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雅思口语考试一直是中国广大考生头疼的一个部分, 有时候并不是中国考生不知道说什么, 现实考试中,很多考生有话讲了, 但结果是讲得并不怎样, 为什么呢?下面小编就和大家分享这7招,让你的雅思口语答案更加有范儿,来欣赏一下吧。


第一: 尽量多用副词adv.

不妨使用像honestly, basically, incredibly 等副词可以突显你说话的时候更具有情感,加强或者降低你的说话语气.

The landscape of Beijing is incredibly gorgeous. I super love it.

第二: 多用强调句,来增加你的语法grammar 广度

I don’t care about how costly the I-phone 7 Plus is, it’s its

water-proof function that attracts me a lot.

第三: 不要过于使用very.

以后呢,在雅思口语里不要再过度使用very 这个破词了, 你用了这个词,不是你说的不行, 如果你过度使用very

这个词,那么你给雅思考官examiner 的印象impression 就是你的口语水平不咋的.

Actually, I can’t bear his bad habit , for example, yesterday he was pretty tipsy in the pub.

第四: 多在adj 形容词前加副词

如果你在雅思口语考试的时候实在想不到高大上的vocabulary 的时候,你就可以这样用的.

Ages ago, I came across a girl whose name is “ Caiyuan”, She is astonishingly beautiful.

I am fascinated with Dalian’s seafood, its outrageously yummy.

第五: 把” mean” 的语气词用起来

当你语言不流利, 在思考的时候,不妨可以flexible的去用下

I mean, by that I mean, what I mean by that is 来缓冲, 毕竟么, 剑桥Cambridge University 雅思官方对于ielts speaking 的fluency 的要求是, 连续说话的能力. 俗话叫” 思维停, 嘴不停”.

The film is suck ! by that I mean, it ended up with a tragedy.

第六: 不要戛然而止的说”No” 就不讲了


Did you plant flower before ? No!...

这样是不是太伤感情了, Please 不要这样的. 否则你会输的很惨的.

第七: 不要再用 but 啦

But 么,可以是可以, 不妨换下nevertheless , 会让你的雅思口语 ieslt speaking 更妙笔生花呀.


Describe a success in your life.

You should say:

when it was

what it was

why you chose it

how you achieved.

I guess success can vary depending on your viewpoint. Some people judge success by how much money they have, the clothes they wear or the car they drive. In that respect I maybe haven’t had a lot of success so far in my life, but I have still achieved things that I am proud of.

One such thing I can remember happened when I was an undergraduate at university, I think during my second year. We were encouraged to get involved in after-school activities and events, so I volunteered to help organise a dubbing contest that was taking place. You have probably come across dubbing if you’ve watched a foreign film and the native language has been replaced with another one over the top. The students that took part had divided themselves into groups of three or four people. They would take it in turns to go up on stage and play an English movie without the sound turned on, while they spoke the words over the top of the video.

I mainly chose to volunteer so that I could earn extra credits, or points, to go towards my degree. But it was also a good opportunity to meet some new people and it gave me something to do in my spare time.

In the end everything went off without a hitch and the night was a big success. We had rehearsed everything again and again and all the hard work paid off. I think the key to the success was everyone’s effort and teamwork, it wasn’t just a personal success, but one that I shared with a whole group of people.


Describe an indoor game that you played when you were a child.

You should say:

what the game was

where you played it

who you played it with

and explain why you enjoyed this game.

I think I’d have to go for puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles to be precise. I have a huge collection, although most of them are hidden in a cupboard somewhere in my parents’ house, these days.

I used to have a special table exclusively for doing my puzzles on. Once I got into the groove, I would become immersed in the puzzle and get lost in a world of my own. Occasionally I would try to solve one with my grandmother, but this was more for her benefit as I much prefer doing it by myself. I know it sounds selfish, but it’s just not as much fun sharing the responsibility with someone else and the pay off isn’t as big at the end.

I started when I was just a toddler, putting shapes into pre-cut holes, but slowly I graduated to more complex pictures. These days it’s not unusual to find me tackling a really complex puzzle, like an “Impossipuzzle” which are double-sided and feature a picture of something very small but in large quantities, like a plate of baked beans or loads of Brussels sprouts.

In my opinion as well as being an enjoyable pastime, jigsaw puzzles are good for your mind. The brain is basically just a muscle and so it should be given a work out every now and then. Jigsaw puzzles are challenging and although they are time consuming, they provide great satisfaction once you’ve finished one.



