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People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on individuals and society as a whole?










1.1 使用互联网成本大大降低

1.2 网络设备普及率大大增加(手机,智能家居,智能手表等)

1.3 各行各业都鼓励使用互联网完成交易

2.1 信息被银行,保险,信用卡等收集

2.2 国家个人征信系统也逐步完善

3.1 被允许的企业和商家是可以调用个人信用记录作为判断标准

3.2 商家和企业本身也是网络上产生信息的节点

4.1 个人身份验证可以通过照片上传至网络来完成

4.2 网络摄像头也取代面对面核实

4.3 更多有照片和摄像功能的设备连接互联网后,就成为实时的验证身份的工具



最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a plant in your country

You should say

- what the plant is

- where it is grown

- why you like or dislike it

- and explain why it is important to your country.


I would like to describe about Fat Choy which is a plant grown in the deserts in the northern part of China. You may link up Fat Choy with the famous Chinese Greetings "Kung Hei Fat Choy" when you heard about it at the first time. Yes, they are pronounce in the same way in Chinese. It is black in color and looks like vermicelli when it is soaked with water.

Fat Choy is used in some Chinese Recipes and the dishes are quite popular during Chinese New Year. People like to have some dishes which relates to rich and wealth at the beginning of a year. Thanks to its name pronouncing similar to Kung Hei Fat Choi, Fat Choi is always in great demand. Interesting enough, nutritionists examine Fat Choy and confirm that it has no nutrition value at all, although they are loved by the Chinese people.

I personally like the plant. But I don't like to have it in my dishes. Fat Choy is important to northern part of China, not because of its name relating to wealth, but its unique function in the wild to anchor the sand in desert. Over harvesting of Fay Choy has already brought a disaster consequence of worsening the desertification of northern part of China.

To make things worst, Fat Choy is a plant in the wild and planting it artificially is difficult. It could only be grown in the dessert with some other specific environmental factors. Fat Choy is now in extinction. I personally like this plant very much because of its strong characteristic, uniqueness and usefulness. And I would like to take any chance to advocate protection of Fay Choy within and outside China. It is already good to greet your friend with "Kung Hei Fat Choy" during Chinese New Year and you can leave Fay Choy in the dessert.

最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a piece of clothing you like wearing

You should say

- what the item of clothing is

- where and when you bought it

- when you wear it

- and explain why you like wearing it.


I’m not really that into clothes. I do try and look fairly smart but I’m not that bothered by my personal appearance and the clothes I’m wearing. But I will tell about my favourite article of clothing – my leather jacket. That is by some distance my favourite piece of clothing.

It’s a fairly normal or regular leather jacket. The one unusual feature I suppose is that it has white stripes down the sleeves. It’s also quite well-worn by now because I’ve had it some time and I tend to wear throughout the winter months. In fact it’s got quite a few little tears where it’s caught on sharp objects. I still love it though and I don’t mind at all that it looks rather second-hand.

I bought it at least 5 years ago now. It came from one of those big department stores and not a specialist leather shop. My old coat was very shabby and I was told by my girlfriend that I definitely needed to buy another one – I think she was embarrassed to be seen with me.

So I went out by myself. I think it must have been sometime in January when the New Year sales were on. My girlfriend wanted to come with me and help me choose something smart but I said I would do it by myself. We shop in very different ways. She always wants to try everything on and can spend hours buying nothing. My approach is quite different. If I see something that I like and it fits I buy it. She might be two hours in a shop while I normally only take 15 minutes.

Anyway I saw this jacket and I thought that it looked really cool. I had always secretly wanted a leather jacket and because the sales were on and it was reduced by 50% I just bought it. My girlfriend was really shocked when she saw what I had bought.

I like it because it’s different – it;’s just not like any other clothes I have in my wardrobe.

最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a kind of foreign food you have had

You should say:

When you had it

Where you ate it

What it was

and how did you feel about it


Ok then, I'm going to describe a foreign food I'd like to try, and when I was preparing what to say just now, the first dish that popped into my head was Indian curry, so that's what I've decided to talk about.

As for where you can get this dish, well, apart from obviously going to India to eat it, there are, as far as I know, a number of Indian restaurants dotted around my hometown which serve curry, although for some reason, I haven't got around to going to any yet; maybe it's because there are so many decent restaurants here in Hangzhou!

Anyway, moving on to how I know about this dish, well to be honest with you, I'm not all that sure how I got to know about Indian curry, but I guess it's kind of been a mixture of hearing about it from people, and reading about it in various books and magazines. In fact, I remember reading, only a few weeks ago, a review in the local paper about a recently-opened Indian curry house which apparently does really authentic Indian curry, so I can't wait to check it out sometime!

And finally, if there's still time, with regards to why I would like to try this dish, well thinking about it, I would say that one of the main reasons would be that I haven't actually tried it before, which I admit is a little surprising, seeing as most people my age have probably tried it at some stage or other. And as for other reasons, well I suppose I should also mention the fact that I'm a huge fan of spicy stuff, and if Thai curry is anything to go by, I reckon I would really like the taste of Indian curry, as I'm sure they're not that different.

So yeah, I guess that's pretty much everything there is to say, so thanks very much for listening.



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