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例如,英美人对landlord和peasant两词的理解与中国人截然不同。英美人对前者的理解首先是“房东”,然后才是“地主”;而peasant一词对他们来说意味着“粗俗”与“无知”,此词多少带有贬义色彩。再如propaganda一词在中国并不带有西方人所理解的贬意;而First lady (夫人)绝不能理解为汉语的原配夫人,因此在写作中应特别注意这类词,否则会导致冒犯和误解。由于东西方社会历史文化的差异,许多词所引申或代表的内容也大相径庭,Phoenix在西方象征“复活”、“再生”,而汉语的这一词却表示“祥瑞”。Peach在汉语中象征“长寿”而在英语中却用以指代“特别讨人喜爱的人或物”。又比如在表示色彩的词中green是青春的颜色,常表示希望、活力,但在英语中green又与“妒忌” (to be green with envy,green-eyed)和“没有经验的”(a green horn)联系起来。如果没有广泛的阅读积累,养成经常查字典的良好习惯,单凭想当然地选词,势必会词不达意。即使同一事物,在美国和英国也可能有不同的表达。例如:corn一词在美国指“玉米”而在英国泛指“谷物”;“地铁”在英国用tube或underground美国则用subway。此类的例子还有pavement/sidewalk, Chemists‘ shop/drug store等。


由于历史的原因,现代英语除本族语外,还包括大量的法语和拉丁来源的饲,这就使英语的同义词相当丰富。总的来讲,英语本族语大多是短词,小词,听起来朴素)亲切,大量用于口头表达:法语来源的词庄重文雅,多与行政、宗教、军事、服饰等有关;拉丁来源的词,书卷味浓, 如ask,question,inter-rogate这三个不同来源的同义词在不同的主题、对象、情景下用法就不一样。同义词除了来源的不同会影响措词的选择外,它们在程度、感情色彩上也有不同。比如“瘦”可以用slender,slim,lean, thin,underweight,gaunt, lanky,skinny等来表达,而sleder表示“苗条”是褒义的,skinny却是贬义的,underweight则是中性的词。即使同是褒义词,表达的感情色彩也不同。比如little和petite两个同义词当用来描绘女子时,都意为“个子小”的,但petite同时还有“匀称”的意义,而little更强调“可爱的”或“可怜的”,根据不同的上下文,它还有“http://toefl.533.com纤小”、“娇小”或“弱小”等不同意义。因此在选词表达思想时,一定要分清主题,对象及情景。

另外,让中国学生头痛的是一些同义词的习惯搭配。比如large和big都指“大”,但large通常用来修饰诸如number,amount及quantity(a large number of students,a large amount of money,a large quantity of wine,etc)。但象“勇气”,“信心”,”能力”、“智慧”等表示个人素质的名词,人们通常用呷碰而不用big或large来修饰。由此可见,在英语写作实践中,区分同义词的用法是相当重要的。


不是所有的英语词汇都有相应的汉语表达,一些不同的英语词汇也有可能用同样的汉语来表达,这就使我们在用英语来表达思想对面临更多选择上的困难。比如family和home两词都可译成汉语的“家”,但它们却不是同义词。Family主要指家庭成员,与人有关,而home主要指所居住的地点、住宅。Except和besides有时都译成同样的汉语“除了”,但他们的意思却是相反的。因此我们不能依赖于单纯的汉语译意。否则我们可能会被误导。尽管许多英语对应的汉语词汇都能表达它们真正的意思,但往往有些英语词汇没有准确的汉语对应词;所以只有在不同的上下文中才能确定它们真正的意思,比如send一词,如果单把它理解成汉语的“送”的话,象这样的句子“她送信给我”也许会被写成she sent me the letter.而英语准确的表达应是she brought me the letter.再如“他将送朋友去机场”,如果写成He will send his friend to the airpot。就又错了。正确的表达应该是He will go to the airpot with his friend to see him off. 实际上send sth to a place 应该是请别人送去,自己不去。因此,要确定我们所选的词是否准确、恰当,单凭查词典还不行。



At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make this decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.


