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在托福准备的过程中,想要让自己的托福口语备考过程更加流利完美,考生需要注意哪些事情呢?下面小编就和大家分享 用5层汉堡包结构完美演绎托福口语,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。


S1 Which of the following creative activities do you feel like to get involved in? 1. Pottery making 2. Writing 3. Art creation



Say you like A. (5%)

Explain why A is good. (50%)

Say why you don’t like B. (20%)

Say why you don’t like C. (20%)

Wrap it up. (5%)


I’d like to join a writing acitivity.

Writing has been a huge problem for me. It happens very often in writing classes that I don’t even understand the question. Even if I get the meaning of the prompt, it is always difficult to come up with ideas and develop those ideas into a complete five-paragraph essay. So if a writing activity really helps, it’s definitely worth trying.

I know pottery making is fun, but it feels bad to get my hands dirty and get my t-shirts stained.

As for art creation, it simply sounds too complicated.

So again, a writing activity will be a good choice for me.



Come up with, definitely worth trying, get my hands dirty等搭配用法,不仅在句型上多样化,而且使表达更加地道。

I'd like, I know, it sounds, so again等词组能让整个片段听上去更加合理通顺,文脉清晰,让考官觉得有理有据,即使不用那些难懂的词汇。

所有内容搭建在5层汉堡包的框架上,组织得当。口语用词不需要很难,尽量多用phrasal verbs。内容联系自身实际,言之有物。结构可以照搬汉堡包,反复练习达到自然表达。



在讲解具体每一个分数的具体要求前我们先来回顾一下托福口语评分标准三大维度,它们分别是delivery、language use 以及topic development。我们来看一下官方指南上对于这三点的解释。

01 Delivery

Delivery :How clear your speech is. Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns


02 Language use

Language use:How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters will be listening for how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.


03Topic development

Topic development:How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas. Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.










Some universities require first year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

Sample 1

I think the better policy is to make student live in the dorm, because the first year student live in the dorm...because I think they can be safer first, because they are from...most are come from other town, so they don’t really know the environment. so...I think it safer. huh...Moreover I think they can make friends in the dorm so they can have good relationship to know on the...on the university’s...is...I mean...they know better the environment. Especially they don’t have cars...

Sample 2

Um... I think it’s better for the first- year students to live on campus rather than off campus. Main reason because they are new to the city and it’s safer for them to live on campus where there’s more security. Because they don’t know much about the city in the first place. Uh... Second of all, it helps them to become more familiar with the surroundings where they have to study. It also helps them to meet new people. Living in the dorm encourages friendships with people who you might not...um...seem very comfortable with first time. And it helps to meet new people, it helps to doing with the seniors if any live in the dorm.



Some universities require first year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

sample 1

I think the better policy is to make student live in the dorm, because the first year student live in the dorm, because I think they can be safer first, because they are from most of them are come from other town, so they don’t really know the environment. so I think it safer. huh, moreover I think they can make friends in the dorm so they can have a good relationship to know on the, on the university’s is, the goal I mean, they know better the environment. Especially they don’t have cars.

sample 2

I think it’s better for the first year students to live on campus rather than off campus. Main reason because they are new to the city and it safer for them to live on campus where there’s more security. Because they don’t know much about the city in the first place. Second of all, it helps them to become more familiar with the surroundings where they have to study. It also helps them to meet new people. Living in the dorm encourages friendships with people who you might not seem very comfortable with first time. And it helps to meet new people, it helps to interact with the seniors if any live in your dorm.

现在来公布正确答案,sample 2是满分回答,不知道大家有没有回答正确呢?


01 Delivery


02 Language use


03 Topic development


以上三点均能满足,所以sample 2为满分回答。

那么大家可以猜测一下sample response1是多少分呢?

Sample 1在实际考试中拿到了3分,在讲解为什么这个回答是三分之前,我们还是先来学习一下ets 给出的3分评分标准的具体内容, 判断一下sample 1是否满足我们3分评分细则。









Sample 1

01 Delivery


02 Language use


03 Topic development


由此可见sample response 1是满足3分评分标准的。虽然不是满分也有一定的缺陷,但也是一个不错的成绩,因为如果我们在speaking section中的6道题都能拿到3分,最后的口语总分也有23分。

希望今天讲解完这两个口语回答后,大家能对3分和4分评分标准有更深入的了解,并且对我们独立口语也要充满信心,因为满分回答也不是完美无暇的,拿到3分也是比较容易的 只要我们answer the question给出你的答案,keep talking 说满45秒,基本就有三分,如果想拿4分的话 give realated details。



