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  PartⅠ. Listening ComprehensionSection A: 10 StatementsDirections: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. Each sentence will be spoken just once. The sentence you hear will not be written out for you. After you hear each sentence, read the four choices in your test paper, marked, A, B, C, and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Then, on your Answer Sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.1. A. Channel Three Carries CBS news.B. Channel Six carries CBS news.C. Channel Thirteen carries CBS news.D. Channel Thirty carries CBS news.2. A. A used book is $6 cheaper than a new book.B. A used book costs $2.50.C. Mary saved $3.50.D. A new book costs $8.50.3. Bill’s sister graduated.B.Whne Bill graduated, his sister was proud of him.C. Bill was very proud of his sister.D. Bill was very proud when he graduated.4. A. It is very dangerous to practice driving at the shopping center.B. Some places are better to practice driving than the shopping centerC. It is better mot to practice driving at the shopping center.D. The shopping center is the best place to practice driving.5. A. Both of my children came.B. Only my son came.C. Only my daughter came.D. Neither of my children came.6. A. The new students are not homesick.B. The new students used to be homesick, but they are mot homesick now.C. The new students have not been very long.D. since I have here longer than the new students, I am mot homesick.7. A. Mrs. Smith has traveled less than her husband has.B. Mrs. Smith always travels with her husband.C. Mrs. Smith husband does not travel very far.D. Neithe Mrs. Smith nor her husband travel very much any more.8. A. You should go to Florida again this year.B. Although you usually go to Florida, this year you should go to California instead.C. This year you should go to Florida instead of to California.D.You should return to California this year.9. A. John always tells secrets.B. John never tells secrets.C. John is meant to tell secrets.D. John keeps secrets.10. A. Mr. Smith stopped drinking when his doctor told him that he had to.B. Mr. Smith’s doctor did not stop drinking.C. Mr. Smith drinks in spite of his doctor’s advice.Section B: ConversationsDirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The comversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and deside which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a sing line through the center.11. A. To the hospitalB. To the beach.C. To the a department store.D. To a parking area.12. A. Registration.B. When the line breaks.C. People who don’t wait their turn.D. How long the line is.13. A. Because he wanted to meet the woman’s parents.B. Because he didn’t know the woman’s plans.C. Because he goes to a country house each August.D. Because he won’t be able to take a holiday.15. A. Friends.B. Late for the meeting.C. Hurry to the meeting.D. Take a bus.16. A. Friends.B. Doctor and patient.C. Solesman and consumer.D. Teacher and student.17. A. He can’t read the clock.B. He can’t write.C. He can’t speak.D. He can’t read books.18. A. 5:10 B. 5:00C. 10:05 D. 9:5519. A. In a bakery. B. In a restaurant.C. On a farm. D, Ina hotel.20. A.$5. B. $4.5.C.$2.5. D.$9.Section C:Directions: In this section, you will hear one short passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear five questions, both the passage and the questions will be spoken twice. After you hear the question, you must choos the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. Who is the speaker?A. The head of the student organization.B. The dean of students.C. The director of Butler Hall.D. A college professor.2. Which group of students is the speaker addressing?A. Those who will be on campus during a vacation.B. Those who work part-time in the administration of –fices.C. Those who normally live Butler Hall.D. Those who will be moving on campus in a few months.3. Which season of the year is it?A. Spring. B. Summer.C. Fall. D. winter.4. For how long will the dormitories remain closed?A. For weekend. B. For five days.C. for ten days. D. For two weeks.5. Which statement is TRUE about college facilities during the vacation period?A. Only a few facilities will be closed.B. Most facilities will be closed.C. Most facilities will operate on a reduced schedule.D. All facilities will be open.

