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还想偷偷的要你晓得,雅思口语考试是有题库这么回事儿,就是有考试范围哦,看了范围之后,就会有很多技术可以帮你节省准备考试的时间~高达80%以上(对,就是雅思口语考官手里拿着的那本话题册,进来一个考生就随机翻一页的那个:D。对!存在AB版的那个,A版:part1的口语题目从work or study 这个话题开始。B版从accommodation 这个话题起头,先透漏这些,只为勾起你的兴趣)如果你不知道题库也没关系,我会用最通俗的方式解释如何去利用它。

今天我们主要是来说口语题库中的part2, 这是口语考试中的主要得分项,也是对绝大多数考生最有挑战的一个环节,因为,官方规则是:考生有1分钟时间准备,然后自己发言1~2分钟(此处阐明一件事情:在大的概率看来,只能讲上1分钟的烤鸭,最后的得分大都不怎么样。然后官方发言人又说了:建议考生可以说够两分钟,而且说到考官打断你才好,从而证明自己有足够的英语交流能力)



Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper.

You should say:

What the article was

When and where you read it

What you learnt from the article

And explain why you think it is a good/bad article.



烤鸭甲的答案:这是一篇旅游攻略,因为我想在十一的时候去桂林玩,所以前几天我就在“猛牛”旅行网上查攻略,就看到这篇,作者告诉我在桂林应该怎么玩儿才能最开心,写的真好,所以这是一篇好文章。 回答完毕!

当时, 烤鸭甲并不是一气呵成的说出这些内容,中间伴随一些感叹,感慨就像:啊……,嗯……哦……甚至还有“呵呵”(可能是烤鸭甲为了避免自己冷场的尴尬,临时想出来的托词 :P)就这样,他说了足足一分钟,心想总归是满足了官方的要求了(1~2分钟)。 可能你看到这里也呵呵哒……

下面是另外一个故事,主人公烤鸭乙身经百战,从他口中得知他已经集齐7种不同颜色的考试官方用笔(此处仅为了节目效果,你只需要将烤鸭乙理解成一个越挫越勇, 在熟悉考试各种技巧之后,又奋发图强, 最终在考场上奋勇杀敌的winner,他的故事可以告诉你如何避免他走过的弯路)。


我今天要和你分享的文章,实则是一篇达人创作的旅游攻略,因为我和我的家人打算在即将到来的“十一黄金周”去桂林游山玩水,所以,在上周日一个慵懒的下午,我宅在家里闲来无事,就在“猛牛”旅行网上疯狂的搜索攻略,以备不时之需。碰巧看到这篇,作者老王是个资深的旅行达人,已经去过世界上40多个不同的国家或地区,对于祖国的大好河山呢,他更是如数家珍。连我做梦都想的桂林,老王竟然去了不下10次,如何在那里获得最好的旅行体验,当然老王最有发言权,他优美的文字让我脑洞大开,对梦境中的桂林仿佛有了身临其境的认识。 我依稀记得老王的用词:“千峰环野立,一水抱城流“是对桂林山水真实写照。桂林山峰秀丽天成,平地拔起,千姿百态。市区内主要名山有叠彩山、伏波山、独秀峰、南溪山、月牙山、普陀山等,都是游览胜地。漓江明洁如镜,清澈见底。乘船从桂林到阳朔水程83公里,风光绮丽,碧水萦回,奇峰林立,构成一副锦绣画卷。桂林无山不洞,无洞不奇。被誉为大自然的艺术之宫的芦笛岩、七星岩、穿岩,一洞琼瑶,万般景象。洞中的钟乳石和石笋琳琅满目,五彩缤纷。置身于洞中,仿佛进入珍宝的宫殿。作者老王把精妙的文字写到游客的心坎儿里去,所以这无疑是一篇绝佳的旅行文章。


1. 字数上完胜(口语虽然没有写作评分标准对字数的严格要求,但此乃语言能力的体现,雅思官方发言人也建议你说到考官打断为佳)

2. 用词丰富(符合口语评分标准中用词多样性一说)

3. 内容表达清楚,条理清晰,很多事实或细节的支撑,那就是在developing ideas.拓展思路,绝非蜻蜓点水,泛泛而谈。


“Thousands of pinnacles stand towering around; a river winds its way about the city”This is a vivid description of Guilin scenery.

The hills and pinnacles in Guilin, gifted by nature, rise sharply from the ground in many different shapes. Diecai Hill, Fubo Hill, Duxiu Peak, Nanxi Hill, Crescent Hill and Potuo Hill are the biggest attractions for tourists when they make a tour of the city.

The Li river is limpid with crystal water. A boat trip on the river from Guilin to Yangshuo covers a distance of 83 kilometers. This section of the river makes a unique traditional Chinese Painting with its clear water and clusters of pinnacles.

