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Part I问题:Why did you choose to study that subject?

针对这个问题,可能你知道用"the reason why I…is that…"这个句型来回答。但在作答时,基本上都会忽略所提出问题的时态,而用一般现在时来回答:The reason why I choose to study this subject is that I am interested in learning it at that time。

很显然,正确的回答应该把句中的choose变为chose,is变为was,am也要相应的变成was: 如:The reason why I chose to study this subject was that I was interested in learning it at that time.

易错2:there be句型与have/has混杂使用

这一问题的出现,要归罪于现在完成时的there be句型,如There has been a big change in my hometown.有许多考生在记住这个句子之后在想表示"有"这个谓语动词的时候都,往往会把there be与have/has同时出现在一句话中,而句子的含义并非想表达现在完成时。

如:There have many wild animals in my country.

而正确的说法为There are many wild animals in my country.

或My country has many wild animals.


形容词变比较级与最高级的变化规则:只有三个音节以上(含三个音节)的形容词才需要加more或the most,其他的形容词都是直接加er或者去y变ier的规则变化,但是有的考生在作答时极易忽略该形容词是否规则变化,而想当然的再三音节以下的形容词前加more或the most。

如:It's more easy for me to find a job with this major.

而正确的说法为:It's easier for me to find a job with this major.


a. somebody + be动词 + 以ed结尾的形容词 + 介词 + something

如:I'm surprised about this piece of news.

b. something make(s) somebody + 以ed结尾的形容词

如:This piece of news makes me surprised.

什么叫形容一件事或一种东西?也就是:a. something + be动词 + 以ing结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news is surprising. b. 以ing结尾的形容词 + 名词 如This is a surprising piece of news.

易错5:动词短语忽略成分,千万别省略了介词的搭配有些动词短语的搭配是固定的,只有把短语完整的说全的情况下才可以接之后的名词,但许多考生很容易忽视这一点。如:listen to, go to, look forward to, pay attention to等等。确保每一个说出的动词短语不会遗忘任何成分。



如I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could got a better job after learning that。

而正确的说法则是I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could get a better job after learning that.

易错7:动词第三人称变形在动词变形的时候,特别是三单,经常会有考生脱口而出的she/he have sth., (正确的是she/ he has sth.),又或者是I is…(正确的是I am)这样的表达。这是语法错误中最低级也是最致命的扣分错误,大家在表达第三者的时候,动词变形一定要是三单形式,还有you一定是跟are这样的固定搭配。



经典错误1: “listen music”

Right: “listen to music”

经典错误2: “she give me a doll”

Right: ”she gave me a doll”

经典错误3: “I’m from Zhejiang Wenzhou”

Right: “I’m from Wenzhou (city), in Zhejiang Province”

经典错误4: “The place located in…”

Right: “The place is located in…”

经典错误5: “it become more expensive”

Right” It has become more expensive” or “it is becoming more expensive”

经典错误6: “TV grams”

Right: “TV programs”

经典错误7: “lots of beauty sightseeings”

Right: “lots of beautiful sights” or “lots of wonderful scenery”

经典错误8: “play computer”

Right: ”play computer games” or “play on the computer”

经典错误9: “the most cheapest”

Right: ”the cheapest”

经典错误10: “more cheaper than”

Right: ”cheaper than”

经典错误11: “it will more expensive”

Right: ”it will be more expensive” or “it will become more expensive”

经典错误12: “in rainy days”

Right: ”on rainy days”

经典错误13: “my father think…”

Right: ”my father thinks”

经典错误14: “I’m a person who like to…”

Right: ”I’m a person who likes to…”

经典错误15: “we are intelligent than computers”

Right: ”we are more intelligent than computers”

经典错误16: “I like go shopping”

Right: ”I like going shopping”

经典错误17: “I like take photo”

Right: ”I like taking photos”

经典错误18: “it’s last year”

Right: “it was last year”

经典错误19: “when I’m in primary school”

Right: ”when I was in primary school”

经典错误20: “let their children to go out”

Right: ”let their children go out”

经典错误21: “the first thing comes to mind is…”

Right: ”the first thing that comes to mind is…”

经典错误22: “such like”

Right: ”such as” or “like”

经典错误23: “I often talk to my neighbourhoods”

Right: ”I often talk to my neighbours”

经典错误24: “in the past time”

Right: “in the past”

经典错误25: “in the past, clothes are very cheap”

Right: ”in the past, clothes used to be very cheap”

经典错误26: “I like there”

Right: ”I like it there”

经典错误27: “teached me”

Right: ”taught me”

经典错误28: “you will success”

Right: ”you will succeed”

经典错误29: “I went to the Beijing”

Right: ”I went to Beijing”

经典错误30: “go to abroad”

Right: ”go abroad”

经典错误31: “a people I met”

Right: ”a person I met” or “someone I met”

经典错误32: “other countries people”

Right: ”people from other countries” or “people from around the world”

经典错误33: “it’s depend”

Right: ”it depends”

经典错误34: “I will watching”

Right: ”I will watch”

经典错误35: “at that day”

Right: ”on that day”

经典错误36: “drive a bicycle”

Right: ”ride a bicycle” or “cycle”

经典错误37: “my home is just have one bedroom”

Right: ”my home just has one bedroom”

