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abjure promise or swear to give up

abraded rubbed off, worn away by friction

abrasion rubbing, scraping, wearing off

abrogate repeal or annul by authority

abundant plentiful

abut border on

abysmal bottomless, extreme

acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval

accolade praise, approval

accretion the growing of separate things into one

acquisition smth acquired, acquiring

adhere remain faithful, stick fast to

adhesion adhering, support

adjacent lying near, next

admonitory containing warning

adulteration making unpure, poorer in quality

agile active, quick-moving

ail trouble; be ill

alacrity eager and cheerful readiness

allegiance duty, support, loyalty

amalgamate mix, combine, unite societies

amendment improving

amplify make large or fuller, increase the strength

annul put an end to

antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease

apprehensive grasping, understanding; fear, unhappy feeling about future

apt well-suited, quick-witted

arboreal of connected with trees

ardently with full of ardour

ardour enthusiasm

articulate speak distinctly, connect by joints

ascend go or come up

ascent the act of ascending

ascertain get to know

asset valuable quality, smth that has money value

assuage make smth (pain, desire) less

assumption smth supposed but not proved

asterisk the mark .(eg. omitted letters)

astringent substance that shrinks

astute clever; quick at seeing to get an advantage

atonement repayment; death of Jesus

audacious daring, foolishly bold, impudent

augury omen, sign

austere severely moral and strict; simple and plain

aver state positevly

aversion strong dislike


balloon swell out like balloon

balm sweet-smelling oil; smth giving peace of mind; consolation

banal uninteresting

band flat, thin strip of material; group; range of frequences

barrage artificial obstacle built across a river

barren not good enough, unable to have young ones, without value

bask in enjoy warmth and light

be irreconcilable cannot be brought into harmony

belligerent (person, nation) waging war

belligerently waging war

bend cause smth to be out of a straight line

benevolence wish or activity in doing good

biased prejudice

bigot stubborn, narrow-minded person

blandishment flattery, coaxing

blandness polite manner, comforting, uninteresting

blithe gay and joyous

blueprint plan, scheme, photographic print

boggle be alarmed, hesitate, amazed

bogus sham, counterfeit, not genuine

bolster give greatly needed support

braid strands of hair woven together, smth edging sloth or garments

breach opening, broken place, breaking

brisk active, lively

brisket breast of an animal

brittle easily broken

broach begin discussion of, veer

burgeon put out leaves, begin to grow

calipers metal supports attached to the legs, measuring instrument

candid frank, straight-forward

castigation severe punishment

casual happening by chance, careless

catalyst substance that causes speeding up

census official counting of the population

centurion leader of a unit of 100 soldiers

chary cautious, wary

chastisement punishment

chisel steel tool for shaping materials

churl bad-tempered person

cite give as an example

cleanse make pure, thoroughly clean

clot half-solid lump formed from liquid

cloture closing, device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting

coalescing coming together and uniting into one substance

coax get smb to do smth by kindness

coddle treat with care and tenderness

coerce compel, to force to make obedient

cogent strong, convincing

cogitate think deeply, mediate

cognition knowing, awareness (emotionless)

colander bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water

collusion secret agreement for a deceitful purpose

combustion process of burning

commend praise

commendable worthy of praise

commuter person who travels regularly

complacently with self-satisfaction

complaisance easy-going habit of mind

comply act in accordance

compound mix or combine

conceal hide, keep secret

conceit over-high opinion of, too much pride

conciliatory intending to or likely to, peaceful

concord agreement or harmony


condense increase in density, strength, make laconic

congeal make or become stiff and solid

connoisseur a person with good judgement (eg. in art)

consent give agreement or permission

consolation consoling or being consoled

console give comfort or sympathy to

consternation surprise and fear,dismay

constrict make tight or smaller

consume get to the end of

contentious quarrelsome

contiguous touching, neighboring, near

contrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing

convoke call together, summon

convoluted complicated; coiled, twisted

cord twisted strands

corporeal physical; of or for the body

correlate have a mutual relation

corroboration additional, strengthening evidence

counterfeit forgery

covetous eagerly desirous

craven cowardly

crease line made by crushing; white line on the ground in criket

credulity too great a readiness to believe things

credulous ready to believe things

crush press, lose shape, subdue, overwhelm

cryptic secret, with a hidden meaning

cumbersome burdensome, heavy and awkward to carry

dart quick movement; missile in darts

dawdler person who is slow; waste of time

dearth shortage

deference respect

defiance open disobedience or resistance

deflect turn aside

deluge great flood, heavy rush of water

demur raise an objection

dent hollow, depression mad by a blow

deposition dethronoment, depositing

deprave make morally bad; corrupt

derision ridicule, mockery, deriding

derivative derived, not original or primitive

descry catch sight of, see smth in the distance

detach separate

diatribe bitter and violent attack in words

dilate speak comprehensively, become wider, large

disabuse free from false ideas, put right

discern see with an effort but clearly

discourse speech, lecture

disparate essentially different

dissemble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)

