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1.视译(sight interpretation)


2.接续口译(consecutive interpretation)


3.交替口译(alternating interpretation)


4.耳语口译(whispering interpretation)


5.同声传译(simultaneous interpretation)




As history shows, harmony benefits all Asian countries while confrontation hurts all.


The rise of Asia has not come easily and unity remains the best wayto build a stronger Asia.


Today, Asia is a rising region in the global geopolitical landscape, and is also leading world economic growth.


2016 is the opening year of China’s 13th Five Year Plan. It is also the opening year of the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations.


In this increasingly multi-polar, globalized and digitized world, countries are more interdependent in their interests than ever before.


All in all, I am full of confidence in China’s development in 2016 and I am full of expectations for the China-UK business cooperation in the year ahead.


Asian countries loathe to see a repeat of war, turmoil and mutual hostility, and are eager to focus on development in a peaceful and stable environment.


Due to its diversity, Asia cannot copy the model of others in seeking regional integration.


Over the years, Asian cooperation frameworks have looked to,engaged with and learned from those in other regions.


While encouraged by fast progress, we should stay cool-headed at the difficulties and challenges.


As a Chinese saying goes, “Even with great success one shouldalways try to do better”.


Regional Cooperation is an important means to improve regional governance and fuel the rise of Asia.


Since becoming a dialogue partner with ASEAN 25 years ago, China has seen its participation in regional cooperation grow both in breadth and depth.



Gender equality and women’s development is a lasting theme of mankind’s pursuit of equality and justice, a scale for measuring social progress and an important goal in realizing sustainable development in our world.


Chinese women make up one fifth of the world’s total female population. Gender equality and women’s development in China not only give expression to China’s own progress, but also constitute a historical contribution made to global equality, development and peace.


It is obvious to all that, in tandem with rapid economic and social development, great progress has been achieved in the promotion of gender equality and women’s development in China over the past two decades.

【In tandem with 】

In tandem with open markets and open trade, the United States led in the promotion of democracy.



At the same time, China is highly aware that, as a developing country with the world’s largest population, and restricted by its limited level of economic and social development, it will continue tobe confronted with new situations and problems in its efforts to promote women’s development. There is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in China, and arduous tasks remain to be tackled.


China actively promotes equality in education, adjusting the structure of education, adhering to the principle of gender equality, and working hard to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for both men and women to access education.


The Sixth National Census showed that the average years of schooling for women over the age of six were 8.4 years in 2010, 1.3 years more than in 2000, and the gender gap had narrowed by 0.2 year as compared with 2000.


A network of maternal and child health services covering both urban and rural areas has taken shape in China, with maternity and child care institutions as the core, community-level health care institutionsas the foundation, and large or medium-sized medical institutions and relevant research and teaching institutions as the support.


Women are playing an increasingly prominent unique role in the fostering of social culture, protection of the ecological environment and family management.


In its efforts to advance the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, China will continue implementing the basic national policy of equality between men and women, constantly improve policies and measures in the fields of economy, law, administration and public opinion, safeguard women’s rights and interests in accordance with the law, and work to achieve greater success in the cause of gender equality and women’s development.


China is willing to work with other countries to encourage all social sectors to contribute to the promotion of gender equality and women’s development, to strengthen and expand international exchanges and cooperation, and to contribute further to promoting worldwide equality, development and peace.


China actively implements international conventions and documentsconcerning gender equality and women’s development, takes part in international bilateral and multilateral women’s exchanges and cooperation, strengthens friendly exchanges with women organizations all over the world, and focuses on providing technical training and material assistance to women in developing countries,thus playing an important role in promoting gender equality and women’s development around the globe.


An ecological civilization emerges when human society reaches a certain stage of development. As a new mode of civilization that reflects a level of harmony betweenhumans and nature, ecological civilization represents a major conceptual advance for the development of human civilization.


