remote / ri5mEut / a.1.遥远的,偏僻的 2.关系疏远的,脱离的 3.绝少的,微乎其微的 4.孤高的,冷淡的
removal / ri5mu:vEl / n.1.除去,消除2.移动,搬迁
remove / ri5mu:v / vt.1.移开,挪走2.脱下,摘下 3.去掉,除去,消除 4.把…免职,开除mot,mob,mov来自拉丁文movere =to move 及其过去分词 motus,mobilis=movabl 。
move / mu:v /vt.1.移动,搬动,搬(家)2.动摇,使改变主意 3.感动,激动vi.1.动,走动,移动2.搬家,迁移3.进展,发展n.1.动,动作,行动2.移动,搬家,迁移unmoved / Qn5mu:vd/ a.1.无动于衷的,冷漠的2.镇定的
movement / 5mu:vmEnt / n.1.动,动作,活动2.移动,迁移3.进展,动向,趋向4.[常pl.]行动,活动5,乐章
movie / 5mu:vi / n.1.电影,影片2.[the pl.]电影院,电影业
movable / 5mu:vEbl / a.1.活动的, 可移动的 2.活动的,不固定的 n.可动产,个人财物
mow / mau / n.干草堆, 谷堆 v.刈, 扫除, 收割庄稼, 扫倒
mobile / 5mEubail / a.1.运动的,活动的,可动的2.流动的,机动的3.多变的,易变的n.移动电话
mobilize / 5mEubilaiz /vt.1.动员2.调动,鼓动起vi.动员起来
mobility / mEu5biliti / n.活动性, 灵活性, 迁移率, 机动性
immobility / imEu5bilEti /n.固定,牢固,静止
automobile / 5C:tEmEubi:l, 7C:tE5mEubil /n. 汽车
motion / 5mEuFEn /n.1.(物体的)运动2.手势,眼色,动作3.提议,动议v.(向…)打手势,示意
motive / 5mEutiv /n.动机,动因,目的motivate / 5mEutiveit / v.1.激发,处于…动机2.汽车
motif / mou5ti:f /n.1.(文学作品或音乐的)主题,主旨 2.装饰图案,装饰图形
motor / 5mEutE /n.发动机,马达 a.1.有引擎的,用发动机驱动的 2.机动车的,汽车的3.肌肉运动的,神经运动的
motorcycle / 5mEutE7saikl /n.摩托车
motoring / 5mEutEriN / n.驾车, 驾车兜风
motorist / 5mEutErist / n.乘汽车者, 常坐汽车的人
motorise /motorize / 5mEutEraiz / vt.使机动化, 使摩托化
motorway / 5mEJtEweI / n.汽车高速公路
motto / 5mRtEu /n.(某一个人或团体机构的)箴言,格言,座右铭
demote / di5mEut / vt.使降级, 使降职,使降低地位(常作为惩罚)
emote / i5mEut/ vi.<美口>夸张地作为, 激动地表达感情
emotion / i5mEuFEn /n.情感,感情,激情
emotional / i5mEuFEnl / a.情绪的, 情感的
promote / prE5mEut /vt.1.促进,增进,发扬2.提升,提拔3.宣传,推销(商品等)
promotion / prE5mEuFEn /n.1.提升, 提拔, 晋升 2.(体育运动队的)晋级,升级 3.促销活动,广告宣传 4.推广,促进
sci来自拉丁文scire =to know 。
science / 5saiEns / n.1.科学 2.学科
scientific / 7saiEn5tifik / a.科学的
scientist / 5saiEntist / n.科学家
sciolism / 5saiElizEm / n.一知半解, 肤浅的知识
conscience / 5kCnFEns / n.良心,良知,善恶观念
conscientious / 7kCnFi5enFEs / a.认真的,勤勤恳恳的
conscionable / 5kCnFnEbl / a.凭良心的, 正直的
unconscionable / Qn5kCnFEnEbl / a.不合理的, 不受良心节制的, 过度的
conscious / 5kCnFEs / a.1.意识到的,自觉的 2.神志清醒的 3.有意的,存心的
consciousness / 5kCnFEsnis / n.1.清醒状态, 知觉 2.觉察,感觉,意识 3.观念,看法
unconscious / Qn5kRFEs / a.不省人事, 未发觉的, 无意识的
subconscious / 5sQb5kCnFEs / a.下意识的,潜意识的 n.下意识,潜意识
nescient / 5nesiEnt, -sjEnt / a.无学的, 无知的
omniscient / Cm`nIsIEnt,-`nIFEnt / a.无所不知的,全知全能的,博闻广识的
omniscience / Cm5nisiEns / n.全知, 全知者, 上帝
omnipresent /RmnI5prezEnt / a.无所不在的, 无处不在, 同时遍在的
prescient / 5presaiEnt / a.预知的, 先觉的
prescience / 5pre5saiEns / n.预知, 先见
-el ,ella来自拉丁后缀,表示“小的… 物 ”
barrel / 5bArEl / n.1.桶 2.筒,枪(或炮)管vi.快速移动
chapel / 5tFApEl / n.(学校、医院等处的)小教堂,祈祷室
parcel / 5pa:sEl / n.小包,包裹
panel / 5pAnEl / n.1.面,板 2.专门小组,评判小组 3.控制板,仪表盘 4.金属板,镶板,镶条 vt.(用木条、玻璃等)镶,装饰
pane / pein / n.长方块, 尤指窗格, 窗格玻璃, 边, 面
pantry / pAntri / n.餐具室, 食品室
patella / pE5telE / n.[解] 膝盖骨,髌骨
rubella / ru:5belE / n.[医]风疹
ruby / 5ru:bi / n.红宝石,红宝石色
rubicund / ru:bikEnd / a.(脸色, 肤色等)红润的, 透红的
