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Rainstorm: it generally refers to the heavy rainfall. According to the regulations of China Meteorological Department:


1. Rainfall of 16 mm or more in one hour;


2. Rainfall within 24 hours is 50 mm or more.


The rainstorm has the characteristics of "concentration" and "intensity". When it appears, the rain will pour down. In a short time, it will cause water accumulation in the depression, the runoff will increase abruptly, and the river water will rise sharply. It is a kind of severe disastrous weather. Because of the obvious monsoon in China, most of the annual rainfall is from May to September, so the next period is defined as "flood season". "Flood season" is the most tense and critical period in the forecast service of meteorological department.


There are many disasters caused by rainstorm in China. Such as:


1. On July 10, 2004, Beijing was hit by a heavy rainstorm, which caused most of the roads in the urban area to accumulate water and almost completely paralyzed the traffic.


2. Fangshan District Yinhu Cave Scenic Area, the road into a ravine. A rainstorm lasting nearly 6 hours completely destroyed a 2-kilometer road in Yinhu Cave Scenic Area of Fangshan District. The roadbed is also washed into a ravine by rainwater. The water is more than half a meter deep and the current is turbulent. The transportation of three villages and five coal mines on the mountain was all interrupted.


3. In July 2004, the continuous rainstorm brought by typhoon resulted in mudslides and torrential floods in many places in central and southern Taiwan, which aggravated the local disaster. 21 people died and 9 people were missing, and the total loss of agricultural disasters exceeded NT $2.3 billion. The loss of fishery facilities is more than NT $70 million. The flood caused blackouts to 210000 households in the central and southern regions. After emergency repair, there were still 1 households in the middle of the night of April 4. More than 30000 households were out of power, of which more than 8000 households were unable to repair due to road collapse and Bridge fracture. In terms of water supply, 200000 households did not resume normal water supply. The flood caused 94 road collapses in the central and southern regions, and there were 50 that were not repaired and opened. Some sections of the railway were stopped due to Subgrade damage.


4. The rain disaster caused serious losses to Yili Prefecture. From July 18 to 20, 2004, a sudden rainstorm (rainfall of 103mm) occurred in Yili Prefecture, which affected 220000 people. The affected area of crops was 32449 cm, the total area of crops was 15414 cm, 268 livestock (animals) died, and 6816 houses collapsed in 3596 households. There were 13508 households with 25423 dangerous houses and 67246 leaking houses, resulting in a total economic loss of 63.85 million yuan (including 9.42 million yuan of agricultural losses) ) From November 1 to 3, the rainfall lasted for three days, and the residents' houses were generally leaky. A considerable number of houses had become dilapidated. According to statistics: there were 41233 people in 10308 households directly under the State Council, 3344 houses collapsed, and there were 15430 houses leaking rain and cracks, which turned into 368 dilapidated houses and collapsed sheds. The economic loss caused by the disaster was 18.71 million yuan.


5. In September 2004, the rainstorm disaster in the East and north of Sichuan Province caused 19 deaths, 21 missing and 40 seriously injured. The 24-hour rainfall reached 253.2mm, the water level of the river rose sharply, and triggered flash floods and a number of debris flows and landslides. At present, there are 60 towns and 1.01 million people affected in the county. Six people died, seven were missing and 37 were seriously injured. The direct economic loss is 156 million yuan.


6. In Guangdong Province, the high water level operation of Xijiang River, Beijiang River and Pearl River Delta will continue for several days, with torrential rain soaking rivers, lakes and reservoirs for many days. After drainage, the flood caused 54 deaths in Guangdong Province, with a loss of 2.4 billion yuan.


7. In April 2004, Hengyang City, Hengyang County and Hengnan County in Hunan Province were hit by a storm. The maximum wind speed reached 9 levels and 23 m / s. Hundreds of years old trees were uprooted, tiles were flying in disorder, hailstones were half a fist big, street billboards were blown up by the storm and then fell to the ground. Seven people have been killed and 207 injured in the storm. There were 2430 collapsed houses, 1800 of which were residential houses, and 700 farmers were homeless. 22 high-voltage power stations in the disaster area were all paralyzed, and power was cut off throughout Hengyang County. The affected area of crops is 1106 hectares, of which 366 are in total crop yield. The affected population is about 400000.


8. Since mid June 2005, heavy rainfall in southern Taiwan has caused more than 2.177 billion yuan of agricultural losses, setting a record for the amount of agricultural rain damage in Taiwan...


More rain also brings a lot of Landslides:


1. In August 2005, heavy rain continued in a wide area of Hong Kong. At least 24 reports of flooding, 20 reports of landslides and 30 reports of tree collapse. Traffic in Lantau is severely hampered by landslides. Under the influence of continuous rainstorms, many landslides occurred in Lantau. There are two main roads on Lantau Island. The road surface needs to be closed due to many landslides. More than 200 tourists were trapped by heavy rain after visiting the temple of heaven Buddha in angping, Lantau. Some places are still flooded, with a depth of more than one meter. There was also a car crash and one person was injured.


2. Mumbai, the financial city of India, has been hit by tropical storms for two consecutive days. More than 60 people have been killed by landslides and floods caused by the storms. Most of Mumbai's dead were residents of shantytowns on the mountain side, many of whom were buried alive with their families. The heavy rain caused traffic jams in some places and disrupted power supply and communication. Sixty percent of Mumbai's 12 million people live in slums. Schools in Mumbai have been closed and campuses have been used as temporary shelters for homeless people.


3. In December 2003, heavy rains and landslides in the central and southern Philippines increased the death toll to at least 151, many still missing. The weather continues to be bad, roads are blocked, power supply and external communication are interrupted, which makes the rescue work very difficult. Many victims excavate and search the missing family members by hand.


Less rain can also cause drought:


Drought: drought is a kind of agricultural meteorological disaster without rain or little rain for a long time, which leads to the shortage of soil water and the destruction of crop water balance and the reduction of production. It is also the most serious meteorological disaster in China. If the drought is accompanied by destructive human activities, it will cause a series of more serious environmental degradation problems, which are mainly manifested in three aspects in China: first, the water resources continue to decrease due to drought, and the water crisis is increasingly prominent; second, the water level of the lake decreases due to drought, and the water surface shrinks or even dries up; third, the drought leads to the obvious expansion of desertified land.


1. In 2003, most parts of Africa suffered from the worst drought in a century. About one in 36 countries. 500 million people are threatened by hunger. In 1983 alone, 16 million people died of hunger and malnutrition related diseases.


2. In February 2004, Jiangxi suffered the biggest drought in 150 years, and the forest fire risk level reached five levels for a week in a row. Since the middle of February, the weather in Jiangxi has been continuously sunny, and the temperature is significantly higher. The continuous high temperature has caused high fire risk levels and frequent fires in Jiangxi.


3. In August 2005, due to the severe rainfall, there was a drought in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province since the middle of June. With the hot and sunny weather lasting for nearly two months, the state's drought intensified. There are 218 townships, more than 25000 villages and 1.86 million people affected in the prefecture. Nearly 2.4 million mu of crops and fruit trees are affected by drought, with a direct economic loss of more than 1.1 billion yuan. The persistent drought has also resulted in crop failures and water problems for residents in parts of the state. In duanlongshan township of Guzhang County, which was seriously affected by the disaster, 4500 mu of rice was wiped out by the disaster. Affected by the continuous drought, more than 700 people have difficulty drinking water.


4. In March 2003, Inner Mongolia suffered from continuous drought in spring and summer. Chifeng City and Xilin Gol League, the most arid City, suffered from a continuous drought of 380 days, which was never recorded since 1957. The serious drought has seriously reduced the grain production in some areas of Inner Mongolia. There are more than 40 million mu of crops affected in the whole area, accounting for 65% of the total sown area, of which 4.8 million mu is not sown due to drought, 2.8 million mu is not seeded after sowing, and 15 million mu is cut by 30-50%. In addition, the adjustment of planting structure reduces the area of grain fields by about 5 million mu, so the reduction of grain production has become a foregone conclusion. The serious drought caused serious loss of animal husbandry in the whole region. The serious drought also caused serious difficulties to the production and life of farmers and herdsmen. There are 2.11 million people in the region who have difficulty drinking water. There are 5 million people who lack food in different degrees in the whole region, and the total amount of food shortage is 1 billion kg. The serious drought also has a great impact on the later production of agriculture and animal husbandry.


"Heavy rain and heavy disaster, light rain and small disaster, no rain and drought". With the acceleration of urbanization in China, great achievements have been made in urban construction, while the natural environment has been ignored. These disasters are also made by human beings themselves. Perhaps these disasters are to warn human beings and let them realize that in this way, human beings will always destroy themselves and their homes.


There are also some strange rains in our life:


Plum rains


In the middle of June, the East Asian monsoon pushed into the Yangtze Huaihe River Basin. At this time, there is continuous rainy weather between 28 ° - 34 ° n East of Yichang, Hubei Province, with a large amount of rainfall. Because the plum in the south of the Yangtze River was ripe in this period, it was also called "Meiyu". At this time, the air humidity is relatively high and things are prone to mildew, which is also called "mildew".


Meiyu has a great influence on all walks of life. Early plum year is easy to cause rotten wheat field. In the years with more rainfall, there are more rainstorms and torrential rains, which are easy to cause flood disaster and great threat to people's life and property, such as 1954, 1969, 1972 and 1991. It is difficult for people and animals to drink water, and the dry and cracked farmland results in the fall yield reduction. In general, appropriate Meiyu will be more beneficial to agricultural production. Because there is less rain before Meiyu, the arrival of Meiyu will supplement the water for transplanting seedlings. During the Meiyu period, proper water storage should be done while flood prevention is well done, so as to prepare water for the sunny, hot, rainy and hot seasons in summer.


acid rain


In short, acid rain is acid rain. Acid rain, known as the "God of death in the air", is one of the global regional disasters that human beings are facing at present.


At present, there are three major areas of acid rain in the world: Western Europe, North America and Southeast Asia. There are continuous acid rain areas in the south of the Yangtze River. Acid rain is harmful to environment. Such hazards include forest degradation, Lake acidification, death of fish, reduction of aquatic organism population, acidification and poor ridge of farmland and soil, increase of toxic heavy metal pollution, large-scale reduction of grain, vegetable, melon and fruit production, damage to buildings and bridges, and cultural relics.


The most direct response to the impact of acid rain on human beings is "baldness". However, scientists are still working hard to find out whether it will actually lead to baldness, but it's better for us to get less rain. The most serious side effect of acid pollution on human is respiratory problems. For example, asthma, dry cough, headache, and allergies to eyes, nose, and throat.


With the rain falling on the earth, sulfuric acid causes serious damage, and the nutrients in the soil will also be lost, so trees will die because of the loss of calcium and magnesium necessary to maintain life.


Acid rain will affect the leaves of crop rice, at the same time, the metal elements in the soil will be dissolved by acid rain, resulting in a large amount of mineral loss, the plant can not get enough nutrients, will wither and die.


Acid rain also eroded the exposed statues, which caused the destruction of cultural assets and worried many people.


mud rain


On April 10, 2001, dust, mud and rain raided Xi'an. Because of the dust, mud and rain weather, the temperature is about 10 ℃, and the wind force reaches level 6, which has a great negative impact on the production of apples and other crops in the flowering period.


On March 10, the whole North Korean region was seriously attacked by sandstorms, and mud rain appeared in the North Korean capital Pyongyang, Shari yuan and other parts of the country. Muddy rain first appeared in Pyongyang, shariyuan and other places, and then there were sandstorms all over the country. The whole sky was faint yellow with visibility of only 200m, which seriously affected the health of local residents and the traffic safety of the city.



