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  1)吓唬、使惊恐 v.f

  2)污染 n.p

  3)宠爱的人或物 n.f

  4)绝对的、完全的 adj.a

  5)斗争、奋斗 v./n.s

  6)原理、原则 n.p

  7)准确的、精确的 adj.a

  8)配偶;搭档、伙伴 n.p

  9)卫生,人造卫星 n.s

  10)几乎不,几乎没有 adv.s

  11)标准,规范 n.s

  12)官方,* n.a

  13)立即的,即可的 adj.i

  14)基本的,根本的 adj.f

  15)尊敬,尊重 v./n.r

  16)监听、监视 v.m

  17)分配、委派 v.a

  18)结果,后果 n.c

  19)比,比率 n.r

  20)调查,研究 v./n.r


  1)I(work)hard this morning and I'm really hungry.

  2)She seemed(hear)about the bad news already.

  3)Regardless of the heavy rain,they all objected to (put)the meeting off.

  4)He (could,not,hear)the news as it was released only a few minutes ago.

  5)Many preschool teachers don't like to have commmercially made toy weapons(bring)into the classroom.

  6)If she hadn't taken your advice,she(make)a bad mistake.

  7)It is desired that she(get)everything ready before Friday.

  8)New York City(have)several London-type smogs since 1950.

  9)The proverb “There's no smoke without fire.”means that there is generally some truth in even the (wild)rumors.

  10)Women(be)the “weaker”and “dependent”sex,it is only natural that they should cry in certain emotional situations.


  1)We now have________of traveling that the Atlantic Ocean seems to have grown smaller.

  A.so fast way

  B.such fast way

  C.such tast ways

  D.so fast ways

  2)Some birds are very lively in their sports;and the same is true________some insects.





  3)A scientific truth offers an explanation that is asseptable only________what is hnown at a particular time.

  A.in place of

  B.in search of

  C.in need of

  D.in the light of

  4)Tom spent four years in China,________he learned chinese.




  D.during which time

  5)A bird knows________instinct how to build a nest.





  6)________it is ,the difference can cause circular movement.

  A.Small but

  B.Small as

  C.So small

  D.How small

  7)We must________the people to the dangers facing our country.





  8)________than I fell ill.

  A.No sooner I had arrived

  B.No sooner A arrive

  C.I had arrived to sooner

  D.No sooner I arrived

  9)He said that ________time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours.

  A.setting aside

  B.setting out

  C.to set about

  D.to set off

  10)If someone buys you lunch,they will expect a favor________.

  A.setting aside

  B.setting out

  C.to set about

  D.to set off


  1)The message (itself)/A is usually short,often (no more than)/B a slogan (which)/C the public (identifying)/D with the product.





  2)Our first acquaintance (with)/A these words comes (not)/B from our mother's lips or from the talk of our classrooms,but from books that we read,lectures that we hear,or the (more)/C formal conversation of (high educated)/D speakers.





  3)Only when you (go through)/A the mental exercises to (come up with)/B a tentative definition (you should open)/C the dictionary to see (if)/D you're right.





  4)(Rising)/A living costs are considered by (almost)/B everyone (as)/C a reason both for holding sales (or)/D forattending them.





  5)The task of (writing)/A a dictionary (begin)/B with the reading of vast (amounts)/C of the literature of the prtiod or subject that the dictionary is (to cover)/D.





  6)(In theory)/A,every person will have (access)/B to an (unlimited)/C amount of (informations)/D in the US.





  7)Vitamins and minerals (such as)/A iron,calcium,(are)/B (another)/C group of essential nutrients,though the body does not need as great a quantity of these (than)/D it does the macro-nutrients.





  8)The reason (for)/A this was that he decided to orientate the map (in)/B the direction of the Pole Star (since)/C Polaris was the immovable guiding light (which)/D the voyagers of the era placed their trust.





  9)When (this)/A comes to respecting the (rights)/B of a mass of anonymous (individuals)/C ,we might not be (so)/D responsible.





  10)We expect other people to act (according to)/A the same “rules”that we (do)/B ,(so much)/C so that the manners and behavior of persons from another culture can be extremely (confused)/D.






  Passage 1

  A tornado(龙卷风)can do a lot of damage.The wind of a tornado rushes at great speed around a funnel-shaped(烟囱状的)cloud.It travels in a path a few hundred feet wide and about twenty-five miles long.As the wind circles counterclockwise(逆时针方向地),the funnel spirals(盘旋上升)higher and higher.The force of the wind sucks up water,dirt,and objects,and carries them along with it.It may drop them again many miles away.Houses and huge trees have been drawn into tornado funnels.At sea,ships have been nearly sunk by tornadoes dropping water on them.

