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那人却在灯火阑珊处曾有人问过贝克特,他创作的戈多到底是谁,贝克特回答说:“如果我知道的话,早就告诉你们了。” 等待戈多,但戈多到底是谁?如果没弄清楚这点的话,即使戈多来了,我们依然形同陌路,只会擦肩而过。 在我的心中,“戈多”是现代人心中已久违的精神的宁静、思想的澄明。

But when someone asked Beckett at the end of the light who he was, Beckett replied, "if I had known, I would have told you." Waiting for Godot, but who is Godot? If we don't know this, even if Godot comes, we will still be strangers, only passing by. In my heart, "Godot" is the tranquility of the spirit and the clarity of the thought that has been long lost in the hearts of modern people.

我们已在喧哗与骚动中沉沦太久,对于信念、理想、友谊这类事物已略感陌生。 戈多是信念。对于人的渺小,古今同感。但现代人对于机器文明的强势,内心愈感脆弱,信念的火焰更为缥缈了。诚然,人只是一根苇草,是宇宙间最脆弱的东西,但人是一根能思想的苇草,人具有万事万物无所比拟的精神力量。“人只是火花,被信念从今天送往明天。”只要信念不息,火花就不会灭。戈多的归来也就为时不远了。 戈多是理想。“少年的梦想是风的梦想,青春的思念是长长的思念。”这是北欧海员远航时所唱的歌谣,当我们踏上人生征程之时,也应想想,自己是否已准备好理想要去实现。人如果没有理想,便将陷于无边的空虚与等待中。与其让生命白白流逝,我们为何不现在就树立理想,去迎接戈多的到来呢? 戈多还是道德。在我们踏上人生的征途之时,切不可忘记当怀有一颗善良的心、带着道德上路。

We have been immersed in the noise and commotion for a long time, and we are a little unfamiliar with such things as faith, ideal and friendship. Godot is faith. For people's small, ancient and modern same feeling. But modern people are more vulnerable to the power of machine civilization, and the flame of belief is more ethereal. It is true that man is only a reed grass, which is the most vulnerable thing in the universe. But man is a reed grass that can think. Man has the incomparable spiritual power in all things. "Man is only a spark, sent by faith from today to tomorrow." As long as faith lasts, the spark will not go out. Gordo's return will not be far away. Godot is the ideal. "The dream of youth is the dream of wind, and the yearning of youth is the long yearning." This is a song sung by the Nordic sailors when they are sailing. When we embark on the journey of life, we should also think about whether we are ready to realize our ideals. If people do not have ideal, they will be trapped in boundless emptiness and waiting. Instead of letting life go by in vain, why don't we set up an ideal now to welcome Godot? Gordo is still moral. When we embark on the journey of life, we must not forget to have a good heart and go on the road with morality.

古人欲立身立业者,必先立德。德如风,功业如草,风在上,草必靡,无往不利。现代的人过于重利而轻义,以致缺少彼此的信任,内心怎能不感到孤单、有所希冀呢?以爱人之心协调人际关系,那么我们将时刻感到自己浸身于爱的暖流之中。 “众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。”如果我们已坚定了人生信念,树立了远大的理想,带着道德上路,那么就会发现“戈多”已在我们面前。 戈多其实从未曾离开过我们,戈多就在我们身边,只是我们匆匆于人世,忙碌于琐碎,以至于连风的感觉时刻在从手边溜走。真正在等待的,其实是戈多,戈多一直期望着人们能尽早发现他,使人重归心灵与肉体的统一。 

If the ancients wanted to establish themselves, they must first establish virtue. Virtue is like wind, and merit is like grass. When wind is on, grass will be swept away, and there will be no harm. How can modern people not feel lonely and hopeful when they are too heavy on profit and too light on justice, so that they lack mutual trust? To coordinate relationships with a lover's heart, we will always feel immersed in the warmth of love. "I look for him in the crowd, but when I look back, he is in the dim light." If we have established our faith in life, set up our lofty ideals and embarked on the road with morality, we will find that "Godot" is in front of us. In fact, Godot has never left us. Godot is by our side, but we are in a hurry in the world, busy in trivia, so that the feeling of even wind is slipping away from our hands. What we are waiting for is actually Godot, who has been expecting people to discover him as soon as possible, so that people can return to the unity of mind and body.  


Godot has come today. I hope people can grasp him so that he will not leave us again tomorrow!



