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托福口语前两题为独立口语题,也是我们通常说的Task1和Task2,这两道题需要大家根据问题发散思维去回答,今天小编给大家带来托福口语Task1和Task2做题技巧实例解析 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。




1、Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important to you.

2、Some universities require students to participate in community service activities. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having such a policy? Include details and examples in your explanation.


1、Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important to you.

The object that is special for me is the book Harry potter one. I cherish it very much for the following several reasons. First, it is a present that my mother gave to me as my eleventh birthday gift. Second, after reading this book, I found books are actually amazing; the plots in it are quite impressive. And then, I developed an interest in reading books. I really appreciate that the book brings me to this fantastic world. Finally, by talking about the book, I meet so many friends that have the common interest of me. Therefore, this book is truly special for me, I'll cherish it forever.

分析:首先明确指出了书的名字:Harry potter one. 开门见山。很多时候中国考生说话喜欢兜圈子,话说了好多,但还没有说到要点。这是不对的,美国人的思维是看门见山,直截了当的说出自己的观点。接下来,采用了First, Second, Finally这样的词汇来阐述自己的观点,这样可以让听者很清晰的把握内容的脉络,很具有条理性。而且在论证的过程中还才采用了大量的细节描述,after reading this book, I found books are actually amazing; the plots in it are quite impressive. And then, I developed an interest in reading books. I really appreciate that the book brings me to this fantastic world. 使回答的内容更具有了说服力,内容完成,回答缜密。

2、Some universities require students to participate in community service activities. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having such a policy? Include details and examples in your explanation.

There are both advantages and disadvantages of a policy that requires students to participate in community service activities. One of the advantages is that it might help students understand the importance of good will and charity. Another advantage is that it will help students understand other people better. The most important advantage of such a policy is that it will help bridge gaps between different age, class, and ethnic groups. Some people might also argue that there are some drawbacks to having such a policy. One of those disadvantages might be that forcing people to do things they don't want to do usually has some kind of consequence. Furthermore, when people are receiving help from others, they usually give their trust to their helpers; if the volunteers don't want to be there, it might prevent some people from helping.

分析:总体来看,内容完整,条理清晰,很自然的就能从回答中获得所需要的信息。先说出了问题的优势,再指出劣势。而且关系一层层的递进,例如:One of the advantages, Another advantage, The most important advantage. 这样读下来,可以轻松的知道优势在哪。 同样,在说劣势的时候,也采用了这种形式:One of those disadvantages, Furthermore. 论证的时候能通过举例,细节描述去证明观点: Furthermore, when people are receiving help from others, they usually give their trust to their helpers; if the volunteers don't want to be there, it might prevent some people from helping. 这样是内容更加丰满了。在提出一个观点的时候,一般来说至少要用2个以上的论据去支撑自己的论点,否则就会显得太单薄,缺乏感染力和说服力,也会造成让人觉得口语水平不高等这样的弊端。所以一定要用细节来充实内容。

上面是就第一和第二两题的一些阐述。老生常谈,说到口语,自然会联想到语音语调等。这是口语的基础,也是一个人的 “门面”。在刚听到口语的时候,第一印象就是语音,标准的发音,适中的语速会给人留下好的印象。所以在发音方面一定要注意,可以跟读磁带或者多与外国人交流,潜移默化中,发音就会被纠正的。再加上把握住上面提到的一些回答的技巧,相信可以使口语水平有一个质的飞跃的!





What's the biggestproblem during the course of studying as a student? How do you usually dealwith it?

Task 1.

What do you think is the biggest challenge for a student when they study and how to solve that challenge.



Sample response:

Well, totell you truth, as a student, my biggest problem should be having too muchhomework to do and having no time for myown hobbies. Especially when I entered the senior high school, nearly every dayI am overwhelmed in piles of papers and exercises in order to get a good gradein the College Entrance Exam. My holidays and weekends are always spent ingoing back and forth to the various tutoring classes. As you know, there’s notime left for me to do anything I like, such as painting and sightseeing. But Inever complain about my life. In my opinion, everyone meets difficulties andfrustrations in his or her life. We should take an active attitude towards thehardship and say “It is verygood”, because we seize the opportunity to trainourselves. When finding someone in trouble, we should say with concern “Do you have any difficulty? Let me help youout!”


Personally, the biggest challenge for a student is that they might not be able to find time to relax and unwind. You know, students are constantly overwhelmed with lots of assignments, like doing group project, writing papers, or staying up late to prepare for exams. Well, I think they should set up a timetable and use the time efficiently. Actually, they should follow the fixed schedule and prioritize the task, what I mean is that they should do the most important things first, and then finish the less important ones.



1. Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby help him spend his weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.


Question: One of your friends is usually exhausted for his work. What suggestions will you give to him if he wants to cultivate some personal interests?



Well, I would like to give him advice from several aspects.

Firstly, he could be stressed mentally to some extend. I may suggest him to go for a walk after work everyday before going to finish or prepare stuff as often to refresh his mind, like pressing the reset button on him.

Secondly, his daily routine could be a factor that causes his exhaustion after or during work. I would more likely to accompany him to workout in a gym to see if he can strengthen his muscle groups to be resistant to his painstaking job.


Personally, I suggest him or her play group sports, cuz there are actually lots of benefits, to begin with, one can stretch his or her body, and that is very good to one's cardiovascular system, and it is a great way to relax and have fun. By playing sports, one can develop the coordination of different parts of the body and be athletic. Additionally, one can socialize with their peers and make new friends. One can also learn the importance of cooperation and responsibility when playing team sports, they can struggle together for a common goal.



