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(1) Good taste


We always stand in the rich place to pity the poor, always lie in the safe place to denounce the evil, always call to stay away from indifference after 50 steps of laughing, always busy calculating the value of life after the blood trace is gone.


As a result, our pitying posture hurts other people's self-esteem.


After every disaster, there are too many people competing to adopt orphans first. When this upsurge is over, there are too many orphans suffering. According to the analysis of psychologists, the adoption of orphans should consider their own economic situation, the family atmosphere should be similar to the children's original family, and the education mode and parents' personality should be suitable for orphans. However, too many people only rely on their own blood. Zeal has brought back the division of the family. The children once again face the pain of the broken home and hurt the soft hearts of innocent children again. Goodness changes from sweetness to bitterness.


We scalded other people's bodies with boiling blood.


The 2008 Olympic Games is our Chinese Olympic Games. The whole country celebrates, the atmosphere is hot, the torch is delivered, the same world, the same dream. However, the disharmonious color also defiled the Olympic red torch and green olive branch. It is reported that 8-year-old children spent 55 days to complete the "marathon" race to Beijing; 10-year-old children bound their arms and walked in the torrent; 8-year-old girls walked more than 3000 kilometers to the capital Beijing accompanied by their father These behaviors have attracted the attention of Chinese and even the world media, among which there are many foreign media to slander the Chinese Olympic Games. False comments need to be fully resisted, but it is undeniable that this is "abnormal Olympic fever". When we hold a rational Olympic Games, we need the support of rational behavior. Passion changes from hot passion to madness.


When we burn other people's bodies with hot blood, we also burn other people's hearts.


In the Wenchuan earthquake on May 21, 2008, we rescued too many lives with the quickest and most united action, and we won the respect of the world. Countless flash lights focused on Sichuan, flashing countless touching stories, but also stabbed the eyes of people in the disaster area.


The children who have been rescued successfully are lucky, but in order to interview them again and again to evoke their painful memories, the children cry and the adults cry; there are enthusiastic volunteers who have no sense of disaster relief, but go to the disaster area, although a fervent heart has added chaos to the disaster area. Incorrect rescue actions, imperfect service behaviors, unreasonable comfort and help, and "secondary injury" to the people in the disaster area. Kindness has changed from comfort to sword.


The Chinese nation is a nation of perseverance, enthusiasm and kindness. When we survive the floods, SARS, the split of the motherland and the desecration of the Olympic Games, we will also survive the devastating Wenchuan earthquake and successfully host the Olympic Games. But we need to think and act more rationally and comprehensively from the perspective of others.


"The heart of love" goes deep into our blood, keeps good and sweet forever, keeps fresh for good, makes it not fade, not deteriorate, not change the taste.




Calm, calm, extraordinary views, reasonable analysis. Reading the good taste can make us see and deal with some things rationally and rationally, let love really come true, let good deeds not hurt others' self-esteem, not burn others' body and mind.


The three things listed in the article are typical: adoption of orphans, the Olympic fever, and the "good deeds" of some people after the Wenchuan earthquake. These things are concerned by people, familiar with, and just happened or are happening in real life. It is easy for people to compare, confirm, think and analyze the author's inference with their own understanding, so as to draw correct conclusions. Therefore, the article has received the expected effect.


Think carefully and analyze deeply. The article is clear about the origin and development of things, people's motives and consequences, and reasonable in analysis, which makes people have to be convinced. In particular, the adoption of orphans can arouse readers' sympathy.


The language use and content expression of the article are also well combined. It's simple, natural, not gorgeous, and carved. It's like talking with you to let you accept his point of view, which is very persuasive.




Good intentions may be to send umbrellas in the rain or charcoal in the snow, but they can also be to fight the fire and fuel the fire. When you rush to the fire with firewood in your arms, please don't use this pleasant excuse and don't say you are kind.


Don't say that you are kind-hearted, when you are in a desperate situation.


The story of the farmer and the snake is known to all: the kind-hearted farmer sees the frozen and dying snake and melts the ice and snow with his warm heart. The snake wakes up, but bites the farmer. The farmer loses his life. The story tells us not to save those who are difficult to save. But in my opinion, this is also the performance of the farmer's self-sufficiency. He always thinks that he can save others and not hurt himself. In real life, such things happen frequently. I don't know how many people think that they can rescue those who drown or jump from the building with their bare hands, but because of the lack of tools and skills, they kill others and even lose their lives. Will this kind of "kindness" be accepted?


Don't say you are kind, when you betray the society and speak up.


