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jaded :: fatigued; surfeited

jaundiced :: yellowed; prejudiced; envious

jocose :: giving to joking

jocular :: said or done in jest

jocund :: merry

judicious :: wise; determined by sound judgment


ubiquitous :: being everywhere; omnipresent

ulterior :: situated beyond; unstated

ultimate :: final; not susceptible to further analysis

unassuaged :: unsatisfied; not soothed

unassuming :: modest

unbridled :: violent

uncanny :: strange; mysterious

unconscionable :: unscrupulous; excessive

uncouth :: outlandish; clumsy; boorish

unctuous :: oily; bland; insincerely suave

unearthly :: not earthly; weird

unequivocal :: plain; obvious

unfaltering :: steadfast

unfeigned :: genuine; real

ungainly :: awkward

unimpeachable :: blameless and exemplary

unique :: without an equal; single in kind

unkempt :: disheveled; with uncared for appearance

unmitigated :: harsh; severe; not lightened

unruly :: disobedient; lawless

unseemly :: unbecoming; indecent

unsullied :: untarnished

untenable :: unsupportable

unwitting :: unintentional; not knowing

unwonted :: unaccustomed

urbane :: suave; refined; elegant

uxorious :: excessively devoted to one's wife


lackadaisical :: affectedly languid

laconic :: brief and to the point

laggard :: slow; sluggish

lambent :: flickering; softly radiant

laminated :: made of thin plates or scales

languid :: weary; sluggish; listless

lascivious :: lustful

latent :: dormant; hidden

lateral :: coming from the side

laudatory :: expressing praise

lavish :: liberal; wasteful

lecherous :: impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste

lethal :: deadly

lethargic :: drowsy; dull

lewd :: lustful

libelous :: defamatory; injurious to the good name of a person

libidinous :: lustful

licentious :: wanton; lewd; dissolute

limpid :: clear

linguistic :: pertaining to language

lithe :: flexible; supple

livid :: lead-colored; black and blue; enraged

loath :: averse; reluctant

loquacious :: talkative

lucent :: shining

lucid :: bright; easily understood

lucrative :: profitable

lugubrious :: mournful

luminous :: shining; issuing light

lunar :: pertaining to the moon

lurid :: wild; sensational

luscious :: pleasing to taste or smell

lustrous :: shining

luxuriant :: fertile; abundant; ornate


macabre :: gruesome; grisly

Machiavellian :: crafty; double-dealing

magnanimous :: generous

magniloquent :: boastful; pompous

malevolent :: wishing evil

malicious :: dictated by hatred or spite

malignant :: having an evil influence; virulent

malleable :: capable of being shaped by pounding

mammoth :: gigantic

mandatory :: obligatory

maniacal :: raving mad

manifest :: understandable; clear

marital :: pertaining to marriage

maritime :: bordering on the sea; nautical

martial :: warlike

maternal :: motherly

maudlin :: effusively sentimental

mauve :: pale purple

meddlesome :: interfering

mediocre :: ordinary; commonplace

mellifluous :: flowing smoothly; smooth

mendacious :: lying; false

menial :: suitable for servants; low

mercantile :: concerning trade

mercenary :: interested in money or gain

mercurial :: fickle; changing

meretricious :: flashy; tawdry

metallurgical :: pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores

metaphysical :: pertaining to speculative philosophy

meticulous :: excessively careful

migrant :: changing its habitat; wandering

migratory :: wandering

mincing :: affectedly dainty

mobile :: movable; not fixed

modish :: fashionable

molten :: melted

momentous :: very important

monetary :: pertaining to money

monotheism :: belief in one God

moot :: debatable

morbid :: given to unwholesome thought; gloomy

mordant :: biting; sarcastic; stinging

moribund :: at the point of death

morose :: ill-humored; sullen

motley :: parti-colored; mixed

muggy :: warm and damp

multiform :: having many forms

multilingual :: having many languages

mundane :: worldly as opposed to spiritual

munificent :: very generous

musky :: having the odor of musk

musty :: stale; spoiled by age

mutable :: changing in form; fickle

mutinous :: unruly; rebellious


vacuous :: empty; inane

vainglorious :: boastful; excessively conceited

vapid :: insipid; inane

variegated :: many-colored

vaunted :: boasted; bragged; highly publicized

vehement :: impetuous; with marked vigor

venal :: capable of being bribed

venerable :: deserving high respect

venial :: forgivable; trivial

ventral :: abdominal

venturous :: daring

veracious :: truthful

verbose :: wordy

verdant :: green; fresh

vernal :: pertaining to spring

versatile :: having many talents; capable of working in many fields

vicarious :: acting as a substitute; done by a deputy

vindictive :: revengeful

virile :: manly

virulent :: extremely poisonous

viscid :: sticky; adhesive

viscous :: sticky; gluey

visionary :: produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical

vitriolic :: corrosive; sarcastic

vituperative :: abusive; scolding

vivacious :: animated; gay

vociferous :: clamorous; noisy

volatile :: evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial

voluble :: fluent; glib

voluptuous :: gratifying the senses

voracious :: ravenous

vying :: contending














