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雅思口语理论上讲, 是考察你的对于英文口语的综合运用能力, 并没有说非要你有多么渊博的知识. 下面小编就和大家分享雅思口语话题,来欣赏一下吧。


a) What kind of trees do you know in China ? (part 1 ) 中国人都是啥树?


狂晕了吧, 别说考俺English 啦,你就是考咱Chinese 我也弄不出几个树名字啊, 所以就有了一些中国考试说—Okay, I do know a lot of trees , like 松tree, 柳tree, 杨tree, 还有梧桐tree. 你说这,我彻底无语了.

b) Describe a time you watched a sky 描述你望天的一个经历( part 2 ) , 更坑爹的是在part3 问你 在中国哪里看星星比较好?

World 个弟, 我的哥, 这中国都是雾霾foggy/smoggy /hazy weather 啊,这在北京考雅思的烤鸭们不气死才怪呢, 这帝都哪都看不到star啊, 看星星啊, 去电视上或者高清high-definition的I-Pad上绝对有啊.

c) Describe a child/kid made you laugh 描述一个让你发笑的小孩(part2).

天哪我可最讨厌熊孩子啊, 尤其那trouble maker , 我烦都烦死了,哪能笑啊, 我不是笑啊, 我只是annoyed 的份儿啊.

我就是孩子啊, 我搞笑么? 所以这纯粹是扯淡呀.

d) Do Xinjiang People can get access to website now ? 中国新疆人能上网了么? (part3)

让我吐糟你么考官同志? 你真的以为我们中国新疆那么穷么? 中国么有那么穷好不好? 不要瞧不起人好不好? 连您老人家都来中国混饭吃了呢, 几十年前中国很多地方都有cyber bar了 啊, 你想干啥?! 你还是想问敏感的政治sensitive political stuff啊, 不怕我举报你呀? 想不想在中国混了啊.

e) Can you predict the stock market in China ? 你能预测下中国的股市么?

大哥我不是刚才说了么俺是学Chinese的么, 我不是股神巴菲特啊,你让俺情何以堪, 难道你要买中国的stock股票么? 你是不是在中国炒股赔了呀大哥? 若是这样,我给你问问吧,别吓我啊,我可以安慰你的,至少作一个 good-listener就对么有问题的.

f) 女士穿啥衣服好看? ( part 1)

我咋知道啊, 俺本身就不是那么的fashion-conscious 啊, 你是不是搞对象了啊? 让俺给你参谋下dressing style 呀? 么有这么玩的好不好呀.

g) Describe a time you saw a wild animal( describe a time you were pretty close to a wild animal ) 描述你近距离接触野生动物的经历 ( part 2 ).

主啊, my lord啊! 这是啥狗屁考官examiner 啊? 大哥咱问正常点好不哈啊, 给你说个动物不就行了啊, 我要说我接触过你信么? 你不知道中国北京八达岭野生动物园的悲剧tragedy 吗? 我要是真的接触过, 你还能看到哥在这聊天扯淡么给你? 无语…

h) Did you eat snake before ? ( part 3 ) 你吃过蛇么?

我吃过! 你信么? 你吃过么大哥? 我是北京的, 我不是说我是 born and bred(土生土长)的北京人么? 看来考官大哥你真的得了老年痴呆症了( AD—Alzheimer’s Disease) 或者失忆症( amnesia)了. 我狂晕500年好不好呀, 我不是来自广东好不好.

i) 北京的雾霾到底是咋回事? 来自哪? 能告诉我准确的答案吗? ( part 3)

考官大人, 政府都么有搞明白呢? 你问我这啊, 我不是thinking tank智囊团啊, 么有那么地聪明啊, 这样吧,你告诉我吧. 能不能给换一个正常点的question问题考俺啊? 祝您老万寿无疆long life!


Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet.

You should say:

what the news was about

when you got this news

where you got this news from

and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.

I once read a piece of good news on the website of the New York Times. It was two years ago, I was still a journalism student and one of my tutors assigned me to do a presentation for my news-gathering course. The time limit was five minutes and it was supposed to be a critique, i.e., stating clearly what was good and bad about the story.

So I started preparing for my assignment. I was skimming through pages and clicking around when this article caught my eye. Basically, it was about a high school student who got bullied because he stuttered. The news story was a good one because it wasn’t what I expected it to be — a one-sided story that went on about the poor boy.

This piece was actually rather fair and balanced. It tried to show the readers what had happened to the stutterer and they gave the alleged bullies a chance to give their side of the story. From the journalistic perspective, it was a neat one.


Describe A piece of advice you’ve received.

You should say:

what it is

who gave it to you

why you took the advice

and explain what the result was.

I can remember a time when I sought advice from a wide range of different people. It was a couple of years ago, at a previous job, when I fell for a colleague. From my perspective it was love at first sight, but I was unsure whether the feeling was mutual and I didn’t know my company’s stance on office romances.

I didn’t know what to do and I didn’t want to listen to just one person, so, as I said, I asked a few of my friends to get a broad set of opinions and points of view. A couple of people had reservations and advised caution, they recommended that I should take things slow, after all, “good things come to those that wait”. However, the general feeling was that I should go for it and ask her out. They said I had nothing to lose and I should strike while the iron’s hot. I had butterflies in my stomach, but despite being a nervous wreck, I eventually plucked up the courage to ask her out.

As it happens, I shouldn’t have listened to them. She turned me down in front of all my co-workers and I had to walk back to my desk with my tail between my legs. I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life and I’ll definitely think twice before putting my heart on the line again. As they say, “once bitten, twice shy.