Picturesque caves can be found all over Guilin hills. Reed Flute Cave, Seven-Star Cave and Chuanshan Cave are honored as palaces of Nature’s Art. They are magnificent buildings in heaven, with a thousand and one fabulous scenes. Stalactites and stalagmites in the caves present colorful pictures. Visiting these caves is like touring a pearl exhibition or a jade palace.

最后留给你一个问题,这个素材中的一部分,其实是在描述一个颇具魅力的旅游胜地,如果题目变成了 题库中其它的题目,你是否有话说呢?那就是我后续的“口语旁门左道系列“要交代的内容了,你先看看下面的题目吧







雅思口语Part3范文:a famous person

1.What makes people famous?

Uhm, Talent is definitely the key point to make someone popular. I mean those who have any gifts in something especially when they are outstandingly different from others could become famous. They can be singers, musicians, actors, athletes, politicians or even photographers. Besides, in today’s scenery, it can be seen that some people can make themselves being known by their looks, you know, hot girls, hot boys who can easily attracts others by their appearance or sometime with little bit of scandals as well. However, this cannot last without a real talent and knowledge. So all in all, if I can put in orders these factors that make people famous, I would go for outstanding talent and then appearance with some specific gifts or deep knowledge.

2.What are the differences between a famous person and an ordinary person?

There is of course a huge difference between a celebrity and a normal person. Firstly, famous people are recognized everywhere and get special treatment wherever they go. For instance, I assume that someone like Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber will get preferential treatment over other customers at a restaurant, don’t you think? Besides, famous people have fans who have celebrity crushes or even real life admiration for them. After all, who wouldn’t like to have their own fans, followers, and worshipers?

3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?

Being famous can be beneficial, I mean, apart from the fact that you are recognized and get special treatment as I mentioned above, it also generally means being richer with many dream opportunities arise but I think the disadvantage will outweigh the advantage. Well, first to realize is they have no privacy, you can never go anywhere in public without having crowds of people follow you, having camera in your face. You are always stalked and judged about every single personal matter of your life. Whatever personal things happen to you will often become common knowledge for everyone. Being famous can also stop celebrities from indulging in the little pleasures of life, which can be very frustrating indeed.

4.Why do you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of celebrities?

It depends on the person. Some people are inspired and motivated by their idols and they naturally would want to know more about the people who have such an outstanding talent. But for most, they are just living vicariously through the lives of others. I mean they’re not actually interested in celebrities – they’re interested in themselves as reflected in celebrities. Millions of tween and teen girls fall helplessly in-crush with pop stars and feel extremely connected to them… and they wouldn’t dream of going out with a ‘real-life’ guy at school anymore. But I’m sure it’s just because they have too much time to waste you know, youngsters. When they get older, those concerns will automatically go away, that’s for sure

5. What do you think of the privacy of a well-known person?

I believe celebrities deserve privacy, but they can't expect the same level as a privacy as a 'normal' person.

I do think that famous people are entitled to a degree of privacy; ie it's wrong for the paparazzi/public to camp outside their homes, wait outside their children's schools, phone hacking, attempting to infiltrate private events such as weddings, stalking their EVERY move and so on; harassment basically. Those types of examples where people try and gain access to inherently private areas of their lives are completely unacceptable. Having said that, they cannot expect to have complete and utter privacy; for example, people will know about relationship/marriage breakdowns, they'll get their pictures taken on the street etc...That kind of behavior is something that they'll have to expect and put up with; it's all part of being famous. I really dislike the idea of people thinking that they somehow 'own' famous people too; as mentioned in some of the other comments, they're human beings like us too.

6. What kinds of people were famous in your grandparent’s time?

In my home country we had different, mainly two political parties and the heads of those political parties were very famous. Especially one guy called [inaudible] and he made a lot of changes in Ecuador during my grandparent’s time because he gave the vote to women and he also made it compulsory, the vote for all the citizens in my home country. And he worked for the

Liberal education, not ties with the religious or anything like that but very open to everyone.

7. What responsibility to society do famous people have?

They have a huge responsibility because people really look up on them. You know they look upon and they want to copy models. I think we are a very sensitive society and we would like just to copy. And if someone is famous they should have- they should use this power to give things back to the community. Like you know, like for example, the Tsunami Disaster or things like that… you to use this power to call for people to stop children detention, things like that you know, they should use that in order to make people aware of what’s going on. Not just to be part of entertainment, but I think they should have a political voice in the community.

8.Do you think that the children of famous people have an easy time?

No, I don’t think so. It must be very very hard. Ah…you know, to live in, in my home country I know a lot of famous people, and they always have to have bodyguards, or they have to live behind bars, you know or behind big walls.

And children are always protected and they don’t have the freedom, it’s a big price to pay, I don’t know why.