Li Hongzhi, the founder of "Falun Gong", threatened to "save the world", but he did not know how many sweet and happy families would be separated from each other. Holding the ridiculous dream of "liberating Tibet", Darai encouraged some people to do whatever they wanted in "3 · 14". In this bloody reality, all excuses become worthless, and all actions become dirty and absurd. Even if all the reasons are explained as "good intentions", no one will believe them. Such "good intentions" are not good intentions.


Don't say you are kind, when you violate the law and rule nature.


Circus after circus, trainer after trainer Children can sit on tiger's back and take photos. Elephants can shoot. From the smile of the trainer, what I see is the cruel rule of human beings over nature. In everyone's laughter, what I hear is the sad news that the wild South China tiger can only be counted by one place. In such a situation, the explanation that humans are good at taming tigers seems to be pale. The really kind-hearted people get up early to "release the tiger back to the mountain" and set up a foundation to start the wild work of South China tiger. When we think that it's good to eat and drink every day, and the animals have no worries about eating and drinking, we deprive them of their ability to survive in the wild. This kind of "kindness" doesn't matter.


All those "good intentions" that are similar to good intentions, I think, are due to our overestimation of ourselves, but underestimate the hearts of the people, underestimate the society, underestimate all the objective existence of nature, and only when we can truly put ourselves in an equal position with others, society and nature, can we not do "good intentions" to do bad things, and only when we can get "good intentions" to get "right words" Shun.




The agility, accuracy and profundity of thinking are the three basic elements of thinking to achieve an excellent college entrance examination, and also the fundamental reason for the success of this paper.


The author keenly found the broad thinking space shown in the subject materials, and quickly determined the starting point of his intention - "good intentions do bad things". However, the brilliance and profundity of the article lies in not simply explaining and illustrating the general expression of "good intentions do bad things", but in choosing examples from three different aspects of political life and social life. The so-called "good intentions" are deeply analyzed, penetrating and thought-provoking. The criticism of Falungong and Lhasa's "3.14" event is particularly profound, which shows a high degree of political responsibility and ideological level of middle school students.


The structure of the paper is rigorous, with clear layers. The language is fluent, the sentences are expressive, and the words are used accurately and in place. Even the idioms such as "fierce tiger and Fenghe" are not commonly used. Their expressive ability and language level are praiseworthy.


(3) Eagle Philosophy


Although the little turtle in the South Pacific is smart, it will eventually die in the eagle's belly! The eagle enjoys a high reputation in nature. After careful summary, it is found that it has the following three characteristics, which are called Eagle philosophy.


One of eagle's philosophy: see the facts clearly


Seeing the facts is the foundation of doing anything well. When the little tortoises saw that the scouts had climbed into the sea, they thought everything was safe, and they climbed out peacefully. What was the result? It can only be destroyed. The eagles, on the contrary, saw that there were thousands of little turtles hiding in the sand, and they had a good harvest!


In fact, we should also see the facts in our life, otherwise we will regret our whole life! Isn't Sima family angry because of Zhuge Liang's empty city plan? Don't we often buy some fake and inferior products because of the advertising effect? So we need to see the facts. It's wisdom to see the facts.


The second philosophy of Eagle


The eagle didn't give up hunting because of the appearance of tourists. It was waiting for the chance. When the tourists left, its chance came and finally it succeeded!


Isn't that what lures the enemy in the war? We stand the temptation of fishing for bigger prey, letting more enemies enter our encirclement and annihilate them at one stroke. Isn't it the same in real life? We waited and waited until the stock reached a very high price before we sold the stock. Isn't it just a kind of wisdom? A lot of times, we also need to lead!


Eagle philosophy three: perseverance


The eagle didn't give up the hunt because of the presence of tourists. It persevered and finally got the result it wanted.


Isn't that what people are like? Su Wu shepherded for several decades and finally returned to the embrace of his motherland, which was his perseverance; Helen Keller was blind, she did not give up, and struggled with various adverse factors, and finally became an idol in the eyes of the disabled because of "if give me three days of light", which was her perseverance; Sun Tzu bin Jiao, military skills training; Wen Wang restrained and acted in the book of changes, zhongnier made spring Autumn, these are their unremitting efforts; eight years of Anti Japanese War, we finally won, which is also unremitting


Great people are still like this. Shouldn't we ordinary people be like this?


Perseverance is a kind of wisdom!


This is the eagle's philosophy! With it, the eagle can defend its own airspace, dominate one side, no one can match!


Learning the eagle's philosophy, we can control the eagle's wisdom, grow a pair of strong wings, with a pair of sharp eyes, free fight in the sky!