umbrella / Qm5brelE / n.伞,雨伞
adumbrate / 5AdQm7breit / vt.画轮廓, 预示
somber /sRmbE(r) / a.阴森的, 昏暗的, 阴天的, 忧郁的
umbrage / QmbridV / n.1.树荫, 阴影 2.不快,不满,生气,愤怒
vessel / 5vesl / n.1.船,舰 2.容器,器皿 3.导管,血管
bottle / 5bCtl / n.瓶 vt.把…装入瓶中
bundle / 5bQndl / n.捆,包,束 vt.收集,归拢,把…塞入
pebble / 5pebl / n.卵石,小圆石
dilapidate / di5lApi7deit / v.(使)荒废, (使部分)毁坏, 浪费
dilapidated / -tid / a.毁坏的, 要塌似的, 荒废的
riddle / 5ridl / n.1.谜(语) 2.猜不透的难题,难解之谜 3.粗筛,格筛 vt.1.(用粗筛)筛 2.把…打得满是窟窿,把…弄得处处穿孔
heroism / 5herEuizEm / n.英勇表现,英雄精神
humanism / 5hju:mEnizEm / n.人文主义
humanist / `hjU:mEnIst / n.人文主义者
dehumanization / di:9hjU:mEnaI`zeIFEn; -nI`z- / n.灭绝人性, 失去人性, 非人化
criticism / 5kritisizEm / n.1.批评,批判,指责 2.评论,评论文章
autocriticism / 7C:tEu5kritisizEm / n.自我反省, 自我检讨, 自我批评
communist / 5kCmjunist / n.共产主义者,共产党员 a.共产主义的,共产党的,共产主义者的
communism / 5kCmjunizEm / n.共产主义
enthusiasm / in5Wu:ziAzEm,in5Wju:ziAzEm / n.1.热情,热心 2.巨大兴趣,热中的事物
enthusiastic / in7Wu:zi5Astik,in7Wju:zi5Astik / a.满腔热情的,热心的,极感兴趣的
socialism / 5sEuFElizEm / n.社会主义
socialist / 5sEuFelist / n.社会主义者,社会党人 a.社会主义的
capitalism / 5kApitElizEm / n.资本主义
deserve / di5zE:v / vt.应受,应得
undeserved / Qndi5zE:vd / a.不应得的, 不该受的, 冤枉的, 不公平的
serv来自拉丁文servare=to keep。
serve / sE:v / vt.1.为…服务(服役),任(职) 2.接待,为…端上 3.符合,适用于,满足 4.供应
5.度过(某段时间) 6.发(球)
vi.1.服务,供职,服役 2.伺候,接待 3.有用,用作,适合 4.发球
servant / 5sE:vEnt / n.仆人
servile / 5sE:vl / a.奴隶的,奴性的,卑屈的
servitude / sE:vitju:d / n.奴隶状态, 惩役, 劳役, 地役权, 使用权
service / 5sE:vis / n.1.公共设施,公用机构,政府部门 2.服务,劳务,业务 3.维修,保养
vt.1.维修,保养 2.向…提供服务(或信息等)
serviceable / sE:visEbl / a.有用的, 耐用的
conserve / kEn5sE:v / vt.保护,保藏,保存
conservation / 7kCnsE5veiFEn / n.保存,(对自然资源的)保护,避免浪费
conservative / kEn5sE:vEtiv / a.1.保守的,守旧的2.(式样等)不时新的,传统的
conservatory / kEn5sE:vEtouri /n.温室,暖房
conservatoire / [kEn5sE:vEtwB: / n戏剧音乐院,艺术学校
observe / Eb5zE:v,Rb5zE:v / vt.1.注意到,察觉到 2.观察 3.评说,评论 4,遵守,奉行
observer / Eb5zE:v,Rb5zE:v / n.观察员,观测者
observance / Eb5zE:vEns /n.1.(对法律、习俗、传统的)遵守,奉行,纪念 2.惯例,仪式,庆典
observation / 7RbzE5veiFEn / n.1.注意,观察 2.言论评论 3.[常pl.]观察资料,观察数据 4.观察力
observatory / Eb5zE:vEtEri /n.天文台, 气象台,天文观测站
preserve / pri5zE:v / vt.1.保护,维持 2.保存,保藏 3.腌制
n. 1.果酱 2.泡菜,淹菜 2.私人渔猎场(或保留地)
preservation / 7prezE(:)5veiFEn /n. 1.保存,保藏2.保护,维护
preservative / pri5zE:vEtiv / n.防腐剂
reserve / ri5zE:v / vt.1.保留,留存 2.预订
n.1.储备(物) 2.保留,(语言、行动的)拘谨,矜持 3.替补队员,后备部队 4.自然保护区
unreserved / Qnri5zE:vd / a.1.不隐瞒的, 坦白的, 无限制的 2.未被预订的
reservation/ 7rezE5veiFEn / n.1.(住处、座位等的)预订 2.保留,犹豫 3.(美国印第安部落的)居留地
reservoir / 5rezEvwa: / n.1.水库,蓄水池 2.(知识、人才等的)储藏,汇集
ersatz / ZE5zB:tz / a.代用的,合成的,假的,人造的
design / di5zain / n.1.设计,构想2.图样,图案3.企图,图谋
designate / 5dezi^neit / vt.1.指派,委任2.标出,把…定名为
designation / 7dezi^5neiFEn / n.1.指示, 指定, 选派2.名称,称呼
designer / di5zainE /n.阴谋家,设计家,制图师
designing / di5zainiN /n.设计, 阴谋
来自拉丁文signare=to mark,to appoint,mark。