We can never over emphasize the importance of campus life during which people mature intellectually and psychologically. It is a university’s unshakable responsibility to provide qualified education and various facilities. For a university to function well, there must be effective and reasonable rules regulating behaviors of both students and staffs. In my mind, it is students, but not experts, who should be responsible for the making of rules.

Admittedly, inviting professional and experienced experts to make rules is an easy solution for universities to effectively manage students and staffs. Given years of work experience, experts not only understand students’ needs and preferences, but also know well how to help students regulate behaviors, such as cultivating good habits, managing time and having healthy diets. For example, to encourage students to have enough time to sleep, experts usually require libraries to close at 10 o’clock; also, to help students keep healthy, they demand dining halls to provide nutritious food, such as organic vegetables and fruits.

However, it is actually difficult for experts to truly think from students’ perspective, so some of their rules may be not appropriate. On the contrary, students, though inexperienced, deserve the right to make rules for themselves and the opportunity to improve their abilities to manage. To begin with, it is students who study and live on campus that can enact rules flexible and reasonable enough to help students improve efficiency in both study and social activities. However, experts, as observers of students, may be unavoidably theoretical. For instance, during exam weeks, it is inconvenient to close libraries at 10 o’clock, as many students need more time and a quiet place to finish their assignments and prepare for exams, which is usually ignored by experts.

Secondly, it is also universities’ duty to help students learn self-management and leadership by giving them the right to enact rules for all students on campus. Undoubtedly, student government ought to take the responsibility to collect students’ opinions from polls, negotiate with students having different requirements, and finally introduce rules that can be respected and observed by all. Since these are rules made by students themselves, there is no reason to complain and violate. Moreover, this is a rare opportunity for members of student government to enhance leadership and management capability. Though the process will be surely time consuming and even arouse various problems, it is worthy given the huge benefits to students.

To sum up, endowing students the right to make rules for themselves is a better option for universities to accommodate students’ needs and help them grow up.



2.政府 & 科技(太空探索,理论研究)

3.现代媒介 vs传统媒介





Cutting edge technology 尖端技术

Technological innovations/inventions/advances/progressions 技术创新和进步


Augment/enhance/boost efficiency/productivity

Liberate accountants from repetitive and complex calculations that are Time-consuming and exhausting


Information regarding(concerning/pertaining to) any area can be immediately accessible

Easily obtain/attain/access information


Facilitate communication /transcend geographical barrier

Communicate on a global scale/across the globe


Facilitate people’s daily commuting

Multiple household appliances (air-conditioners---enjoy comfortable lives without worrying about whether it is hot,cold or rainy outside; refrigerators preserve food for longer ; vacuum cleaners--energy-saving & time-saving)


Spice up/enrich people’s life

Leisure time

Listening to music, surfing the internet or watching digital movies


CT-scans and B-type ultrasound scans aid doctors in diagnosing illness for patients

With the invention of certain targeted vaccines, people finally put an end to rampant epidemics/eliminate deadly diseases.



Abuse of industrial chemicals has caused irreversible consequences

Increasing automobiles bring about air pollution


Ethnic problems caused by cloning human beings


Violate/intrude on/infringe on one’s privacy

Infected by viruses & attacked by hackers


Overexposure to...

Socially isolated

Impede/hinder communication


Double-edged sword 双刃剑

Advantage/merit/strength/benefit 优点

Disadvantage/demerit/weakness/defect/drawback/shortcoming 缺点

(Far) outweigh/overshadow/outshine 大于


Inspire/stimulate/nurture/attract scientific minds

Turn out to be fruitful much later

Exert far-reaching/profound effect/impact



Disseminate information

Keep in touch with/reconnect with old friends

Bridge previously insurmountable physical distances

Promote public participation and civic engagement

Objective, unbiased and truthful reporting

Inform people with updated news


The validity of this information cannot always be verified

Misleading, misrepresented, distorted news


