托福口语练习2大常见难点讲解 ,正确使用模板和分配回答时间有技巧?今天小编给大家带来了托福口语练习2大常见难点讲解 , 希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
托福口语练习2大常见难点讲解 正确使用模板和分配回答时间有技巧
1. 用不用模板,看你对分数的要求。模版的分数大概在18-20左右。如果你的分数要求是在23+,需要在模板之外加入更多不一样的内容。
2. 自己的模板。可以参考各种高分考生总结的模板,但是一定要自己改一下。同时模板不要占用到总内容的30%以上。
3. 练习。这个练习不是我们喊口号,一定要把你自己的模板读书背会,并且用一个一个真题来套模板,每次回答都对模板做一些小的变动,看看好不好用。一边用一边磨合修改。
1. iBT对时间卡得有点死。一方面1.2题的准备时间只有15秒,是没有办法现场造句子的,所以反映到内容的准备上,就必须自己会用一些基本的表达,比如表达你的偏好,原因,引出原因细节和例子等句子。一定要张口就来。再有就是内容上面,可以利用机经和TPO的题目进行练习和准备。能够涉猎的范围越广,考场上大脑一片空白的题目就越少,还有很多题目是换汤不换药的。
2. 回答的时间有限,把倒计时当朋友。倒计时越看越紧张的话,是因为你对时间没有概念。到底45秒钟,1分钟,你能说多少?托福口语怎么练?就是要对内容进行时间安排,比如我答第一道题,直接回答问题,用8秒左右,第9秒到30秒左右要说完第一个分观点,如果我的计时条现在只剩15秒了,我应该迅速结束第一个观点进入第二个观点。
3. 一定开口练习,可以写稿子,但是稿子的最后一步是张口说熟练的。有些发音组合长时间不用的话,肌肉会僵硬掉的说。所以一定逼迫自己开口。
4. 关于口音,如果你的追求是24以下,只要说了A不让别人误听成其他的什么的,口音就不是短期目标。OG上对口音的要求是doesn't cause listeners' effort.所以如果是短期,需要的只是调整,不是从音标开始。
1. If a foreign teacher comes to your country to teach high school student,
what suggestions will you give him for preparation?
2. Which of the qualities that the parents or family members can help you
1) Self-confidence
2) Kindness
3) Patience
3. Your school has received donation from the alumni, which of the
following facilities do you think the school should invest?
1) A stadium
2) A theater
3) A game center
4. Some professors prefer to give regular quizzes. Some prefer to give
surprising quizzes. Please talk about the advantages and/or disadvantages of
surprising quizzes.
5. Talk about one occasion in your country where people give one another
gifts. Talk about the occasion and the kind of gifts that you normally give each
6. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of being active on social
7. Your degree requires you to take one course, which one would you
1) Energy and environment
2) Health and nutrition
3) Solar system
8. Which of the following programs would you like to participate in?
1) Planting trees
2) Recycling
3) Painting natural and outside areas
9. Which of the following creative activities do you feel like to get
involved in?
1) Pottery making
2) Writing
3) Art creation
10. If your friend wants to keep a pet, what do you think he should
How to deal with homesickness?
Some people like collecting old things such as newspaper.
【名词解释】exposure behavior,是说鼓励儿童反复做他们害怕的事,然后建立自信,最
终克服恐惧。【教授举例】听力中教授用它自己儿子Tommy 的例子,说他们家搬到LA,Tommy
车,最终,Tommy 和其他小朋友过上了幸福的日子。
男生在spring break要去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了,女生让他买,但是他
说没有enough money,他自己说他朋友可以借给他,但是他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken
吃饭的问题。男生暑假留在学校,因为要帮 professor 干活,于是在外面租了一间房子。but he doesn't have access to
the kitchen.有个 friend住在附近,他可以去他那儿做饭。女生建议他可以去学校的cafeteria,有meal
task 1 : your friend is going to work in an office before going to the
university? disagree/agree
task2, is it more enjoyable to participate in an activity or watch others
task3 letters: no sports on dining hall lawn 1, 女生认为 dining hall lawn is in
the central place; everyone is busy and want to walk through the lawn;
所以即使在草坪上不踢球,不运动也不会make lawn look nicer; 2, 女生认为everyone wants to play sports
during the 15 minutes between classes or play sports after lunch but before
afternoon’s class; if people need to walk a long way to other places, It takes a
lot of time;
task4阅读是natural passage way: a solution to connect the lands to compensate
the damage caused by human activity; 听力: 给了一个one place in Canada, people built
up a highway and divided the forest into two parts; thus, bears have less food.
The food seems to decease half. Scientists propose to build a bridge connecting
the two small forests and put the soil, trees on the bridge. Then the bridge
looks like a natural passage way, and bears can come across to another part and
find food to survive.
task5: finish a paper tonight but he is invited to a concert; he plans to
finish the paper tonight but he forget the invitation
First solution is to finish the paper after the concert, but he almost has
to stay all night. The professor will not accept paper after deadline.