  PartⅡ. Reading comprehensionDirections: There are 4passages in this part. Each of the first three passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). you should decide on the best choice. Answer the questions on the four passages.Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.When we meet another person for the first time, we are actually flooded with new information. Almost at once, we notice his appearance, style of dress, and monner of speech. Furthermore, as we listen to what he has to say and observe the things he does, we begin to form some ideas of what kind of person hisand what he intends to do. As you know from your own experience, though, we do not only gather these separate pieces of information. Instead, we go further and combine them into a unified picture. In short, we form an overall im pression of each person we meet-an impression that can be favorable or unfavorable. But how precisely do we perform this task? How do we combine so much different information into a clear first impression with such quick speed? A great deal of research has been performed on this question, and resulits point to the following answer: We perform this task through a special type of averaging.Expressed very simply our impressions of others seem to represent a weighted average of all information that can be gathered about them. That is, they reflect a process in which all information we have about others is averaged to gether—but with some facts, or input receiving greater sense. For example, in forming an impression of a new boss you would probably be influedced to a much greater degree by how this person gives you orders ( whether respectfully or not ) than by the color of his or her eyes. The fact that not all information about other persons affects our impressions of them to the same degree, raises an important question: Just what kinds of input receive the greatest weight? Again research provides some revealing(发人深思) an-swers.26. This passage is mainly about_______.A. how our first impressions are expressed.B. how our first impressions are formed.C. how we can favorably impress others.D. how first impression affect our lives.27. According to the passage, the first impression is_______.A. the result of quick look.B. not based on enough information.C. a combination of pieces of information.D. the observation of what a person does.28. Research has shown that first impressions are generally more influenced by______.A. the way others spesk.B. appearance and styule of dress.C. all information we have.D. certain types of information at hand.29. The word “weight”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_______.A. amount B. researchC. importance D. burden30. The following paragraph will most probably siscuss______.A. wrong first impression of other people.B. selected information for forming first impression.C. the importance of first impression in job situation.D. ways of making good first impression.

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the follwing passage.It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has to-day.There will be advances in biological knowledge as far-reaching as those that have been made in physics.We are only beginning to learn that we can control ourbiological environment as well as our physical world population: by Malthus in about 1800’by Cripples in about 1900. it was and the second time by using the new fertilizers. In the year 2020, starvation will be headed off by the control of the dis-eases and the herdity(遗传) of plants and animals –by shaping our own biological environment.Now I come back to the haunting theme of automation. The most common species in the factory today is the man who works or minds a simple in the factory today is the man who works or minds a simple machine—the operator. By the year 2020, the repedtitive tasks of industry will be taken over by the machines, as the heavy tasks were over long ago; and the mental tedium(乏味) will go the way of physi cal exhaustion. Thoday we still distinguish, even among repetitive jobs, between the skilled and the unskilled; but in the year 2020 all repetition will be unskilled. We simply waste our time if we oppose this change; it is as inevitable as the year 2020 itself.31. The article was written to _______.A. warn us of the impending(即将发生) starvationB. present facts about life in the near futureC. oppose biological advancesD. warn of the evil side of automation32. Advances in biological knowledgeA. kept pace with advances in physicsB. responsible for the invention of new machinesC. surpassed those in physicsD. lagged behind those in physics33. According to the passage, starvation_________.A. can be predicted B. is unavoidableC. can be prevented D. is mainly caused by poor agriculture34. Repetitive tasks in industry lead to _________.A. physical exhaustion B. mental stimulationC. mental exhaustion D. extinction35. If the predictions of the writer are realized, the demand for the unskilled workers in 21st century will be_________.A. very high B. very lowC. the same as today D. constantly risingQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passge.Psychologists now believe that noise has a considerable effect on people’s attitudes and behavior. Experiments have proved that in noisy situations (even temporary ones ), people behave more irritably and less cooperatively; in more permanent noisy situations, many people cannot work hard, and they suffer from severe anxiety as well as other psychologecal problems. However psychologists distinguish between“sound”and “noise”.