point / pCInt / n.l.点,尖端 2.要点,核心 3.论点,观点 4.目的,意图 5.分数,点,得分 6.具体细节,具体情况 7.特点,特性,特征 8.时间点,时刻,阶段 9.地点,交界点 10.罗经点,方位点 10.标点,标度点 11.尖地,海角 12.光点,色点 13.电源插座 14.磅值,(印刷)尺寸
vt.弄尖, 指向, 指出, 瞄准, 加标点于
vi.指, 指向, 表明
appoint / E5pCint /vt.1.约定, 指定(时间,地点), 约会 2.任命, 委任
sign / sain / n.1.标记,符号 2.招牌 3.征兆,迹象
signal / 5signEl / n.1.信号,暗号 2.标志,表示
vt.1.向…发信号 2.标志着
signature / 5signitFE / n.签名,署名,签字
significance / sig5nifikEns / n.1.意义,含义 2.重要性,重大
significant / sig5nifikEnt / n.1.相当数量的 2.重要的,意义重大的 3.意味深长的
significantly / sig5nifikEntli / ad.显著地,意味深长地
signify / 5signifai / vt.表示…的意思,意味,预示
assign / E5sain / vt. 1.指派,选派2.指定(时间、地点等)3.分配,给予,布置(作业)
assignment / E5sainmEnt / n. 1.(分派的)任务,(指定的)作业2.分配,指派
ensign / 5ensain, 5ensn / n.旗, 军舰旗, 军旗, 徽章, <美>海军少尉
resign/ ri5zain / vi.辞职
vt.1.辞去,放弃 2.(to)使顺从
resignation / 7rezi^5neiFEn / n.1.辞职, 辞职书 2.放弃 3.顺从
resigned / ri5zaind / a.顺从的, 听天由命的, 逆来顺受的
desolate / 5desElit / a.1.荒芜的,无人烟的2.被遗弃的,孤独凄凉的
tacit :: understood; not put into words
taciturn :: habitually silent; talking little
tactile :: pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
tainted :: contaminated; corrupt
tautological :: needlessly repetitious
tawdry :: cheap and gaudy
temporal :: not lasting forever; limited by time; secular
tenacious :: holding fast
tentative :: provisional; experimental
tenuous :: thin; rare; slim
tepid :: lukewarm
terrestrial :: on the earth
terse :: concise; abrupt; pithy
tertiary :: third
testy :: irritable; short-tempered
therapeutic :: curative
thermal :: pertaining to heat
titanic :: gigantic
titular :: nominal holding of title without obligations
torpid :: dormant; dull; lethargic
tortuous :: winding; full of curves
touchy :: sensitive; irascible
toxic :: poisonous
tractable :: docile
transient :: fleeting; quickly passing away; staying for a short time
translucent :: partly transparent
transparent :: permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected
tremulous :: trembling; wavering
trenchant :: cutting; keen
trite :: hackneyed; commonplace
truculent :: aggressive; savage
tumid :: swollen; pompous; bombastic
turbid :: muddy; having the sediment disturbed
turgid :: swollen; distended
iconoclastic :: attacking cherished traditions
igneous :: produced by fire; volcanic
ignoble :: of lowly origin; unworthy
ignominious :: disgraceful
illimitable :: infinite
immaculate :: pure; spotless
imminent :: impending; near at hand
immune :: exempt
immutable :: unchangeable
impassive :: without feeling; not affected by pain
impeccable :: faultless
impecunious :: without money
impending :: nearing; approaching
impenitent :: not repentant
imperious :: domineering
impermeable :: impervious; not permitting passage through its substance
impertinent :: insolent
impervious :: not penetrable; not permitting passage through
impetuous :: violent; hasty; rash
impious :: irreverent
