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细数托福口语中的5种代词用法错误, 这些例子需引起警惕,今天小编就给大家带来了细数托福口语中的5种代词用法错误 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

细数托福口语中的5种代词用法错误 这些例子需引起警惕


反身代词表示“某人自己”,比如“Many children are addicted to computer games and they cannot control themselves at all.”教学中笔者发现,学生清楚这种用法,但是不会表达“某人自己的”这个概念,总是说“Teenagers cannot control themselves behaviours”。这句话中,themselves要改为their own才能体现出“某人自己的”这层意思。因此,考生在口语表达时要格外留意这个点。


最常见的情况是本该用形容词性物主代词(比如their),结果误用了代词的主格或宾格(比如用成了they或者them),或者在主格和宾格之间未能区分清楚(比如分不清they和them)。一个典型的例子是“Some graduates are proud of their diplomas; however, companies regard they as nothing.”。句中regard后面应接宾语,所以they应该改为them才对。

第三种常见错误是一个句子中代词的频繁转换,即所谓pronoun shift.

典型的例子是“When one searches on the Internet, you will potentially get onto illegal websites, which will cause negative consequences to us.”在这句话中one,you和us未能保持一致,让考官不知所云。应该修改为“When searching on the Internet, we may potentially get onto illegal websites, which will cause negative consequences to us.”


这在学生的口语中是常见问题。比如学生所说这句话“Studying in a co-educational school, a girl may concentrate more on popular boys, which may cause ignorance of his study.”显然,his的出现与句子主语a girl是不相符合的,应该改为her。


在“Girls are easy to be persuaded to buy cosmetics, because she always wants to be pretty.”中,主语是girls,为复数,但是原因状语从句中的代词却是she。改正的方法便是将she改为they体现“数”的一致,同时将wants改为want,实现从句内部的主谓一致。最终结果为“Girls are easy to be persuaded to buy cosmetics, because they always want to be pretty.”。


Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explain why it is the most useful. Include reasons and examples to support your response.(05. 11.19 考题)

Sample answer:

The book that I think is the most useful is OG, Official Guide for new TOEFL. I'm a book lover and have lots and lots of collections. But OG is of the greatest use ‘cause I'm taking TOEFL Test, which is a must for a student who is gonna finish his or her overseas study in America. Not only does it give the brief introduction of the test, but it also provides test candidates with practical tips. On the other hand, some basics of English language are offered following the main parts, which is very helpful for those who don't have a good command of English. Most of all, it helps me get well prepared for TOEFL iBT and improve my performance on the four skills as well. This definitely leads to the academic success in my future study. That's why I think OG is the most useful book for me.

Sample answer:

I prefer magazines to fictions or poems, especially monthly magazines ‘cause they are like colorful flowers in a garden.They are good in some way and fill current trends and demands in different ways.

My definition of a good magazine is one that doesn't just stick to the same writers and trends. The presentation, theme, and subjects should vary to grab the interest of readers. And a magazine should be a place where new writers can blossom. I would like to see more magazine stories and features on the new generation of writers and I hope to read more about new trends and new ideas. I read five or six magazines per month and I buy two magazines regularly---fashion and beauty magazines, ‘cause they are worth reading for their entertainment news and fashion and beauty tips. Sometimes the personality profiles(个人档案/简介) of successful business icons(这里指“人物”) are also fun to read.


Sample answer:

Some people might think computer is one of the most important inventions in the last century. But I'd say television. Since the invention of TV, human history has started a new page. First, TV allows people to learn about what's going on in the world. With such information, they are able to get a better understanding of the world they live in. What's more, TV provides a lot of interesting programs that many people enjoy after a long day's work. Its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and more relaxed. Most important of all, Television has a great influence on the way people think and talk.

Sample answer:

If I could freely choose any job, I would choose a job where I could do something constructive and beneficial for ordinary people. Definitely it would be something helping people.

Teaching of course is sort of that kind of job---- if you do it properly you can certainly help people. Traditionally in China teachers have been very respected; we have a saying a teacher for a day is a father for life.

Nowadays, attitudes are changing, and perhaps people are more realistic. But my dream isn't changing. I wouldn't be helping them materially but I could give them a lot of pleasure and lighten their days.

I love teaching and I want it to be my whole life's career ‘cause I feel I really am contributing something to people's lives, to help them.


He is a fast talker. 他是个吹牛大王。

I’ll get even with him one day. 我总有一天跟他扯平

She’s got quite a wad. 她身怀巨款。

I don’t have anywhere to go. 没地方可去。

I’m dying to see you. 我很想见你。

Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。

None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。

Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。

You don’t say so. 未必吧,不至于这样吧。

Don’t get me wrong. 别误会我。

You don’t seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起来不大对劲。

Do you have any money on you? 你身上带钱了吗?

Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。

Not precisely! 不见得,不一定!

We have no way out. 我们没办法。

I hate to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让别人久等。

It doesn’t take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。

Not in the long run. 从长远来说不是这样的。

You ask for it! 活该!



1,With the development of the technology, the computer is more and more important to our daily life. The young people know much about it while the old face difficulty dealing with the computer.

2.The young people are basically well educated, so they are more knowledgeable than the olds. They know the world better since they can explain the thing happened.

computer、television、telephone 中选一个对你生活最重要的

In fact, computer has the function of both television and telephone. We can watch movies and read news on the internet with the computer. Also we can have a chat with the family or your friend; we can send emails and go shopping on the internet. In addition, the computer can help students to learn fast, you can listen to the VOA on the computer to improve your English. Finally, it helps us finish the work effectively.


1. the class knowledge is very limited, for example, I do well in my study, but when I face some difficult problems in the life,I can not find a solution.

2. there are many important things outclass just like the skill of communicate with other people and obey the rules of the society

3, the working experience is very important.

some good news and why.

My professor offers me the opportunity to do a project with.

1, he is a excellent teacher in our college, and it is my honor to follow his to do a research. You know, there are 30 students in my class; I am the lucky one to have the chance.

2, When I meet any problem during the project, I can ask my professor who is a patient teacher to help. That will encourage me to further research and improve my ability of learning, which are helpful in my graduate study.



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