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雅思写作如何写 高分步骤解析


Writing Task 2的问题可分为两类。









1) 题目和问题-要认清题目的要求和找出题目中想问的问题;

2) 介绍-这是用来表达文章的大意,如果要写的是一篇评论文,笔者的方向也要在这里表达出来;

3) 主体-如主体分为三段的话,通常前两段是观点和理由,后一段是用来平衡讨论的相反观点;

4) 结论-会包括一点比较次要的观点。



1) 介绍(Introduction)


2) 主体(Body)

与介绍文一样,主体文每段的第一句都是用来说明整段的大意,之后的内容可用连接词(如However, Although, Notonly, Also, Even though, Consequently, In addition等等)或顺序词(Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly ...)连贯在一起。



Many people…


Those who disagree believe that ... / may argue that ... /point out that ...

However, I strongly disagree ...

Nothing could be further from the truth (Strongdisagreement) because ...

In fact, ...

... for the following reasons: I find it hard to agree...

Nevertheless, I cannot agree ... (Mild disagreement)

Perhaps this is true, but it cannot be denied that ...

This is partly true, then again ... (Concessionaldisagreement)

3) 结论(Conclusion)

结论文的开始通常都会用一个特别结论句式(In general, To sum up, Toconclude, In conclusion等等)来串联整段。在结论文中,条件句(Conditional sentence) (If....,....)是非常有用的。当然,在文章的其他位置也可以用条件句,使用条件句时,须注意有没有文法错误。

















比如:很多人用for example,for instance来举例,其实你可以用according to the lastest research,或like Prof..x said in University of NewYork:..x… 这些都是很普通却很有说服力的连接词。而书上模板往往让你背的是:for example,on the other hand等等。



Even if machine translation were able to eradicate all the language barriers between peoples, learning foreign languages still make sense.


Even if machine translation were able to eradicate all the language barriers between people, would there be no point in learning foreign languages? By no means.


雅思大作文:drug companies have the responsibility to help the poorer countries

雅思大作文题目:Some people say that drug companies have the responsibility to spend money on researching medicine to help the poorer countries,others think the main responsibility of drug companies is making money. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Nowadays, people attach more importance on health due to the increase of the cost on treatment. Whether the medical companies should take some social responsibility has raised a fierce discussion in the society, for which I reckon the answer is yes.

It is obvious that, in some cases, companies especially the national or multinational enterprises play as an leader not only in promoting the local economy, but also the spiritual aspect, where their intangible impact comes from, and that is more significant for medical industry, because the area is close to the public’s life. Such corporations have the ability, including distributing the fund and technology, to put more efforts in improving health for the poverty who can be beneficial immediately, so that it is efficient to improve the healthy level among the whole society. At the same time, following the action, the positive reputation can be achieved, which could be effective to enlarge their influence within the citizens who would take the priority over other brand.

However, the nature for the companies is to get more profits, which cannot be overlooked by other purposes, and the more money they earn, the more contribution they can make for the economy of the society. Meanwhile, the expenditure invested in the research and development of new drugs is enormous; if the profits are not guaranteed, the future of their career could be threatened, as well as the incomes for the employees, the consequence and the burden of which would be more serious especially when the companies are small-scaled.

In conclusion, although the difficulties and worries are looming in front all the medical corporations, it is worth taking the responsibility of creating a better living environment for the community where they are located to achieve a long-term win-win situation.

雅思大作文:it is important for all children to learn history

雅思大作文题目:Some people think it is important for all children to learn history in school. Others believe that other subjects are more relevant to children’s lives today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In the contemporary society, the public’s sight focus on the future development, while history has been a mystery area which people can find only in the museum; as a result, there is a suggestion that all the schoolchildren should learn history as a compulsory course, but the influence brought by other subjects cannot be ignored.

Undeniably, although it seems that history is far from people’s life, especially for the young generation who have limited understanding of the meaning of history, it helps us identify who we are and where we are from, which is regarded as the root in many traditional cultures. Besides, history always contains a variety of knowledge, ranging from literature to science; as long as the children start and have access to history, they could gain the sense of appreciating the wisdom of the ancestors and cultivate the interest in certain academic fields, benefiting for the future development.

On the other hand, shaping these offspring to be the talents for a country cannot only rely on the humane study; science and other practical skills would be more effective to explore their potential and train the critical thinking. By taking the personality into consideration among such generation, it is acceptable that the significance of current curriculum is to connect the content with the reality, since the advent of high technology plays an influential role, and to work in the relative industries would be the prime option while making decision of career.

In conclusion, the advantages of these two kinds of subjects are not overwhelming, which means that the combination of all the development could create the most efficient blue print in educating the descendants to be outstanding in both academic performance and personal identity.


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