雅思口语Part3范文:someone who has influence on you

1.What type of people influence the young in your country?

Well, thank you very much for asking such an important question. Usually, the youths are influenced by the teachers and sometimes they follow their immediate superiors. Most of the time they are out of the home and thus they do not have any close connection with their parents. When they are not in close contact, they do not show the urge to the directions of the parents. But the scenario is opposite for the teachers and superiors. The youths spend most of their times at the educational institutions with their teachers, mates and seniors. So, they are greatly influenced by the teachers and their seniors regarding their attitude and learning skills. But the youth issues are of great concern for the parents and the society as well. The rate of unemployment in Australia has decreased to some extent in this year but it does not refer that the issue has been solved yet. The unemployed youths are covering a large portion of the total population and they are engaged into different unwanted and unethical activities sometimes whereas they are not supposed to get involved so. Though the rate of such unwanted events is not rapidly increasing, but it is still an alarming issue for all.

2.Why it is important to have role models?

Youths always want to follow. They experience a new world before them when they are out of their homes and consequently get influenced by the external facts. They need to have role models for several reasons. I think you have the idea how the youths are influenced by movies or songs and the people who are performing in the movies. When they see something negative, they try to imitate the negative issues in their real life and as a result invite disorders for them with their family and friends. For instance, if they see someone smoking on television or on cinema, I can bet they will follow the smoking style immediately after enjoying the movie or the specific television series. They get highly influenced and take them as role models for them. I’m talking about a negative aspect of role model that will teach them how to smoke cigarettes. But it could be used for positive aspects as well. When they will see someone of their ages is having an award for outstanding contribution to any social sector and the issue will be publicised, they will be inspired to be like the award winning youths. Therefore, since they are out of control of the parents and influenced by the role models, I think it is important to create more and more role models for them.

3.Do you think the education system in your country influences young people’s behaviour?

Umm! Yes. Education has many things to do with the behaviour of the young people. The educational system in Australia does not teach the student to read and write only, it also plays a great role to socialise the students. The course curriculums are made in different ways to teach them the right manners in different situations. But there are some youths – wicked by nature, do not follow the learning. The entire education system is formed in a way that if the students follow the system properly, they would be considered as assets for the country. But in reality, the scenario is different. Sometimes the learning process is not easier as it is imagined. Besides, the teachers are cordial in spreading the learning and in many of the cases the students are unwilling to learn. As a result, the education cannot play its role in making law abiding citizens. I think you are well informed about the issue that education is a two-way process and ‘pushing knowledge’ on the students cannot bring the desired outcomes. They are also to be willing in learning newer attitudes and behaviours through the educational system.

4.What types of person (parents, teachers, friends etc) are best to influence young people’s behaviour?

As I said before, the teachers are the best people to influence the young people and their behaviour. They usually imitate the attitudes and behaviours of the teachers and in some exceptional cases, they follow their friends. I think you will agree on the point why they are not influenced by the parents after my answer of your previous question. Parents cannot control their kids as they stay less time at homes and spend more on out of home activities. They have a close interaction with the teachers and friends. When the teachers order them to do any specific thing, they perform the tasks happily while this is not possible for their parents to make them do.

5.What do you think young people will be most influenced by it the future?

Great question for me! Well, you know that the ages are advancing. With the advancement, the kids and youths are getting changed too. When you were a youth in your time, the global setting was not the same as it is today being experienced by the youths of the current days. Further, the global setting will be changed in the future as well. Thereby, it is hard to predict how the youths will be influenced in the coming days. But I think it would be the mass media that will have the largest portion of influence on the youths. The idea crossed my mind. Due to the use of social networking websites, spending time on watching television events, reading the news websites on cell phones etc. are on the rise among the youths.

6.What influences social media has on young generation in your country?

The social network is the Network of Number of Peoples or Groups means it provides them a way to exchange their thoughts, knowledge, messages so that we can conclude social networks increase Awareness among the people and stay them connect for eg facebook, twitter etc.

On the other hand, it has also some issues that are the issues of privacy, security as we see that some nonserious Peoples uses images of others and make fake Accounts and start publishes some Vulgar things that send the wrong message to society in the form of violence, against the dignity of peoples of the country etc.

So we need to be aware of all its pros and cons so that how we can use Social media in the right way with responsible manner.

Overall friend message is If their is rose then there is thorn also.

7.Why is it hard for adults to change?

Every one of adults builds mental shortcuts into their daily routine. We recognise patterns that allows us to prempt future occurances of the same event. This is pretty much how stereotypes are created to make life more convenient and let life not be so overwhelming to us. So stereotypes/shortcuts help us to apply mental focus and thinking power when we are more likely to want to.

Change effects our need for an 'easy' life.Change, in any form, is costly. It involves the expenditure of time, money and effort to adapt to a new reality.



