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制定复习计划时应该尽量细致一些,在全局观的基础下定好每个礼拜的大致任务,明白自己要在这段准备时间里做些什么。下面小编就和大家分享制定雅思写作一周复习计划 ,来欣赏一下吧。


第一, 花一两周时间明确写作的要求,这样打草稿写框架时根基才不会歪。一般你可以先找到一个核心观点,然后再把小论点放进去;当你能够熟练列出它们后,再去提高它们的质量,将家国文化之类的思想注入其中。另外还要多读几篇范文,搞懂论点和论点之间的逻辑结构和连接词使用,知道那些总分结构和对比结构等等,从最开始就学习好的榜样。

第二, 基础打好后,每周都要坚持研究1-2个大作文的出题领域,并且做好积累。雅思写作的分类很广,从环境、科技到教育、政策等等,即使你是大学生也不一定能说的头头是道。当然这不是让你去背诵很多专业知识,而是尽量熟悉可能写到的专题和领域,记忆一些热词和高级替换的用法。等到各个专题都扫过一遍,你就能整理出一大堆各有指向性的词伙词组,构建起有说服力的论点论据。

第三, 在每周研究专题的基础上,写3篇以上的大作文。一开始可以不计时,60分钟以内写完即可,后期再逐渐提高要求。找到小站雅思上的写作机经专题,选中某一题进行独立创作,再去批改,看看自己的词组、句式、观点和范文有什么差距。每周的写作可以和研究的专题相关,但没准备过的题目也可以挑战一下,模拟考试时的压力。此外一定不能中途休息,否则你对题目的记忆和背过的高级词汇很可能会溜走,细水长流才是最稳妥的。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so.

Model Answer:

The issue about whether children should help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so is open for debate. Some people say that children should devote more time for playing with their friends, watching TV and studying. However, other people believe that children should help their parents with household tasks. Personally, for several reasons, which I will explain bellow, I adhere to the latter point of view.

First of all, I think that every child should have his or her own responsibilities. When I was a child my parents taught me how to make breakfast in the morning. So, I woke up, went to the kitchen and prepared a couple of toasts for breakfast. It was easy and I enjoyed doing it because I liked the way my parents thanked me and I felt that they were proud of me. Also, my mom always wanted me to know how to cook, clean and iron my cloth. Thanks to the learning, nowadays, when my maid can not come to my house I handle all household tasks myself.

Second of all, performing household tasks teaches children to value the job of people who did it. When I was a child I did not imagine that cleaning house could be so time and energy consuming. So, when I began to do some of the household tasks by myself I began to respect the job of others and tryed to collect all my toys after my playing with them.

Finally, doing household tasks teaches children to arrange their time. In addition to those practical benefits, help from children allows parents to have more spare time for their personal lives and for the children. A family can have more time to spend with each other talking, watching movies or just enjoying the beautiful moments.

To sum up, I think that children should help their parents with household tasks. Doing household tasks helps them to grow into independent, self-confident, and attentive persons who respect their parents.


It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city.

Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer:

Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. However, other people think that a big city gives more opportunities and it is good for the long run. Personally, for several reasons I think that it is better for children's health to grow up in the country.

First of all, it is very important for a child to grow up in a healthy environment. Children need fresh air, not polluted by the huge amount of cars and factories of the modern city. In the country they can spend more time exercising and walking with their friends. Scientists say that now children spend the same amount of time watching TV as they do at school. Probably, the possibility to join their friends for a play will change this proportion. Another important aspect of this is that parents will have more time to spend with their children as a result of eliminating traffic jams and decreasing driving time as a whole.

From the other side, children have some advantages living in a big city. For example, they have more opportunities to choose from what they want to do. They can choose to attend ballet school, school of art, gymnastics, etc. For the long run, it is good for them. They will be better prepared for a live in a "real world" and they will have more chances to make a good career and succeed. Moreover, a big city usually has many entertaining centers with movie theatres and play stations. When I was a child I liked to go to the movie theatre with my parents to watch a premiere.

One more reason to choose a big city for a child is that a city provides better live conditions and services such as medical, dental, etc. My friend lived in the country for a while and one time he and his family had to drive a couple of hours to the nearest medical center when his child got a heavy cough.

To summarize, I agree with those people who want to raise their children in a city. The plenty of opportunities offered by a city helps children to find what they really like and be the best at it. Moreover, despite the air pollution, children get a better medical service that is good for their health.


