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托福写作和雅思写作有哪些区别?各方面差异不同逐个分析数。今天小编给大家带来了 托福写作和雅思写作有哪些区别,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。





新托福考试在写作的考试形式上则略有不同。从议论文角度来讲,它要求考生在30分钟内完成一篇至少300个词的文章。这个“30分钟”的要求是不可变的。也就是说,考生即使在第一部分的综合写作任务中没有用满规定的20分钟时间来完成,那节省下来的时间也不可能被叠加到第二个部分的独立写作任务,也就是议论文的写作中去。所以单从考试时间和字数要求上来看,似乎新托福要比雅思更严格一些。但是,在分析了新托福满分范文后却发现,很多文章都没有达到 300个词的最少字数,却一样得到了满分。可见,新托福可能更注重议论的方式和语言的质量,而不是一味在字数上做文章。另外,新托福写作考试的两个部分满分均为5分,考生最后的得分是平均了这两个写作任务的得分后得出的。而目前考生对综合写作任务的掌握情况比较陌生和不适应。相反,对于议论的逻辑和方式则比较能够掌握,所以,新托福的教师和考生至少在这两个任务上要花相同的精力去应对。甚至,在综合技能写作上花的时间要更多一些。


值得一提的是,新托福考试的宗旨是最大程度模拟考生在海外学习过程中会遇到的情境(Academic Settings),因此采用的是电脑键盘输入的方式。这一方式对于考生来说既有优点又有缺点。优点是:因为考官在评分过程中会考虑到考生写的议论文是第一稿,所以很多小的拼写错误,甚至是不影响理解的语法错误都不会导致考生直接失分。而缺点为:很多考生因为不熟悉键盘输入的方法或者盲打的方法而导致在考试中遭遇表达障碍。



In an effort to encourage ecologicallysustainable forestry practices, an international organization started issuingcertifications to wood companies that meet high ecological standards by onserving resources and recycling materials. Companies that receive thiscertification can attract customers by advertising their product as Ecocertified. Around the world, many wood companies have adopted new, ecologicallyfriendly practices in order to receive Eco certification. However, it is unlikelythat wood companies in the United Stated will do the same, for several reasons.


First, American consumers are exposed to somuch advertising that they would not value or even pay attention to the Ecocertification label. Because so many mediocre products are labeled “new” or“improved,” American consumers do not place much trust in advertising claims ingeneral.


Second, Eco certified wood will be moreexpensive than uncertified wood because in order to earn Eco certification, awood company must pay to have its business examined by a certification Agency.This additional cost gets passed on to consumers – American consumers tend tobe strongly motivated by price, and therefore they are likely to choose cheaperuncertified wood products. Accordingly, American wood companies will prefer tokeep their prices low rather than obtain Eco certification.


Third, although some people claim that italways makes good business sense for American companies to keep up with thedevelopments in the rest of the world, this argument is not convincing.Pursuing certification would make sense for American wood companies only ifthey marketed most of their products abroad. But that is not the case –American wood businesses sell most of their products in the United States,catering to a very large customer base that is satisfied with themerchandise.



- Main point: 环保认证对于美国木材公司意义不大

- Sub point 1:美国消费者对于广告上的环保认证并不信任

- Sub point 2:环保认证会提高产品价格,而美国的消费者对于价格敏感

- Sub point 3:这项认证只对海外市场有效,而美国木材公司的市场主要在国内

托福写作解析:Children and sports


Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


优点:对身体健康有好处;有助于培养与人和睦相处的能力;缺点:耽误学习,instant pleasure costs long-term benefits.







Children and sports

Currently some young children spend a great amount of their time in practicing sports. Most parents feel quite happy because sports are good for their kids' development and team work spirit,however they are quite worried about some negative effects such as practicing sports occupies too much time, distracts their attentions on school work and loses certain interests on other activities. In my opinion, everything has its good side and bad side. The important thing is to handle it properly.

Admittedly, practicing sports can help children's physical development, which makes them grow faster and stronger than before. As we know, during children's development periods, especially from 10 to 16 years old, sports are really helpful for children to develop. Sports can create a strong body that reduces the possibility of contracting some diseases easily. Definitely we believe that children benefit from sports.

Another good thing is that sports teach us to learn how to corporate with other members in a team. Most sports are team work. If we want to play them well, we must master some skills to care about what our team members are thinking and how to adapt each other to achieve a common goal. Sports are not an individual activity, it needs corporation and mutual understanding. This is not easy to master. Of course, for parents they are delightful to see their children to get this skill from sports.




1.attending a one-week orientation orintroduction program when you are in the university campus, and it will beginbefore you have the classes;

2.meeting regularly in your first yearwith a student in your major field who has entered the university for severalyears.






in order to make freshmen adapt to college life, which one is more helpful?

1.take part in the orientation program for a week;

2.meet regularly with seniors in the same major



选择二:1. 学长学姐们对环境更熟悉,可以有针对性地给新生提出生活方面的指导和建议2.定期见面可以及时了解问题,解决问题


Key sentences:

1. Seniors are more familiar with the surroundings and thus more likely to provide useful advice for them.

2. The problems freshmen are faced with can be tackled effectively and timely through regular meeting.

Certainly, the orientation program can promote the establishment of close relationship among freshmen.

key words & phrase

be beneficial / conducive to, Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions

and avoid unfavorable ones, Take the essence and discard the dregs.


现在的很多大学为了让学生尽早适应校园生活采取了 很多种方法如果你是即将入学的一名大学生你认为下列的哪种方式最为合适。

1. attending a one-week orientation or introduction program when you are in the university campus, and it will begin before you have the classes.

2. Meeting regularly at your first year with a student in your major field who has entered the university for several years.


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★ 雅思口语5分和6分到底有什么区别


