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  有关交通的题型在历年高考英语作文中出现的次数相对较多,下面是21世纪教育网为大家整理提供的有关交通的一篇范文,范文中用到的单子,长句等同学们可以学以致用,背下来在以后的考试作文中会对大家有多帮助哦……政府召集有关专家开会商讨如何解决交通拥堵,大家各抒己见:一、私家车增多,应提高税收,控制数量。二、路况恶劣,应扩建道路。三、人车混行,应分道行驶。For the sake/purpose of solving the traffic problem, the local government held a meeting recently, at which many experts had a full discussion and put forward valuable suggestions.First, they pointed out that the cause of serious traffic jam was due to the increasing number of private cars. They held/maintained that raising the tax rates of using cars was one of the most effective measures to limit this trend and people should be encouraged to make full use of public transportation.The second leading / contributing factor that the government couldn’t neglect was the poor road conditions. Narrow streets, inadequate traffic signs and false signal lights added to the trouble. It was suggested that old houses should be pulled down to make way for the traffic.What’s more, every day we could hear the endless running vehicles roaring through the narrow streets filled with anxious passing crowds. New regulations should be practically adopted to separate them for the sake of safety.All the experts present agreed that steps should be immediately taken to solve the problem effectively。