“Sound”is measured physically in decibels.“Noise”cannot be measured in the same way because it refers to the psychological effect of sound and its level of “intensity”depends on the situation. Thus, for passengers at an airport who expect to hear airplanes taking off and landing, there may be a lot of sound, but not much noise (that is, they are not botered by the noise). By contrast, if you are at a concert and two people behind you are whispering you feel they are talking noisily even if there is not much sound. You notice the noise because it affects you psychologically. Both sound and noise can have negative effects, but what is most important is if the person has control over the sound. People walking down the street with earphones listening to music that they ecjoy, are receiving a lot of decibels of sound, but they are probably happy hearing sounds that they control. On the other hand, people in the street without earphones must tolerate a lot of noise which they have no control over. It is noise pollution that we need to control in order to help people live more happily.36. According to the passage people_________.A. can not work better in a noisy situationB. will suffer from complete deafness because of noise pollutionC. can be psychologically affected by working in very noisy factoriesD. may cooperate well in a noisy surrounding37. “Sound”, as defined by the psychologist,_________.A. can be measured in the same way that “noise” in measuredB. may be extremely harmful to healthC. is not at all different from “noise”D. can be measured by machines38. Peple waiting at an airport_________.A. enjoy hearing airplanes taking off and landingB. are usually not troubled by the noiseC. can easily tell sound from noiseD. are often physically affected by the noise39. People enjoy listenting to music________.A. though they are receiving a lot of decibels of sound in factB. because it does not have any negative effectC. because they do not have to tolerate the noise around themD. even though it is sometimes unpleasant hearing strange sounds40. We can conclude from the passage that we need to control noise pollution if__________.A. we want to stay both psychologically and physically healthyB. we don’t want to be physically dent(削弱)C. we want to cooperate wellD. we don’t want to be anxiousQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage. Complete each of the sentences with less than 10 words.It seems to me that many British newspapers aren’t really newspaper at all. They contain news. It is true, but much of this news only appears in print because it is guaranteed to shock, surprise appears in print because it is guaranteed to shock, surprise or cause a chuckle(轻声笑).What should we expect to find in a real newspaper? Interesting political articles? Accurate report of what has been happening in distant corners of the world? Full coverage of great sporting event? In depth interviews with leading personalities? It is a sad fact that in Britain the real newspapers, the ones that reort the facts, sell in thousands, while the popular papers that set out to shock or amuse have a circulation of several million. One inescapable(不可避免) conclusion is that the vast majority of British readers do not really want a proper newspaper at all. They just want a few pages of entertainment.I buy the same newspaper every day. In this paper, political matters, both British and foreign, are covered in full. The editorial column may support government policy on one issue and oppose it on another. There is a full page of book reviews and quoted daily. So are the exchange rates of the world’s major currencies. The sports correspondents are among the best in the country, while the standard of the readers’ letters in absolutely first class.If an intelligent person were to find a copy of this paper 50 years from now. he or she would still find it entertaining, interesting and instructive.So my favorite newspaper is obviously very different from those popular papers that have a circulation of several million. But that does not mean that it is “better” or that they are “worse”. Weare not comparing like with dislike. A publisher printing a newspaper with a circulation of several million is running a highly successful commercial operation. The people who buy this product are obviously satisfied customers and in a free society everybody should have the right to buy whatever kind of newspaper he pleases.41. What kind of news can be found most in the newspaper with a circulation of several millions?42. What does the author conclude about the British readers?43. What is the attiude of the author toward the popular papers?44. What kind of newspaper does the author always buy?45. What’s the best title for the passage?

