词,不过要注意,是secondary school(中学)。所以,不妨同意。因为仍然处于义务教育 (compulsory education)阶段。学习音乐艺术也是一种很好的休息,对所有的人都有好处。而且学科之间是相通的(interrelated; interlinked),审美观念( aesthetic standards)的塑造对每个人、每种职业都很重要。另外这样也可以提高国民整体的文化素质 (审美方法 aesthetic approach; 审美观念 aesthetic standards; 审美教育 aesthetic education; 审美模式 aesthetic model; 审美能力 aesthetic judgment; 审美学 aesthetics; 审美意识 aesthetic consciousness)


The authorities at secondary schools must make very important decisions regarding what will be considered to be the required curriculum for their students. I believe that art and music should be part of this required curriculum. Studying art and music makes a person more diverse and thoughtful. When one studies art and music, one is exposed to many different cultures and points of view. It allows the audience to perceive the world through a different set of eyes. It is also an excellent way to spark interest in other cultures and diverse ways of life. This promotes understanding and tolerance of others. It is also a porthole to peer into areas of many cultures, including one's own, that one would not readily have access to. This includes everything from social life to metaphysics to philosophy, etc. Furthermore, these subjects give the students an outlet for expressing their turbulent emotions during puberty.Art and music are also an excellent way to express emotions. In ancient times, many a troubled man turned to brush work or Chinese classical music to work out difficulties with life. Students of today's modern world have similar issues with life, and need an outlet to express these. Art and music, in any form, can assist one in dealing with personal issues. In addition, viewing art and listening to music are excellent ways to relax. When I am stressed because of life, one of my favorite activities is painting while listening to my preferred music. I find this activity to be very soothing and calming. Looking at works of art can have a similar effect, and when one understands the philosophy behind the work, it is that much more beneficial.Therefore, I believe that studying art and music in secondary school can be nothing but beneficial for the students. I would encourage all school districts to make these subjects part of their required curriculums.


