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例子1: 考官听完了自我介绍,正提出考生的全名同时还查看考生ID时,考生头脑一发热,此话题是我准备过的呀,无非是名字是谁起的,是否存在什么特殊意义,中国人根本不会随意的将名字改了,这个我熟,然后一通开讲。其实,当每一次雅思口语考试开始时,都会有如此的一个ID检查的流程,请大家不要激动到直接开始讲段子啦。



有许多考生当面对的问题:没听懂考官说的是什么,但却不好意思提出,只会造成使用简单的Yes或是 No来草率应对,亦或是根本答非所问。显而易见的,成绩是会受到了影响。

应对策略:雅思口语考生要不断的提醒自己此为一个对话,如果需要的话,考官是能够不断重复刚才的问题的。而只会有一点能够明确:如果是没听清,那用repeat,考官一般会一字不差的重得刚才的问题。如果是听不懂,那么请用rephrase, paraphrase或是 explain,考官会换一种说法,很可能会尽量采用简单易懂的词汇。

雅思口语part1常遇困难(三) 题目不熟悉,无从下手

雅思Part1话题有十分广泛的范围,近几年时间里新话题更是不断的变化,比如说2013年新出的关于boat的话题比较地奇葩。若真的碰到陌生话题如何应对呢,说I don’t know吗?


茫目地套用模版、没听清问题,答非所问、 题目不熟悉,无从下手等等,都是雅思口语考试在雅思口语part1这个部分常常遇到的困难,希望大家在准备的时候注意一下。最后,预祝大家都可以拿到雅思口语高分,感谢阅读。

1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:creative person you admire

Topic:Describe a creative person that you admire

You should say:

Who this person

How do you know this person

What creative things this person likes to do And explain why you admire this person part3

What can schools do to nurture children's creativity?

Why do some people to copy each other's ideas these days?

Do you think art can make a person more creative?

Do you think you were more creative when you were young?

What's the most creative thing that you have ever done or made?


The American songwriter, artist, writer and singer, Bob Dylan, whose original name is Robert Allen Zimmerman is a very creative person I know about. I also admire for his creative songwriting and noteworthy songs. He is, in fact, one of the most influential songwriters and singers of all time and I respect him greatly.

He was born in 1941 in the USA and due to his remarkable contributions to literature, he was awarded the Nobel Prize recently. The Nobel Prize for literature is awarded both for lasting literary merit and for evidence of consistent idealism to a great extent. Dylan's songs have such creativity, consistent idealism and universal appeal and without any doubt, he is a very talented and creative person.

He is such a powerful and influential singer that his song like 'The times they are a-changing' and 'Blowing in the wind' became anthems for the American civil rights and anti-war movements.

His creative and dazzling lyrics incorporate a vast range of social, political, psychological, philosophical, and literary influences. As a musician, he has sold more than 10 million records. Besides, he is also a talented painter.

I knew him first when I heard his song 'Slow Train' from his album 'Slow Train Coming' in my early college days. I have explored his music and heard most of the songs sung by him. I have also read several articles online about him and his works. I know him as a revered songwriter and he is one of my favourite singers of all time.

I admire him mostly because of his talent and outstanding contribution to the music, lyrics, and literary works through his songwriting. There were times when his music personally inspired me, motivated me and helped me forget my pain. I have never met him in person but he seems like someone I know for a long and very closely. I respect him as a great musician, admire him as a songwriter and consider him one of the greatest minds of the present era.

雅思口语P2预测话题范文:a good friend of yours


Describe a good friend of yours.

You should say:

who he or she is

when you met him or her for the first time

what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like him/her


John, my best friend from primary school

During university holidays

We play football, tennis, computer games

To the sports centre, park, cinema

He is nice, friendly and funny


I spend a lot of time with my best friend John. I’ve known him since primary school where we were in the same class.

We only see each other during our university holidays because we don’t study in the same city. My university is in London but he lives in Liverpool.

When we are together we always play lots of sports like football and tennis. John loves Manchester United and he is a very good footballer. I prefer tennis but I am not as good as my friend. We also both enjoy playing computer games. Our favourite is probably World of Warcraft which many of my friends play too.

As we live in a small town there aren’t many places to go so we normally hang out at the sports centre or in the big park near my house. We’re both big film buffs so we go to the cinema quite often and we get a student discount.

I really like spending time with John, he’s such a nice person and very friendly. I always have a good time when we are together and he never fails to make me laugh. In fact, I think he’s the funniest person I know.

1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:garden you have visited

Topic:Describe a garden you have visited

You should say: where it was

what it looked like

what you did there and explain why you liked it there


Are public gardens very important in China? are there many public gardens in China?

Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?

What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?

very often, public gardens are not designed in a simple way but, instead, are laid out in a rather complex way. Why do you think this is the case?

do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit?

what do people do when they go to a public garden?

how do people of different age groups use public gardens?


Today I'd like to describe my home garden, which I think is a beautiful one and which I like very much. The garden is part of my home's backyard, and my house is located in the suburbs, about a 1-hour drive from the city of San Francisco. There is a big tree right in the middle of my garden, which is surrounded by a hot tub, a small water fountain, several bushes, a section for vegetables, and different kinds of flowers.

This garden was actually one of the reasons why my wife and I chose to buy our house because it had been beautifully maintained by the previous owner’s gardener and landscaper. It’s been only 1 year since we bought the house and now we are taking care of the garden ourselves. Even though we are not experts in gardening, we still try our best to plant things that we like, such as roses and tulips, and we even grow our own tomatoes.

Whenever family and friends come to visit us, we invite them to have a relaxing time in our hot tub, and enjoy the view. So in other words, our garden has also become a kind of resort! It definitely requires lots of hard work to properly maintain the garden, but it gives us a great sense of accomplishment to “decorate” it the way we like.

All in all, the garden is one of the best features of my home and it is a place where I can relax after a long day of work or during the weekends.