  Part Ⅲ. Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the One that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.46. The________child was learning to walk again gradually.A) broken B) harmedC) injured D) enable47. It is high time you_______what a bad impression your impatrience makes on people.A) realized B) realizeC) will realize D) should realize48. The car was repaired but not quite to my________.A) joy B) pleasureC) attraction D) satisfaction49. He promised me that the messagea_________at once.A) could be sent B) would be sentC) must be sent D) be sent50. All things_______, the planned trip will have to be called off.A) be considered B) consideredC) considering D) having considered51. I’m going to the hairdresser’s to________.A) have cut my hair B) cut my hairC) have my hair cut D) cut me my hair52. He hurried to the station_______himself two bours early for the train.A) to find B) only to findC) finding D)to have found53. They seem to have no interest in________.A) mutual B) only to findC) common D) usual54. You are late for the meeting.________on time next time.A) Do be B) To be surelyC) Must be D) Make sure55. One day I________a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.A) came across B) came aboutC) came after D) came at56. After seeing the film,__________.A) the book was read by himB) the book made him want to read itC) he wanted to read the bookD) the reading of the book interested him57. I was startled when the waiter brought me the_________for I hadn’t thought chicken was so dear.A) massage B) menuC) note D) paper58. Now, the factory produces__________all the factories in this city did in 1949A) ten times much chemicalsB) as ten times much chemicalC) much chemicals as ten times asD) ten times as much chemicals as59. The boy was________by car and taken to hospital.A) run off B) run outC)run over D) run through60. The factory is said________in a fire two years agoA) to have been destroyedB) to be destroyedC) to destroyD) to have destoyed61. Mother’s only objection________our going out was that it was too lateA) for B) toC) against D) with62. There were only a_______number of students in the playground.A) few B) littleC) scarce D)small63. We can assign the work to__________is reliable.A) whose B) whomC) whoever D) whomever64. His explanation is not at all clear. I find it_______.A) essential B) confusingC) awful D) puzzled65. The popularity of such schools is growing steadily________the hight tuition fees.A) in spite of B) althoughC) instead of D) even if66. Not until 1868_________made the capital of the state of Georgia.A) Atlante was B) was AtlantaC) when Atlants was D) when was Atlanta67. Hand in your papers when you_________the test.A) are finishing B) will finishC) will have finished D) have finished68. They are nice boys and I’m sure you’ll get on_________them very well.A) with B) byC) toward D) beside69. We________live in the country than in the city.A) predfer to B) had betterC) would rather D) likes better to70. We have not fixed the date________we shall start our holidays.A) and B) thatC) when D) which71. There is no doubt_______he will succeed in his business.A) that B) whetherC) what D) if72. The Department of State in the U.S. handles international__________.A) business B) mattersC) things D) affairs73. The size of the audience,________we had expected, was well over one thousand.A) whom B) asC) who D) that74. Prices for bikes can run_________$250.A) as high as B) so high toC) too high to D) so high as75. The money would be________in the afternoonA) possible B) convenientC) available D) satisfactoryPart Ⅳ. TranslationDirections:The following 5 questions are taken from the passage in partⅡ. Translation them into Chinese and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.76. A great deal of research has been performed on this question, and results points to the following answer: we perform this task through a special type of averaging.77. There will be advances in biological knowledge as far-reaching as those that have been made in physics.78. Today we still distinguish, even among repetitive jobs, between the skilled and the unsailled; but in the year2020 all repetition will be unskilled.79. Psychologists now believe that noise has a considerable effect on people’s attitudes and behavior.80. Both sound and noise can have negative effects, but what is most important is if the person has control over the sound.

  Part Ⅴ. WritingDirections: For this part, you are to write a composition of no less than 100 words on “、Health and Sports”. Please write it on the ANSWER SHEET. The following are the key words for reference:Health, important, healthy, enjoy, sports, exercise, increase, appetite, mind, sound, relaxed, and indulge.