dissent have a different opinion, refuse to assent

dissipation going away, dispersing

distinct easily heard, seen, understood, clearly marked

distorted pulled out of the usual shape, give a false account of

distraught distracted, violently upset in mind

distraught disracted; violently upset in mind

divergerence getting farther apart from a point

divestiture taking off, getting rid of, giving up

divulge make known smth secret

dormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development

dote show much fondness, center one's attention

drone male bee, person who isn't self-employed

drowsiness feeling sleepy, half asleep

dud no use person, smth that fails

dupe cheat, make a fool of

dwarf person or smb much below the usual size

earthenware dishes made of baked clay

ebullience exuberance, outburst of feeling

eddy circular or spiral movement (eg. of wind)

effrontery shameless boldness, impudence

egress way out, exit

elaborate worked out with much care in great detail

eloquence fluent speaking; skillful use of language

encomium very high praise

endemic epidemic

endorse write one's name on the back of

enervate cause to lose strength

engender be the case of (eg. situation, condition)

engrossing taken up all the time or attention; writing in large or formal

engulf swallow up

enigma smth that is puzzling

enzyme catalyst

epistle letter

equilibrium state of being balanced

equivocal having a double or doubtful meaning; suspicious

equivocate put an end, get rig of

erode wear away, eat into

erratic irregular in behaviour or opinion

escalate increase, develop

evaluating finding out the value

evaporate change into vapour, disappear, die

evoke call up, bring out

evolve unfold, develop naturally and gradually


exoneration set smb slear, free (eg. from blame)

exorbitant much too high or great

extant still in existence

extinct no longer active

extirpate destroy utterly

extort obtain by threats, violence

exuberance state of growing vigorously; being full of life

facilitate make easy (eg. a process of smth)

fallacy false or mistaken belief

fatuous without sense, foolish self-satisfaction

faucet device for controlling the outflow of a liquid

fawn young deer, try to win smb's favour by servile behaviour

feckless futile, irresponsible, inefficient

feint pretend

felon person guilty of murder

ferment substance; become excited

ferocity savage cruelty

fertile producing much, full of ideas

fertilize make fertile or productive

fervid showing earnest feeling

fervor warmth of feelings; earnestness

fidelity loyalty, accuracy

fidget move restlessly, make nervous

figurehead carved image on the prow of a ship

finite limited, having bounds

flamboyant brightly colored, florid

flammable having tendency to burst into flames

flaunting show off complacently

flaw crack, lessen value

fledged able to fly, trained, experienced

fleet number of ships, quick-moving

fleeting passing quaickly

flexibility easily bent without braking

flinch drow, move back, wince

florid very much ornamented; naturally red (eg. of face)

flout oppose, treat with contempt

fluster make nervous or confused

foment put smth (to lessen the pain), cause smth

foppish like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes

forbear refrain from, be patient; ancestor

ford shallow place in a river (to cross)

forfeit suffer the loss of smth

forge workshop for the shaping of metal; to shape metal; lead

forgery counterfeit

fortuitous happening by chance

fragrant sweet-smelling

fret worry; irritation; wear away

friction the rubbing of one thing against another, difference of opinion

fringe edge; ornamental border; part of hair over the forehead

frugal careful, economical

fulmination bitter protest

gainsay deny, contradict

gambol quick, playful jumping

garment article of clothing

garrulous too talkative

gaucherie socially awkward, tactless bahaviour

gist the point, general sense

glib ready and smooth but not sincere

gloat over look at with selfish delight

glut supply to much, fill to excess

gossamer soft, light, delicate material

gouge tool for cutting grooves in wood

grave serious, requiring consideration

grievance cause for complaint or protest

grievous causing grief or suffering

grooves long channel in the surface, habital way of living


guile deceit, cunning

gull cheat, decieve

gullible easily

hallow make holy, regard as holy

hamper basket with a lid, prevent free movement or activity

hapless unlucky

harsh rough, cruel, stern

heed pay attention; notice

heresy belief contrary to what is generally acceted

hoax mischievous trick played on smb for a joke

hollow not soled, witha hole

holster leather case for a pistol

hone stone used for sharpening tools

hurdle light frame, fence to be jumped over

idolatrous worshipping idols

immaculate pure, faultless

imminent likely to come or happen soon

impaired damaged, weakened

impending imminent, being about to happen, expected

imperative urgent, essential

imperiousness haughty, arrogant, commanding

impetuous moving quickly, impulsive without care

impiety lack of reverence or dutifulness

implausibility incredibility

implicate show that smb has a share

implicit implied though not plainly expressed

imply make a suggestion

impromptu without preparation

impudence being rash, indisreet

impugned challenged, to be doubted

inasmuch since, because

inchoate just begun, half-form state

incise engrave, make a cut in

incite stir up, rouse

inclined directing the mind in a certain direction

incoherently not consistently, unclearly

incongruous out of place, not in harmony or agreement

incorrigibility cannot be cured or corrected

incumbents official duties

incursion sudden attack

indelible that cannot be rubbed out

indigence poverty

indigenous native

indistinct not easily heard, seen, clearly marked

inept unskillful; said or done at the wrong time

infertile not fertile, barren

infertility being not fertile

infuse put, pour, fill

inhibit hinder, restrain

innocuous causing no harm

insipid without taste or flavour

insularity being narrow-minded

intersperse place here and there














