托福口语背景知识补充 这些常见词汇背后的故事你知道吗?今天小编给大家带来了托福口语背景知识补充,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
托福口语背景知识补充 这些常见词汇背后的故事你知道吗?
1. nerd和jock是美国学生常用的两个俗语。nerd的意思和汉语中的“书呆子”类似。这类人聪明勤奋,但却过于保守严肃,在校园里颇让人瞧不起。 jock则恰恰相反。他们魁梧帅气,很受女孩子们的欢迎,尤其擅长American football和basketball等各种体育运动。当然,校园中也不乏漂亮的girl jocks。
2. egghead这个词在1952年的美国总统大选中被首次使用。当时的竞选双方分别是二战盟军总司令艾森豪威尔和书生气十足的伊利诺伊州州长史蒂文森。史蒂文森精心准备的竞选演讲文字华丽晦涩,只有和他一样的知识分子才会感兴趣。因此对手取笑他说:Sure, all the eggheads love Stevenson. But how many eggheads do you think there are。 egghead的意思,就是指书生气很足的知识分子。
3. hick和city slicker这两个词的意思在各种语言中一定都能找到对应的词,它们分别是城里人和乡下人对对方的贬称。hick的意思是“乡巴佬,土包子,”而 slick字面意思是“圆滑的,油滑的”,因而city slicker也就是乡下人眼中的“城里老油子,打扮光鲜,老于世故却不可信的城里滑头”。
4.turkey(火鸡),shrimp(虾)和crab(螃蟹)这三种动物在美国人眼中会是什么人呢?turkey是美国人在 Thanksgiving Day和Christmas Day家家都要吃的食物。但是,活的火鸡样子难看,行动又笨拙,所以turkey就用来形容那种愚蠢无用的人。而那种雇用了这些turkey,又不能开除他们的政府或商业机构就被称作turkey farm。shrimp常被用于指代那些个子矮小的人或无足轻重的小人物。请看下面的句子:You may call Napoleon a little shrimp. But for a shrimp, he certainly made the rest of Europe tremble。而crab因为长相丑陋凶恶,常被用来指那些性格暴躁、脾气很坏的人。
5. baby boomer, yuppie(雅皮士), dink(丁克),sandwich generation这四个词反映了美国经济和社会变化。二战结束后的二十年内,美国人口激增,那个时期出生的人在美国被称作baby boomers,因为boom有激增、暴涨之意。yuppie(雅皮士)(young urban professionals)是指生活在大城市、受过高等教育、生活富裕的成功职业人士。dinks (double income, no kids)是指那些有很好的工作和收入,但是不要孩子的夫妇。sandwich generation则恰恰相反,他们是既要赡养老人,又要抚养下一代,像三明治一样被夹在中间的经济负担较重的一群人。
6. couch potato和mall rat是两个和美国人生活习惯有关的俗语。couch potato指一有时间就坐在沙发上看电视的人,一声不吭,一动不动,就像一个圆滚滚的土豆。而mall rat当然不会是购物中心的真老鼠,而是指没事儿老喜欢到mall(大商场)里去逛的人。
7. backseat driver, wheeler-dealer, free-wheeler, fifth wheel是四个和汽车有关的常用习语。backseat driver坐在汽车后排,却不停地对前面开车的人指手画脚,因此是指那些自己不在岗位上,但是却喜欢给在位的人提供人家不需要的意见的人。 wheeler-dealer精明能干,是那种善于运用权利和财势在政治或商业活动中为所欲为,独断独行的人。free-wheeler喜欢自由,不受约束,是指那些不愿意遵守自己工作单位的规章制度,想怎么做就怎么做的人。而fifth wheel的意思则很好猜出。一辆汽车只有四只轮子,那么,fifth wheel当然是多余的、不受欢迎的人了。
8. green thumb和all thumbs也是两个很有意思的俗语。green thumb指善于养花种草的人,这些人总是能把花园收拾得绿色怡人,养出来的花草光亮健康,羡煞那些费了很多劲儿,种出来的花草蔬菜却总是半死不活的人。所以,green thumb就是那些很会养花种草的人。如果说一个人是all thumbs会是什么样呢?想想看,拇指虽好,可要是十个指头都长成短短粗粗的拇指,干起活来肯定很难受。因此all thumbs便是形容一个人笨手笨脚。
10. spring chicken和lame duck是指春天孵出的小鸡和瘸腿的鸭子吗?当然不是,读一读下面这两句话,猜猜它们的意思吧。(1)The woman said,over forty, so I’m not a spring chicken any more。(2)The governor of our state ended up as a lame duck when he lost the election. He still has six weeks left in office but there’s nothing to do except to pack up his papers。实际上,spring chicken意为“年轻人,缺乏经验的人”,lame duck是指“竞选连任失败、即将卸任的官员”,也用来指“不中用的人”。任何美国官员——从市长、州长、参议员到总统——都有可能因无能而被称为 lame duck。
1. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of being active on social
2. Should students be required to evaluate their professors at the end of
the semester?
3. Your professor asks you to help him with his research project, but on
that day you have promised your sister to attend her birthday party. How will
you choose?
4. Which of the following people can give most useful help in your future
career direction?
1) Teachers
2) Families
3) Friends
5. How should parents teach their kids to work with others?
6. If a foreign teacher comes to your country to teach high school student,
what suggestions will you give him for preparation?
7. Which of the following has the greatest impact on students’ life?
1) electronic books
2) smart phones
3) online courses
8. Suppose your friend is going to a job interview. What suggestions do you
have for him?
9. If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do
you think they should invite? A businessman, a scientist or a politician?
10. Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby that can help him
spend his weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details
and examples in your explanation.
11. A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year,
which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience?
Adventurous, frightening or foolish?
1. If your friend wins an award from his achievement, how would you
celebrate for him?
2. What do you think are the common mistakes when parents raise their
3. If a foreign teacher comes to your country to teach high school student,
what suggestions will you give him for preparation?
4. If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do
you think they should invite? A businessman, a scientist or a politician?
5. Which of the following attributes would you consider the most valuable
in your roommates?
1) being friendly
2) being quite
3) has a good hygiene habit
6. Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an
1) Performance during the interview
2) Previous work experience
3) Education background
7. The university international office is going to hold a social event.
Which one of the following choices do you think is the best?
1) international food fair
2) international music festival
3) international film festival
8. Which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most
negative for kids?
1) Being selfish
2) Saying impolite things
3) Speaking loudly in public
9. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of being active on social
10. Your degree requires you to take one course, which one would you
1) Energy and environment
2) Health and nutrition
3) Solar system
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