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谈到美国文化,人们首先想到的是可能是美剧,好莱坞,汉堡薯条,NBA,NFL,苹果等等。当然不可否认,美国正通过娱乐,体育,餐饮,高科技等渠道向全世界辐射其文化。但如果透过这些表象去窥探其深层的内涵,那么我们就会看到包容,开明的思想自始至终都是这个国度最为闪耀标志。这一标志集中体现在其三权(Executive, Legislative, Judicial) 分立的政府结构,民主共和两党,与参众两院的政体之中。是的,“二”在美国文化中是一个受欢迎的数字,因为 “Two is simply more than one”。虽然说“二”,或更准确的说是“二元性”,并不一定能够包含世上所有的人群,观点,思想与方式,当这确实是最接近普世价值与本质的实用模型。对于GRE写作,一个核心的思想就是 “two-way thinking”,也就是一分为二的分析方法,这种思想强调竞争与冲突,是一种动态的平衡,也是激励人们不断挑战自我的最为有效的机制。


很多GRE写作的题目都是美国社会的缩影,如Argument的内容也时常涉及普通人的生活。像 movie theater 中的 video arcade (电子游戏机),all female (如Wheaton College,原先为女校)/coeducation,保健食品连锁店(其原型为GNC),Jazz Club (其实个人经验认为在美国不主流)等等。虽说我们在写作中主要是在质疑其推理过程与结论的合理性,但这些素材包括其结论通常都反映了美国社会的客观事实。在Argument的题库中,有一类非常独特的问题是跟赚钱相关 (profit, profitable, profitability),也就是公司怎样才能盈利。我们知道美国文化是典型的重商主义的文化,基本上一切事情都是以是否能赚钱作为评判标准的。美国人很会赚钱,而且不需要用到地沟油。这就是为什么世界上最成功的商业咨询公司都来自美国,而在这些公司中,segmentation(细分)是比较核心的思想,这也与Issue写作中的分类讨论的分析思想高度吻合的。

除此之外,GRE写作处处反映了美国的主流文化与思维方式。当然,ETS设计的GRE考试并不是要你 “Don’t fight, just accept.”,而是希望听到你独特的声音。因此,希望大家能以更加积极的心态去备考,并把这种思想延伸到今后的生活中去。


Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.



The proposition asserts that the laws and the legal system cannot resolve many problems problem of the modern society since moral behavior cannot be legislated. In my point of view, I fundamentally agree with the speaker, as discussed below.

First of all, I concede that the laws and the legal system are essential to the modern society and they can resolve many problems. Common sense tells us that everyone has his own position and behavior, depending on their beliefs, experiences, knowledge, professions and emotional concern.However, we cannot simply let everyone do everything that he or she wants, since this will lead to mess and may harm the stability of the society. Thus, the government has to announce the laws and build a just legal system to restrict the citizens. Only by doing this, can the society get to a balance and harmonious status? For instance, the industrial factories want to expel the polluted water into the river without making it clean. If there is not a law or a legal system to restrict the factories from expelling the polluted water, the poisoned water may get into the river, even the sea. This will be really harmful. It may firstly kill the animals living in the river, it may also further harm the human beings if they have drunk the water or eaten the polluted fish. It may bring damage to the environment as well. Considering this, we have to establish laws to prevent the factories from expelling polluted water and other detriments. From this case, we can see how important laws and legal systems are.

However, we have to admit that the laws and the legal systems cannot resolve many problems in the modern society as well, such as the usage of euthanasia, the homosexual marriage. When the Watson and Crick found the double-helix structure of the gene and the scientists further found the way to clone. It brings many social problems that the laws and legal systems cannot resolve. Should the scientists clone human beings? If yes, then what is the relationship between the two? Do the cloned people have the same right with the other human being or even whether they are human beings or not? Though the legal systems in many countries ban the scientists from cloning people, some scientists still do this secretly. All these questions cannot simply be resolved by the laws as it is related to the morality.

Additionally, the laws can not involve the moral behavior. If the laws consider the moral behaviors too much, it will lose justice. Nevertheless, only considering the laws without morals may cause mistake. For instance, in India, their law is statutes given by the government and the judge can only his judges on the bases of the existing laws. Once, a mother in India killed her son,who is a murderer and did lots of bad things. The police in India tried to catch him for years without any result. He committed so many crimes that even death cannot atone for the offence.His mother knows that her son will kill many more people if she does not kill him. Thus, when her son came back to see her one day, she killed him with the poison. In this case, to kill the mother is probably not the best choice, since this may make people think that being just is wrong. But according to the present law, the judger had to sentenced the mother to death, and this brought a widely debate thought out the country.

Further, only the morality can make people to understand what is right and what is wrong, and to restrict people with morality will be a good way. Under the pressure of laws and legal systems,many people just do the bad thing secretly because they do not know that they are wrong. And many people may even think that the laws are wrong and disobey or even resist the law. They may commit crimes again after they are punished. Only when a people have known the morality and find the right measurement to distinguish right and wrong, they can find their mistakes and become a better person. A statistics involving many prisons in China find that the prisoners who learn morality and know their mistakes have a much lower rate of committing crime again.

In the final analysis, we can see that the laws and legal system cannot resolve all the problems in the society and therefore we should agree with the author.



When famous people give their opinions, many people listen. Should we pay attention to those remarks?

When Tom Cruise once appeared in a TV program, he was too excited so he jumped up and down the couch. Later “jump the couch” was adopted in the American dictionary for slang. This is a bit exaggerating, but it definitely reflects the fact that when famous people give their opinions, many people listen. But, should we pay attention to these remarks or actions?

Firstly, famous people are “famous”, for they have one or few aspects that exceed common people. Like Albert Einstein once said, “I think and think for months, for years, ninety-nine times the conclusion false, but the hundredth time I am right.” As a brilliant scientist, he speaks of the right attitudes towards science and inspires countless people to fight for the truth. Hollywood actors or actresses, they may talk about their dressing styles or skin cares on magazine. These are all advice that we might as well take, for real life is not just serious academic things but also the satisfaction of living.

But the point is that, celebrities are not perfect role models for the public. Once I heard a story about Einstein, saying that he nearly got into the water when he once harassed a young lady and got refused when they were in a boat in a park. Is Einstein evil somehow? No! He’s just being human. Then is it wrong to harass ladies? Yes. But all humans make mistakes. Celebrities are experts in certain areas but not all. In some other fields, they should even learn from us.

Generally, there are two extremes when talking about celebrities: the public are either too critical or too superstitious. Objectively, both of the attitudes are unnecessary. As a Chinese saying which generalizes this situation the best goes: to take in the good, while to get rid of the bad.