  参考答案Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension Script:Key to Section A (Statements)(C)1. CBS news is on Channel Thirteen at six o’clock,CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System).(D)2. Mary bought a used book for $ 6, saving about $2.50.(B)3. Bill’s sister was very proud when he graduated.(D)4. There is no better place to practice driving than the shopping center.(A)5. I had just expected my daughter to come, but my son showed up too.(C)6. When the new students have been here a little longer, I’m sure that they will feel less homesick.(A)7. Mrs. Smith hasn’t traveled nearly as much hedr husband has.(B)8. Instead of going back to Florida, you ought to go to California this year.(A)9. Although John never means to tell, he just can’t keep a secret.(D)10. Mr.Smith would not stop drinking even though the doctor told him that he must.(B)11. M: Make sure you bring a bathing suit.W: And you bring the towels and a picnic lunch.Q: Where are they going?(C)12. M: Registration always takes so long.W: What bothers me is all the people who cut in line.Q: What bothers the woman?(B)13. M: I wish you had told me your holiday plans sooner.W: I’m sorry, I thought you know I go to my parents’ country house each August.Q: Why is the man upset?(D)14. M: If you are in a hurry you can take the subway.If you want to look round, take a bus.W: Actually I don’t have to be at the meeting before noon.Q: What will the woman probably do?(C)15. M: Would you like to try on that coat, Madam?W: Thank you. But I’ll look further. I don’t like that color.Q: What’s the proper relationship between the two?(B)16. M: It is raining now. What shall we do then?W: It doesn’t matter. Let’s go into the bar.Q: Why do they go into the bar?(A)17. M: Tony is six years old. He can read and write very well, but he can’t tell the time.W: It’s really hard for a child. Any way, he will be able to do it some day.Q: What is the trouble with Tony?(B)18. M: Did the flight for New York leave 10 minutes ago?W: Yes, it is ten past five now.Q: When did the plane leave?(B)19. M: The special for today is baked chicken and lettuce.W: No, thank you, Just bring me a cup of coffee, please.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?(A)20. M: How much are these jackets?W: Five dollars each and nine dollars for two.Q: How much does one jacket cost?Question 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Thank you for coming to this meeting for students who will be remaining on campus During the 10—day winter break. As the dean of students, it is my responsibility to explain The vacation arrangements and to have you fill out forms giving the dates you will be on campus. To reduce heating cost, Butler Hall will be the only dormitory open, all the other dorms will close at 5 P.m. on Friday, Feb. 7th, and will not reopen until 6 p. m. on Feb. 16th. Once we have your completed forms, we will assign you a room in Butler Hall.Please move all the belongings you will need to your temporary accommodation by the 7th, as it will not be possible to reopen the other dorms during these 10 days, once they have been closed. Most college facilities will be closed during the vacation. These facilities include the gymnasium, the college store and the dining halls. The library and computer center will be open, theough on a reduced schedule. Only the post office and the college administration offices will maintain their regular hours. Since I imagine most of you are staying here to finish up academic projects of one sort or another, let me wish you luck with your work. If you have any special problems, please do not hesitate to contact me at the dean’s office.Key:1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. BPart Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension26. B 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. B32. D 33. C 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. D38. B 39. A 40. A41. Shocking, surprising and amusing news.42. They just need entertainment in news.43. Let it be.44. newspaper full of facts.45. My opinion on the newspaperPart Ⅲ. Vocabulary and Structure46. C 47. A 48. D 49. D 50. B 51. C52. B 53. C 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. B58. D 59. C 60. A 61. B 62. D 63. C64. B 65. A 66. B 67. D 68. A 69. C70. C 71. A 72. D 73. B 74. A 75. C

  Part Ⅳ. Translation76. A great deal of research has been performed on this question, and results points to the following answer: we perforn this task throngh a special type of averaging.就这一问题曾做过大量的研究,其结果揭示出这样一个答案:我们是通过一种特殊的平均化方式来形成第一印象的。77. There will be advances in bioloical knowledge as farreaching as those that have been made in physics.生物学知识的发展将像物理学的发展一样具有广泛的影响。78. Today we still distinguish, even among repetitive jobs, between the skilled and the unskilled; but in the year 2020 all repetition will be unskilled.今天我们甚至在重复性的工作中仍然要分清技术工种和非技术工种,但是到了2020年,所有重复性的工作都将是非技术性工作了。79. Psychologists now believe that noise has a considerable effect on people’s attitudes and behavior.现在心理学家们座落为噪音对人们的态度和行为有相当大的影响。80. Both sound and noise can have negative effects, but what is most important is if the person has control over the sound.声音和噪音都有副作用,但是最重要的是人是否能够控制住声音。

  Part Ⅴ. WritingSample CompositionHealth and SportsGood health is very important to everyone. A healthy person can always be energetic and enjoy life what ever things may be. With poor health, a person can not achieve much success even though he is well educated.Sports help everyone to keep healthy. Physical exercises can not only increase the circulation of the blood but also appetite and digestion. Sports can also make our minds sound. While playing we take our minds off work and study. As a result, our minds are relaxed.Since sports can bring good health, we should indulge in sports for a while every day no matter how busy we are.