implacable :: incapable of being pacified
implicit :: understood but not stated
impolitic :: not wise
impregnable :: invulnerable
impromptu :: without previous preparation
improvident :: thriftless
inalienable :: not to be taken away; nontransferable
inane :: silly; senseless
inanimate :: lifeless
inarticulate :: speechless; producing indistinct speech
incarnate :: endowed with flesh; personified
incessant :: uninterrupted
inchoate :: recently begun; rudimentary; elementary
incipient :: beginning; in an early stage
incisive :: cutting; sharp
inclement :: stormy; unkind
inclusive :: tending to include all
incognito :: with identity concealed; using an assumed name
incommodious :: not spacious
incompatible :: inharmonious
inconsequential :: of trifling significance
incontrovertible :: indisputable
incorporeal :: immaterial; without a material body
incorrigible :: uncorrectable
indefatigable :: tireless
indigenous :: native
indigent :: poor
indisputable :: too certain to be disputed
indomitable :: unconquerable
indubitably :: beyond a doubt
indulgent :: humoring; yielding; lenient
ineffable :: unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech
inept :: unsuited; absurd; incompetent
inexorable :: relentless; unyielding; implacable
infallible :: unerring
infamous :: notoriously bad
infinitesimal :: very small
inflated :: enlarged with air or gas
ingenuous :: naive; young; unsophisticated
inherent :: firmly established by nature or habit
inimical :: unfriendly; hostile
iniquitous :: unjust; wicked
innate :: inborn
innocuous :: harmless
inordinate :: unrestrained; excessive
insatiable :: not easily satisfied; greedy
inscrutable :: incomprehensible; not to be discovered
insensate :: without feeling
insidious :: treacherous; stealthy; sly
insipid :: tasteless; dull
insolent :: haughty and contemptuous
insular :: like an island; narrow-minded
insuperable :: insurmountable; invincible
insurgent :: rebellious
interminable :: endless
intermittent :: periodic; on and off
intransigent :: refusing any compromise
intrepid :: fearless
intrinsic :: belonging to a thing in itself; inherent
introvert :: inclined to think more about oneself
inured :: accustomed; hardened
inverse :: opposite
inveterate :: deep-rooted; habitual
invidious :: designed to create ill will or envy
invulnerable :: incapable of injury
irascible :: irritable; easily angered
iridescent :: exhibiting rainbowlike colors
ironical :: resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner
irreconcilable :: incompatible; not able to be resolved
irrelevant :: not applicable; unrelated
irremediable :: incurable; uncorrectable
irreparable :: not able to be corrected or repaired
irreverent :: lacking proper respect
irrevocable :: unalterable
itinerant :: wandering; traveling