Building an ecological civilization does not mean that we must abandon industrial civilization and return to a primitive way of living. Rather, it means building a civilized society with developed production, affluent standards of living, and sound ecological environments in accordance with the goals of realizing sustainable development and achieving a state of balance between humans and nature. Therefore, this is a society in which human activities are based on the carrying capacity of resources and the environment, and in which human development is governed by the objective laws of nature.


Promoting ecological progress is a basic requirement of putting people first. In maintaining a commitment to putting people first, the first thing we must do is to guarantee the mental and physical wellbeing of the people.


In the past, the public were concerned with having adequate shelter, warm clothes, and enough to eat; now, they have a greater demand for environmental protection. Specifically, they long for agreeable living environments, clean water, fresh air, and safe food that they can trust.


The job of the government is to orient its policies towards the wishes of the people.


Therefore, we must devote major efforts to resolving prominent environmental issues,work constantly to improve the working and living conditions of the people, and continue towin the people’s trust by delivering solid results in our environmental initiatives.


China is a major maritime nation. For this reason, the protection and management of ocean environments has a bearing not only on China’s development, but also on its national security.


We have come to the stage where urgent action must be taken without delay to address the serious problems of air, water, and soil pollution in China. In responding to these problems, we need to identify clear priorities, adopt striking measures, lay an emphasis onthe rectification of pollution, and strive to attain solid results.


China’s water shortages are not only a result of insufficient resources and inadequate water conservancy facilities, but are also due to the effects of pollution.


The establishment of an ecological civilization will call for widespread efforts from society as a whole, and all members of society stand to benefit from sound ecological environments.




The Belt and Road Initiative offers both a long-term vision and real benefits in the near future.


Some Westerners believe the Initiative is nothing more than a concept, lacking a clear roadmap. However, such an interpretation isone-sided.


Of course, potential risks during the construction must be acknowledged. And it is because of those risks that the construction is being done through joint consultation, joint construction and sharing.


The opportunities and risks that come with the Initiative must beviewed objectively.


The Belt and Road Initiative is not meant to establish a sphere of influence, but to weave a partnership network.


With joint efforts between different countries and regions along theroute, and by aligning the booming Asian economic sphere with the European one, the Belt and Road Initiative will stimulate huge market demand, acting as an engine for global economic development.


In the long run, the Initiative will advance world economic development. It will put into practice the idea of openness and inclusiveness, and will pioneer economic globalization.

泰山(Mount Tai),世界文化与自然双重遗产 ,世界地质公园,全国重点文物保护单位,国家重点风景名胜区,国家5A级旅游景区。

Mount Tai is a World Cultural and Natural Heritage site, World Geopark, Key Cultural Site under State Protection, National Key Tourist Attraction, and a AAAAA Tourist Attraction.


Located in the central region of Tai’an City, Shandong Province, Mount Tai is reputed to be the “First of the Five Famous Mountains” and the “First Mountain in the World”. Its main peak, the Peak of the Heavenly Emperor, is located at an altitude of 1,545m.


Hailed as “the most astonishing mountain in China”, Mount Huangshan is located in Huangshan City in the south of Anhui Province.


It covers an area of 1,200km2 (core scenic area of about 160.6km2), about 40km in length from south to north and 30km in width from east to west. It is mainly formed bygranite and has an altitude of 1,864m at the Lotus Peak.


①Located in Nanping County of Aba Tibetan & Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, the Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area is a valley with the depth of more than 40km, over 400km away from Chengdu.

② It has become well-known for the nine surrounding Tibetan villages that cover about 620km2.

③ About 52% of the area is covered with thick, virgin forest.

④ The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area has become the only holy land to enjoy both “World Natural Heritage” and “World Biosphere Reserve” status in China.


★ 口译经典名著学翻译:《傲慢与偏见》系列二

★ 翻译资格考试中级口译复习讲义

★ 2020年翻译资格考试中级口译精选词汇

★ 英语翻译