Second solution is to tell his friend he will not go to the concert, but
his friend will be disappointed and even angry. His friend has paid his ticket
and almost all fees for the concert.
task 6: Professor talks about two ways to fill in the memory gap
First is to use assumption or guesses to fill in the gap: e.g. people
witness a car accident will say that they see the drive talking on the cellphone
or not turning on the signal light, but these details are not accurate
Second is to use the suggested information to fill in the gap. When people
are asked how fast the car is. They almost say it is speedy and faster than the
real speed.
1. What should parents do to help their kids to develop money management
2. If your friend wins an award from his achievement, how would you
celebrate for him?
3. One of your friends has been working for ten years after graduation. Now
he is planning to return to the university to further study. From your
perspective, what kind of challenge or difficulty may he confront?
4. If you are going to have an interview with a famous person in your
community, which of the following people will you choose? Give detailed
information to support your answer and explain why.
1) A successful businessman
2) A famous professor
3) An artist
5. If your school wants to stop investing the following clubs, which one do
you suggest they choose?
1) Athletic clubs
2) Mathematical clubs
3) Academic clubs
6. There are some school funding raising events. If you have the
opportunity to attend one of these, which one of the following would you
1) Train with a professional sports team
2) Work behind a popular TV show
3) Work for a national government office
7. The university international office is going to hold a social event.
Which one of the following choices do you think is the best?
1) international food fair
2) international music festival
3) international film festival
8. There are several ways you can get to know a country without traveling
abroad. Which of the following ways would you like to choose?
1) Reading books
2) Watching videos
3) Joining online communication groups
9. Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find
10. Which of the following three would you choose to take?
1) Painting class
2) Science class
3) Mathematics
11. Your school decides to teach students time management and study habits.
Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this.
12. If you have opportunities to do something for good causes, which of the
following would you choose?
1) distributing meals for needy people
2) helping children build playground
3) seeing people in hospital
12. If you are the group leader of a photography club, which of the
following three activities would you choose for your club members?
1) Taking them to a photography exhibition
2) Reading an essay about photography
3) Going on a field trip to take photos
13. Which of the following areas of current events do you most like to
1) Politics
2) Sports
3) Arts and films
14. Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby help him spend
his weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and
examples in your explanation.
15. Your college friend wants to switch his bicycle to a car and he plans
to work part-time to earn the money. What advice do you have for him?
16. Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the
details of the conflict.
17. It’s hard for people to save money nowadays. What do you think are the
good methods to save money?
18. Which of the following methods do you think can help freshman students
learn about their campus?
1) Arrange a partner from sophomore students
2) Organize a campus tour
3) Set up a Q & A center
19. Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs
for children. Which of the following do you think would be the most beneficial
for children’s development?
1) Art craft workshop
2) Technology workshop
3) Athletic programs
20. When children perform well at school, parents tend to give them money
as reward. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this.
1. Some parents think they should protect students from making mistakes.
Some think they should let them make mistakes. What do you think?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should
not let children choose jobs (such as an athlete or an artist) which are
difficult to become successful.
3. Your friend doesn’t take the class seriously. Now with the final exams
coming, he asks for your help. Yet you also have to prepare for your exams.
Under this circumstance, would you prefer to help him with his exam or prepare
for your own exam?
4. Some people believe that the library should be a place for students to
have meetings and discussions; while others believe that the library is supposed
to be a quiet place where students can focus on their study. Which one do you
prefer and why?
5. Many people think that students study course materials more effectively
by taking exams; while others think that students learn more effectively through
doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects. Which do
you think is more effective for students to learn?
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good teachers
admit they make mistakes or don’t know something.
7. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It’s easier to teach
elementary school kids than college students.
8. Your school plans to set up a study hall for students to take a break
and do projects. Do you think this is a good idea or not?
9. Some people believe that we should not discuss about the private
activities of the popular people, like movie stars and singers. Do you agree?
10. To teach old people to use the computer in the community, which do you
think is better? To find a professional to teach them outside, or to find a
student to teach them at home?
11. Some people like to use smart phone or other navigational devices to
guide their road while traveling; some prefer to ask around. Which do you prefer
and why?
12. Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social
media websites. Do you agree or disagree with such a plan?
13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should
take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more
14. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The school
should teach students moral values.
15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being polite is
more important than being truthful.
16. Some teachers prefer to answer students’ questions while they are
delivering a lecture. Some teachers prefer to answer their questions when the
lecture is over. Which one do you prefer? Why?
17. When you disagree with your friends or family on certain things, would
you like to convince them or let them keep their own opinion?
18. Some people like participating in performance like theatrical or
musical show.Others prefer being audience watching those plays. Which one do you
19. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a good
idea to get a job under the influence of other people.
20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees
shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours.
这些常见词汇背后的故事你知道吗?今天小编给大家带来了托福口语背景知识补充,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语背景知识补充 这些常见词汇背后的故事你知道吗?托福口语10个。下面小编给大家分享托福口语背景知识补充,希望能帮助到大家。 托福口语背景知识补充文档下载网址链接: