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The moon is the hometown of the ancients and the yearning of confidants. The distant and untouchable divine halo becomes the soul in the poet's writing and the chant in his mouth. Dongpo said: I wish people a long time, a thousand miles together Chan Juan.  


Armstrong took people's month. The footprints printed on the dust of the sand dunes made Li Taibai's drinking alone under the moon become history. Maybe human beings have got rid of the ignorance for a few times, and the distance is not as far as before. However, the burning and shining jade plate hanging in the sky has faded, which is the distance of the ancients, giving birth to the once curved moon.  


I hate the dream of close and close, I don't want it. When I sweat in the heat, the ivory tower in my dream is my only fulcrum. I imagine its grandeur as if it were Heaven. Although everyone will have a realistic side, I firmly believe that distance produces beauty. There is no divine ideal. Open five fingers, dazzling light reflects the shape of heaven, I watch alone. The ideal is crystal clear like a gem. Wait and see. It's my heaven. I like the distorted beauty, just like the ancient moon.  

无意中想起了海子,那个传说中始终愤世嫉俗的诗人。当他的“面朝大海,春暖花开”成为希腊神话一般的虚幻时,海子无言了。在他的眼睛里,整个世界,远看是伊甸 园盛开的美丽花朵,近看才知这个世界给他的失望。大海留不住他,春天也留不住他,诗歌的翅膀折断了,只剩下山海关的铁轮隆隆而过,海子的灵魂伴随伸向远方的铁轨通向了天堂。有人问,到底是什么伤了他,伤了这个时代的诗人,人们也许不明白,因为自己置身这个世界,未曾远观它的美好。文人与世俗的距离永远太大,反差太大。在海子焚烧诗集的熊熊火焰里,盛开了一个面朝大海,春暖花开的世界。这距离是悲剧,是文学女神的眼神。远望与近观的世界让海子在天堂与地狱之间完成了本质上的蜕变。我想,仍然坚持远观世俗的海子永远幸福。 这就是距离的美感。永远置身在纷乱的世界,这让人类开始麻木,甚至开始淡忘远观时那种令人窒息的美感。当努力构建所谓的“美丽人生”时,人类是否忘记了那份遥远的守望,忘记了儿时曾经的天堂,忘记了古诗中月亮的眼泪,忘记了希腊神话里挥着翅膀的安琪儿?科学的发展放松了人类最后的一根敏锐的神经,一切诗意消失殆尽,只剩下世俗世界的繁华汩汩流淌。 

I think of Haizi, the legendary poet who is always cynical. When his "facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming" becomes a Greek myth, Haizi is speechless. In his eyes, the whole world is the beautiful flowers blooming in the garden of Eden from afar. Only when he looks closely can he know that the world has disappointed him. The sea can't keep him, the spring can't keep him, the wings of poetry are broken, only the iron wheel of Shanhaiguan rumbles by, and Haizi's soul leads to heaven with the railway track stretching far away. Some people ask, exactly what hurt him, hurt the poets of this era, people may not understand, because they are in this world, never far view its beauty. The distance between literati and secularity is always too great, and the contrast is too great. In the flames of Haizi's burning poetry collection, a world facing the sea and blooming in spring blooms. This distance is a tragedy, the eyes of the goddess of literature. The world of distant and near view makes Haizi complete the essential transformation between heaven and hell. I think, still adhere to the secular view of Haizi forever happy. This is the beauty of distance. Always in the world of chaos, it makes people numb and even forget the suffocating aesthetic feeling when they look far away. When we try to build the so-called "beautiful life", do we forget the distant watch, the heaven we used to have when we were children, the tears of the moon in ancient poetry, and the angel with wings in Greek mythology? The development of science has relaxed the last keen nerve of human beings, and all the poetry has disappeared, leaving only the prosperity of the secular world flowing.  


Look at the moon in the sky, look at the eternal "the moon in the Qin Dynasty, the moon in the Han Dynasty", watch the reality of the human spirit that once belonged to the era of "barbaric civilization", look at the suffocating beauty brought to us by the distance, poetry, prose, Chuci will moisten the numbness of this era, the beauty of the distance will let us rekindle the myth of hope, and the ship of spirit will set sail again.  


Watching far away, watching the horizon only belongs to our eternity