  East of Australia,people talk about a “rain of blood”。This is caused by a tornado picking up red dust and mixing it with water to make red rain.There are even stories about a rain of fish and frogs caused by a tornado sucking them up and then dropping them.

  1)The path of a tornado is usually________.

  A.short and narrow

  B.wider than it is long

  C.longer than it is wide

  D.both A and B

  2)the wind in a tornado usually travels________.

  A.straight up

  B.up and around


  D.down and around

  3)Ships have nearly been sunk when tornadoes have ________.

  A.dropped water on them

  B.drawn them into the funnel

  C.blown them in the wrong direction

  D.dropped trees on them

  4)The “rain of hlood”east of Australia is made of ________.

  A.fishes and frogs

  B.red dust and water

  C.rusty water

  D.real blood Passage 2

  Life insurance isn't fun to buy.It forces you to think about your death,a subject many prefer not no face.But there's a single,overriding reason to buy life insurance:to provide an income for your dependents should you die.

  Don't depend only on an agent to figure your life-insurance needs.Rule-of-thumb estimates such as five or eight times your income are guesses;they may produce too little or too much insurance.Carry too little insurance and you may not provide a reasonable standard of living for your family after your death;carry too much and you may not enjoy a reasonable of living while you are alive.

  Most people who have life insurance don't have enough.The median amount of coverage for all adults with life insurance was only £15 000

  in 1984.That's obviously not enough to sustain a family with young children for very long.Nationwide Insurance found that the married men in its 1984 survey carried an average of about £101 880 in life insurance;they needed about £100 706 more.Married women carried about £43 516 worth insurance needed some £98 507 more.

  How do you determine the amount of life insurance you would need to maintain your family's current life style if the breadwinner died?First,figure what your family's expenses would be if you died tomorrow.Then analyze your assets and the sources of income that you can use to cover the expenses,Finally,subtract(减去)the assets from the needs.The result is the amount of additional insurance that you'll need to buy.

  5)The reason why life insurance is not fun to buy lies in that________.

  A.many people prefer not fo face the subject

  B.there is a single.overriding reason

  C.in reminds you that you may die one day

  D.it forces you to think

  6)If you carry too lottle or too much insurance________.

  A.either you or your family might suffer

  B.you may not provide a reasonable standard of living for your family after your death

  C.you may not enjoy a reasonable standard of living while you're alive

  D.you will know in the end that they are just wild guesses

  7)How do you determine the amount of life insurance you would need?

  A.Analyze your assets and sources of income

  B.Estimate your family's expenses

  C.Take away the assets from the expenses

  D.All of the above

  Passage 3

  The beavers of North America build a dam to create an artificial lake in which to construct an island home or lodge.Often the beavers work in colonies.After choosing a narrow place in a shallow stream with a firm bottom,they set to work felling trees by standing on their hind legs and gnawing(咬)round the trunks with their large chisel-like teeth.When the tree is down,the beavers lop(砍)off the branches and cut the trunk into suitable lengths which they drag into the stream and sink across the current.Sticks,stones and mud are used to keep the dam in position and make it watertight.

  In the middle of the lake thus created the beavers use the same materials to build their lodge.When completed this is a dome-shaped(圆屋顶的),ventilated(通风的)structure about 8 feet in diameter and rising well clear of the surface of the lake.There are two entrances,both under water.One of these is used for general purpose,the other as an escape route in an emergency or for bringing in food.

  The lodge serves as a home,a nursery for the baby beavers and a storehouse for food in winter.The beavers feed chiefly on the bark of trees,of which they keep a plentiful supply at the bottom of the dam,on the ded of the lake and built into the fabric of their home.

  In winter,when the lake is frozen over and snow covers the ground,the lodge is virtually an impregnable(牢不可破的)fortress(堡垒)which the beavers can leave and enter by swimming under the ice.Beavers are experts at keeping the water in the lake at the right level by constructing canals.They work industriously to maintain both dam and lodge -hence the origin of that popular phrase about being “as busy as a beaver”。

  8)The main idea of this passage is________.

  A.the beaver's living habit

  B.the beaver's eating habit

  C.the beaver's working habit

  D.the beaver's protection habit from its enemy

  9)According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

  A.Beavers have large teeth like shisels.

  B.Beavers'home is dome-shaped and ventilated.

  C.The island home has two entrances,both of which are near the surface of water.

  D.Beavers chiefly eat barks of trees.

  10)The author adds the popular phrase “as busy a beaver”to the end of the passage just for________.

  A.introfucing the origin of the popular phrase

  B.concluding the hard-working character of the beavers

  C.giving entertainment to the readers

  D.showing the wide range of knowledge of the author himself



