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关于托福独立写作开头段的要求,大家可能都认为只要能够概括一下作文题目并提出自己的观点就算达成了考试要求。殊不知官方指南OG中其实还有一条要求,那就是It makes the reader want to read the essay. 用中文来说,就是要让读者感兴趣想读下去,这里的读者当然指的就是评分官。如果只是按照高分套路的各种官方非官方模板来写开头段,那么哪怕这个开头段写得再为规范标准,恐怕也难逃一个平淡无味的评价,毕竟大家都是这么写的,固定的套路看上千百遍可读性和阅读兴趣可想而知。因此,考生在练习托福独立写作时,也需要重视开头段的可读性和趣味性,从读者角度出发提升开头段的吸引力。



1. 戏剧化的开头段

大家可以发现,一些优秀的文学作品,其整篇文章的开头段都是很有特色的。比如名著《傲慢与偏见》的开头It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.就显得很有趣味性,用一条看似公认的真理瞬间就提升起了读者兴趣。这种写法其实颇有些类似如今网络资讯中常见的“震惊”系标题的意思,这样的写法思路考生就可以参考一下。比如,作文题目讨论的是teamwork,那么大家就可以结合近些年比较流行的超级英雄题材电影,来上这么一句:There are no superheroes in the real world. 之后再展开并亮出观点。这样的写法就颇有戏剧性,同时也能够满足开头段功能型上的要求。

2. 引用名人名言

另一种能够有效提升读者兴趣的开头段写法是在开头就引用一句名人名言。对于评分官来说,看多了大家在文章当中引用名人名言来进行论证,但在开头段就读到名人名言,这样的体验想必还是比较新奇独特的,阅读兴趣也会得到提升。比如讨论教育类的话题,那么曼德拉的那句名言Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.就可以在开头段直接亮出来。之后无论自己给出怎样的观点其实都能够符合要求。这种写法不仅能提升可读性,而且也有很高的适用性,涉及不同话题的题目只需要各准备一个关联性较强的名人名言句子就可以了,也是比较推荐的一种开头段写法。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the characteristics of successful leaders is their sense of responsibility in accepting their mistakes.


Undoubtedly, successful leaders may have various kinds of characteristics, such as honesty and loyalty. However, some people wonder if the sense of responsibility in accepting their mistakes is the characteristic they possess. I believe that successful leaders’ capability is great enough that they can handle the consequences of their mistakes, especially when considering the power they hold and the knowledge they possess.

Firstly, these leaders have great influence on society. This influence can help them resolve the very problem they cause. For example, the leaders in the government passed a policy of printing more currency for our country three years ago. After this policy was enforced, it had a significant impact on our society. Frankly, our society has experienced great inflation and the value of our money has depreciated greatly. One noticeable consequence is that the price of various products has increased largely. When the leaders in the government learned the destructive results of their policy, they took action to resolve the issue. Now the negative impact of this policy is all but extinct. Using this example we can see that leaders have the power to solve their own mistakes.

Further, these leaders have the wisdom to solve the errors they commit. Generally, such leaders all have a strong background in academics. Consequently, they are very likely to provide efficient solutions for their mistakes. For example, Andrew, the CEO of Siemens Cooperation, graduated with a Computer science degree from MIT. He designed a new office system for auto-management. In this system, some bugs were not discovered before implementation. Three months ago, he discovered the bugs. Now, he has proposed an efficient solution to eliminate the damage, which may have been inflicted by the bugs. With education in computer science, he was able to resolve the problems completely. Thus, it can be inferred that leaders in business can often find a solution for their problems. Further, it reveals that they can be responsible for their mistakes.

Admittedly, the mistakes caused by these leaders initially seem irrevocable. Sometimes, these mistakes might have already imposed tremendous influence on the public. However, leaders can still try their best to protect people from further harms. Only through admitting and correcting their mistakes timely can they maintain their success and win their reputation back.

In a nutshell, due to their abilities as leaders and their superior education, I believe that these successful leaders can be responsible for the mistakes they commit.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for more people now than in the past to get an education.


The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen the development and advancement of many fields and areas of society. Education is an area that has developed tremendously in the past hundred years. The rise of the middle class, the standardization of education, and the opening of many more schools has made it possible for more people now than in the past to get an education.

In China specifically, education reform began with the opening up and reform period of the 1980’s. During this time China also opened up its economy and changed from a state run economy to a market economy. A market economy in China has made it possible for the development of the middle class. Historically throughout the world, education belonged to the social elites. People from the lower class, which always outnumbered the upper class, did not have the money or resources to become educated. The middle class is a group of people who are not necessarily the elites of society, but have the money to pay for education. Since the 1980’s, the middle class has been rapidly growing, increasing ten-fold the number of children who have the opportunity to get an education.

With the rise of the middle class, also comes an increase in pressure on the government. Since more people can afford education, more pressure is put on the government to provide teachers and schools for the children of the middle class. The government is then spurred into action to increase funding and resources for education nationwide. This has then prompted the opening of schools in many areas beyond the major cities and the training of many new teachers. More teachers and more schools mean that more people will be educated.

The government’s attention on education has helped with the standardization of education in China. This standardization has created nationwide tests that have made it so that every student, no matter his or her background or hometown, has the opportunity to attend high school and apply for college. Not only do more students have the opportunity to attend school, but they also have the opportunity to continue their education further than previous generations.

The rise of the middle class, the increased involvement of the government, and the standardization of education has made it so that more people, now than ever, have the opportunity to become educated.