经典错误38: “not very much museums”

Right: ”not very many museums”

经典错误39: “many food”

Right: ”a lot of food”

经典错误40: “we chatted very happy”

Right: ”we chatted very happily”

经典错误41: “some moneys”

Right: ”some money”

经典错误42: “they are easy to forget things”

Right: ”they easily forget things”

经典错误43: “cars product exhaust”

Right: ”cars produce exhaust” or “cars emit exhaust”

经典错误44: “museums is important”

Right: ”museums are important”

经典错误45: “cars is much convenient than…”

Right: ”cars are much more convenient than…”

经典错误46: “in nowadays”

Right: ”nowadays”

经典错误47: “ I have never drive a car”

Right: ”I’ve never driven a car”

经典错误48: “I study here is about 4 years”

Right: ”I’ve studied here for about 4 years”

经典错误49: “people is”

Right: ”people are”

经典错误50: “she hope me to be a…”

Right: ”she hopes I will become a…”

最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:an interesting talk or speech

You should say:

When you heard it

Where you heard it

What it was about

And explain why you think it was interesting.


Lately I have attended a speech on “how to start a successful conversation” given by a communication expert in the Grand Hall of our school.

A lady gave that speech. She actually made a living by talking to various people. She was a psychiatrist and it was her job to help people with mental problems live like a normal human being through talking. And by her own words, she was a success.

She started her speech by denying the practicality and accuracy of the so- called golden rules of starting a conversation, and even went so far as to call them “crap”. One rule within the golden rules was chosen to explain why so. The rule was “To show you are paying attention, look into the eyes of the speaker, nod from time to time and ask occasionally some simple questions to sustain the conversation.” On this she said, if you were truly paying attention to the conversation and the speaker, you didn't even need to learn how to pay attention. If you had to learn how to pay attention, you were actually trying to get out of a conversation.

Then she gave some simple rules of how to have a successful conversation, one of which was to ask open questions. She named the questions that could be answered with simply yes or no or one noun or one verb the “Conversation terminators”. I had never heard this before. But after a thought, she was right. I mean, when I ask you “Do you like dogs?” You might answer like “Yes, I love dogs”. And that is it. Suppose the one who answers doesn't want to share more about why or what dogs he likes, the conversation will end. So such questions can’t be good. Instead, we should use more often open questions like “What was like to have a dog?” “When do you think is the best age to have dog?” “Where do you think it better to have dogs, a city or a village?” Basically these questions enabled people to think, according to her. And it was these thinking that could finally deepen the conversation and make it longer.

She was an aggressive one I had to say, and you don't have to agree with what she said. But it was worth listening to.

最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:Describe your favorite song

You should say:

– What is the song about?

– When did you first hear the song?

– Why is it your favorite?


Honestly speaking, for the most part, I would probably say that I have a great passion for listening to music and indeed I have listened like thousands of songs so far. However, if I have to pick out a song that I like the most, I would probably choose the song Million Years Ago by Adele. By gorgeous lyrics and melody, it’s like a piece of cake for Adele to make me addicted to this song. A significant feature that I should mention is the song’s meaningful content. It is a regretful calling inside an adult who has born his soul on the way of growing up and earning his stripes. Every now and then I feel he is so desperate that he could do anything to escape the cycle of his life but after all he can’t afford to do so. The reason why I am so fond of this song has something to do with the fact that it provokes so many beautiful memories from my childhood. Although this song is a sad song, it opens my eyes to many things in life, one of them is that you should not take anything for granted, even the simplest one, try to live to your fullest so that one day you would not have to regret that much about the journey that you have been through. Fairly speaking, Million Years Ago is a really good songs for self – reflecting especially when you find yourself lost in the super busy world nowadays.

最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a time you spent with a child

You should say:

who the child is

how you know him/her

why you spent time with him/her

and explain what you did when you were together


Just last week I spent some time with a child, in fact, it was my best friend’s son, Peter. He’s seven years old now and we spent some time together when his parents had to go to an appointment. It was basically a babysitting mission, a favor for my friend. I took my boyfriend with me for some help, and we both looked after Peter for the afternoon.

We went to my friend’s house and spent some time there catching up with each other before they had to leave. Then we took my friend’s son out to a park nearby where they live. He was really excited about going out. Apparently he loves going to this park with his parents so we thought it would be a good idea if we took him so that he wouldn’t miss his parents so much while they were away.

Anyway, we spent ages playing on the swings and climbing and just having fun, and he loved playing rough with my boyfriend, they were tumbling and rolling all over the place having a great time. I’m really happy that my boyfriend loves kids like this and is really interested in enjoying time with them.

Watching him play with Peter was just like watching two kids playing together, I think he enjoyed the time in the park as much as little Peter did to be honest, maybe even more. My boyfriend doesn’t have any nieces or nephews in his family so it was all a bit of a novelty for him.

So after our time at the park we went to get some ice cream at a place close to the park. And after that we took him home to get him cleaned up a bit before his parents returned. By the time they got back he was ecstatic to see them again and spent ages telling them all about is adventures in the park and how good the ice cream was. He really is a super little boy and I love him very much.

I’m already looking forward to the next time we spend some time with him.


★ 雅思口语为什么总是5.5分

★ 雅思口语为什么总是5.5分



