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Looking up at the starry sky, it seems that the flawless stars shine in the Milky way. It brings us infinite reverie. In the spotless starry sky, how many beautiful dreams have been set free!

飞上星星的人知道,那里像地球一样,有灰尘也有石渣,于是他们失去了对幻想的渴望。我们虽不能一味沉溺于自己的幻想之中,却也不能让自由飞翔的思想湮没在无情的现实里。 阮籍目瞩世间的浑噩不堪和好友的身首异处,借醉酒逃避现实,他的一生一直在逃避、逃避、逃避,却终因一篇《为郑冲对晋王笺》被人唾弃。嵇康则完全生活在现实之中,不肯向生活做出任何妥协,最终以一曲《广陵散》而成为绝响。

Those who fly to the stars know that there are dust and cinders like the earth, so they lose their desire for fantasy. Although we can't indulge in our own fantasy, we can't let the thought of free flight annihilate in the ruthless reality. Ruan Ji paid attention to the ignorance of the world and the difference of his good friend. He escaped from reality by drinking. All his life, Ruan Ji had been escaping, escaping and escaping, but he was finally rejected for a piece of "for Zheng Chong to King of Jin". Ji Kang lived in reality completely, refused to make any compromise to life, and finally became famous with a song "Guangling San".

其实人生由阮籍的醉酒向前一步便是嵇康的《广陵散》,人生有嵇康的《广陵散》向后退一步便是阮籍的醉酒,殊途同归者的境遇竟是如此迥异。若是两人各向中间迈出一步,将幻想与现实稍加中和,也许就不会落得生者隐入迷幻,死者融入苍穹,只留给后人无尽的怅惘。 我们如何才能让仰望星空的人了解现实,又如何才能让飞上星星的人保留梦想呢? 在那个人人埋怨的时代,沈从文先生目瞩现实的残酷,却依然将那个江南小城写成了山美、水美、人美的世外桃源,现实没有湮没他对人生的希望,他用一份最原始的情感和一颗赤子之心看待这个社会,看待自己的人生。他没有沉醉于自己的幻想,亦没有让现实麻木自己的心灵。 张允和先生亦是一位智慧的老人,她一生经历了大富大贵,也经历了战火纷飞,十年浩劫,而她却永远保有一副悲天悯人的情怀,一颗永不衰老的童心。她那悲天悯人的情怀使她正视现实并战胜现实,而她那颗永不衰老的童心则使她在任何艰难的情况下都不放弃幻想的权利。 

In fact, one step forward from Ruan Ji's drunkenness is Ji Kang's "Guangling San". One step backward from Ji Kang's "Guangling San" in life is Ruan Ji's drunkenness. The situation of those who come back by the same way is so different. If the two take a step in the middle of each other and slightly reconcile the fantasy with the reality, maybe the living will not be hidden into the illusion, the dead will be integrated into the sky, leaving the future generations with endless frustration. How can we make those who look up to the stars understand the reality, and how can we make those who fly to the stars keep their dreams? In that era when everyone complained, Mr. Shen Congwen paid attention to the cruelty of reality, but still wrote that Jiangnan Town as a paradise of mountain beauty, water beauty and human beauty. The reality did not annihilate his hope for life. He used the most primitive emotion and a childlike heart to look at this society and his life. He did not indulge in his fantasy, nor let reality numb his mind. Mr. Zhang Yunhe is also a wise old man. She has experienced great wealth, wars and ten years of catastrophe in her life. However, she always has a compassionate feeling and a childlike heart that will never grow old. Her compassionate feelings enable her to face up to the reality and overcome it, while her unfailing childlike innocence enables her not to give up the right of fantasy in any difficult situation.  

川端康成浅浅的一句“凌晨四点钟,看到海棠花未眠”,瞬间感动了多少心灵,这是梦和现实最完美的结合。让那些世俗之物顷刻间土崩瓦解,让多少在现实中日渐麻木的心灵得到了温暖吧。 正视现实,但不委身于现实,保持幻想,但不沉溺于幻想,让梦想在现实中去跳一曲酣畅淋漓的舞蹈!

Kawabata Yasunari's simple sentence, "at four o'clock in the morning, I saw that the Begonia flowers were not sleeping", touched many hearts in an instant, which is the perfect combination of dream and reality. Let those worldly things disintegrate in an instant, and let more and more numb hearts get warmth in reality. Face up to the reality, but not commit to the reality, keep the fantasy, but not indulge in the fantasy, let the dream dance in the reality!



