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一个母语为中文的资深英语学习者,很少有人能真正做到一口地道口音的British/ American English.而在雅思口语的评分标准中,也并非要求你的发音要标准得跟BBC/CNN主播一样,但前提是你所说的英语得能让考官听懂,否则说的再流利再深情并茂也是没用的,而且即使你对咱们的考官全程微笑卖萌并不会有加分作用,真正得分我们还是要拼实力!




好的英语发音不仅是掌握单独词语的音节标准这么简单,更是能够体现对intonation(语音的升降调)和stress (对单词中一些音节和句子中的一些单词重读及节奏)的理解。这也是很多口语5分的烤鸭们常常疑惑不知道为什么考官总能够火眼晶晶揪出自己在背诵答案的原因,没有真实情感表达的背书不能够达到沟通交流的目的。



Describe an important text message you received.

You should say:

what it was

when you got it

who you got it from

and explain why you thought it was important

I once received a text message from my mother. This was years ago while I was waiting to hear about my acceptance in university. In those days you received a letter through the post, you see. And I was away from home at the time. So I told my mother, if a letter arrives through the post for me, then please open it, and call me or text me the results – if it’s a letter from the universities application, body. So, at the time I was actually playing basketball with my friends at a leisure centre in Hefei, you see I was staying in Hefei with an uncle of mine, and I have a few friends there too. It was the summer holidays. So, I was playing basketball, and doing quite well, if I remember correctly. The game ended and we all shook hands and went to go get changed. I was sweating a lot because it was really hot that summer too, and I’d been playing really energetically. When I got to the changing rooms and opened my locker I checked my phone. I saw a missed call from my mother, then I saw I had also received a text message. I opened it and I found that she had, indeed, received a letter for me through the post, and it was an unconditional offer for the university I really wanted to study at! In England. So I was really happy. I’d not only played really well in my basketball game, but I’d also got the offer I wanted in the university I wanted to study at. So, of course it was an important message, and of course I felt fantastic.


1. Do you think traditional letters are a good way to send messages?

Traditional letters today are not a very efficient way to communicate – hardly anyone communicates in this way these days. It’s best to use messenger services on our mobile phone or email for business situations. Letters can be nice though – they can be a nice and personal way to communicate – maybe if I find a girl I fall in love with I might write her a love letter – this is a romantic tradition that I think is very sweet.

2. Have people changed the ways they communicate with each other?

Yes, radically. At least since I was a child. Today people are chatting on line all the time on WeChat and these kind of messenger services. It’s the main form of communication, actually. In some ways this is great, but it also has downsides – I think people might be losing the ability to talk and chat face to face!

3. Do technological advances have a negative impact on communication?

Yes, of course, In fact, they are the primary thing that impacts communication. Our communication has been revolutionized by technology. Especially in the past 10 years or so, there have been giant leaps in tech developments and advances. It’s actually a bit scary in some ways!

4. Is it more polite to make phone calls than send text messages?

It used to be… But today people are not really accustomed to sending messages. In fact, it has become quite normal to communicate even important business decisions, send documents and project work and all sorts, via WeChat messages, moreso than even emails in some cases.


Describe an occasion when you wasted your time.

You should say:

Where you were

When it was

What you did

And explain why you think it was a waste of time

Emmm, there are a few occasions when I think that I wasted time. In fact, I am the kind of person who can be incredibly focused on work or studies at times, and on other occasions I can be quite absent-minded and find it hard to concentrate. I think a lot of people are similar – there are days when I can get loads of work done in a few hours and am highly productive, but other days, especially when I am worried or anxious about something, where I feel a bit guilty because I simply can’t focus or concentrate on the task at hand. The time I feel quite bad about was during the summer holidays at home when I had lots of work to do, and I just couldn’t relax or settle to do it. I left it all till the very last few days then got really stressed having to cram it all in. I should have just got down to it and done it little by little each day but I frittered my time away then had the huge project to tackle all in the last two days. I really don’t like doing things in this way, and I think it’s a bad use of time and causes one a lot of stress as well. I think good time-management skills are important and I have since trained myself to be much better in this regard.

Part 3

1. How can we avoid wasting time?

We can avoid wasting time by planning things properly, managing our time well, keeping schedules, to-do lists, task list and things like this. These are the best ways to avoid frittering time away. Also, I’d say it’s a state of mind issue – you have get into the right state of mind and develop a positive mental attitude to planning and not procrastinating – you know, putting things off till the last minute is always a bad way to approach things.

2. How can parents help children manage time?

Most certainly parents can… they can teach children about good time management, as they get older, for example through structuring their time to do homework, to watch TV, etc. Parents can make sure they balance their leisure time with their work and study time. Parents should indeed teach kids about this kind of thing.

3. Do you think having a rest is a waste of time?

No, of course not, especially if you have done your work tasks or homework and other important domestic errands and things like this, having a rest is also very important to get your energy back, to get your head clear and to charge your batteries for the next time you have work or responsibilities that require energy and effort.



