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雅思口语Part 1部分目前更新了6个话题,分别是colors(色彩),photos(照片),sunglasses(太阳镜),movies(电影),weather(天气)及shoes(鞋子),这些话题基本都非常日常化,并不难表述,考生们甚至可以用一段话将这6个话题串联起来。


雅思口语part 1注意事项

整个雅思口语part 1受雅思口语变题季的影响很小,本身口语part1话题难度不大,都是偏日常的口语话题,考生们都有话可说,所以完全不必太过紧张。



比如:天气(weather)这个话题,考官问:Which months have the best weather in your country(你们国家最宜人的天气在那几个月?)考生:好吧,根据不同的经纬度其实我们国家的天气是很不同的,并没有最宜人的天气之说,不过我觉得我比较喜欢南方的9月,晴空万里……考生为了炫耀自己会经纬度,故意用一个强调句It is quite different that the changeable weather in our country according to the latitude, different 和changeable其实表达的是一个意思,而且这句话强调并没有什么特别的意义,反倒给考官的感觉是,这考生是在强调啥?我只是想知道对他来说哪个季节更舒服而已。我当然知道经纬度不同,天气不同啦,我问的不是气候climate.

建议考生如果真的要“炫技”,留给part 2, part 2中可以多用3-4个复杂句。当然,复杂句用得要恰当好处,这个留到下面说。很多考试机构的老师只交给学生很多语法和长难句,却忘了提醒考生如何在恰当的场合恰当的使用,于是很多国内的考生的口语表现就留给口语考官一种:啰嗦又说不到重点的感觉。

雅思口语part2部分目前更新了5个话题,分别是:Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time(一个单身人士的业余活动);Describe an experience that you were scared(某次被吓到的经历);Describe a television program/ film that made you laugh(让你笑惨了的电视节目或电影);Describe a book you have recently read(最近在读哪本书),Describe a law/rule that you think is good(一条好的法律或规则)。

Part 2的话题难度瞬间就提升了一个level了,很多考生如果事前没有一定的储备,确实很难在口语考试给定的30秒-1分钟内想出2分钟的内容,更别提话题内容能够出彩了。这时候口语题库的重要性就出来了。



雅思口语part 2注意事项:


关于卡壳了怎么办。讲真,考试难免紧张,考生们未必真的是背诵模板,但是卡壳之后一定不要长时间停顿,费力翻白眼回忆下一句该怎么说。根据你的表现,考官内心一定会判定你是在背模板。这时候,你可以用oh, let me see……, frankly, I think that would be a long story, so I almost forgot some parts of details……I have no idea about that, maybe……使用这些过渡句一方面可以缓解紧张情绪,一方面也给你回忆接下来的内容有一个缓冲。



1. Do you like to watch movies or TV shows that make people laugh?

Yes, I like comedy a lot. I watch comedy series online most evenings. Actually, because I am trying to improve my English I frequently watch American TV series like Friends and The Big Bang Theory. I love these kind of comedies and when I watch them I try to write down new words and expressions and look them up in the dictionary online after each episode. I think this is a good method of learning actually, especially if you are trying, for example, to raise your IELTS speaking score from a 6 to a 7 – which is difficult – you have to expose yourself to more authentic native speaker language – so it’s a good idea to develop a habit, alongside of your studies, not instead of, of watching TV shows in the native language on a regular basis. Turn on the subtitles in English as well, because this really helps your mind to catch some of the words and phrases that people might say very quickly or not so clearly.

2. Do you usually make your friends laugh?

Yes, my friends think I’ve got a good sense of humour, actually. I make them laugh often. However, I’m not good at telling jokes – I’m better at telling amusing stories of things I’ve seen and heard or that have happened to me in daily life. I think it’s important to make people laugh, and it helps to create friendships and encourage people to look at life positively.

3. Have you laughed recently? Why?

Yes, I’ve laughed quite a lot recently. I’ve had some bad times and good times recently and I believe that the best way to keep feeling good is to see the humour in daily life. This is usually my way to make myself and my friends and family feel better – to look on the bright side and see the humour in life. Also, recently I’ve been to a few parties and celebrations and these are events in which people tend to have a good time, make each other laugh and tell stories and so on. So, I’d say I’ve laughed quite a lot recently, although there have been some serious things on my mind as well.

2020年9-12月雅思口语part1答案解析:Famous people

1. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?

Well, I think in a way it’s the price you pay for being a celebrity. If you’re a famous movie star, I think it’s probably relatively easy to stay out of the limelight unless you want to be the centre of attention. Other so-called celebrities seem to me to be completely devoid of talent, though. They are only famous for ‘being famous’!

2. Do you want to be a superstar?

Not really. I like to go outside without worrying about paparazzi -photographers taking pictures of me. Having fans is nice, but I like to keep my life nice and simple and I like privacy and personal space.

3. Do you want to be famous in the future?

I admittedly envy the wealthy life of celebrities. However, I realize that their lives are too hectic and very public. I am a very private person and I never want my private life to be exposed to strangers. I guess, it is better to be an ordinary person than a celebrity. At least I can enjoy going anywhere and doing anything I love without being conscious of what other people will say or being secretly filmed.

4. Is there a film star you like best?

Actually I wouldn’t say that I have one particular favourite, and if I’m completely honest I’d have to say that I don’t really pay much attention to film stars’ names or who they are and that kind of thing. I just like watching good films I’m not really bothered about who the actors or actresses are.



