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Some people think schools should teach students to form good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



It is often argued that teachers should be accountable for their student’s good and bad conducts as they are responsible for teaching them the morality of their children. Others, on the other hand, opine that educators’ role should be limited to imparting academic (educational) curriculum among students. This essay will discuss both points of view and argue that instructors can share the responsibility for inculcating socially acceptable manners in students along with academic course training, followed by a reasoned conclusion.


Many support the teacher’s role in students’ behaviour modification. Firstly they think that students spend much more time with their educators in school than with their parents. So it is easy for the trainers to develop a good interpersonal relationship with students and, thereby, can have a great influence on their trainees. In addition, they can give moral lessons through moral classes. Moreover, most of the students find their teachers as their role model. So the students accept the instructions of their professors’ than anyone else.


Alternatively, others advocate that academic subjects must be the only priority for educators. They believe that this encourages teachers to concentrate only on course works and thereby could contribute to better academic achievements of the students. This is true in the case of pupils who follow the classes with great attentiveness. But this essay disagrees this view because it cannot bring maximum outcome from other students if they are not motivated to learn. So a teacher, who can impose good conduct in his students, who can divert his students from immoral behaviour, can expect the best possible result from his students.


In summary, although teachers’ primary role is guiding students in academic course work, their ultimate goal should be creating citizen with good conduct and better career prospectus.




The range and quality of food has been improved with the development of technology and scientific advance. Some people think it is good and others think it is harmful. Discuss two sides and give your opinion.



In today modern world, the revolutions of technology and science have an impact on many aspects of life including the standard and different kinds of food we consume. However, there is some controversy about the effect of those changes. While it is possible to claim that these effects are improvement, my view is that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.


There are several reasons why these innovations in food production can be considered as positive. One is that farmers can produce crops that grow bigger and faster so it leads to the reduction of food shortage in many developing countries. It also should not be forgotten that genetically modified crops are more resistant to diseases or pests so the costs of production can be reduced and limit the danger of agricultural wastes.


Those who argue for the drawbacks of technology and science’s development in agriculture base their argument on the impact of those changes on environment and human health. Firstly, there might be risk involved in the genetically modified crops because the effect of these crops to the ecosystem is unknown. In addition to this, there are concerns about man-made chemicals used in modern methods of food production could be harmful to human health. An example illustrates this is that fertilized foods are assumed to causes cancer or long-terms consequences to human kind health.


While there are strong arguments on both sides of the problem, I think that the long-term dangers of these developments should be cautious. Although technology and science used in agriculture has improved the variety and quality of foods, some measures should be regulated to ensure that these developments would be used in a safe way for both environment and humans.




Some people think government should invest more money in teaching science than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Science plays an important role in the growth and progress of a nation. However, other subjects are also important for the economic development of a country. Therefore, I believe that the government should allot equal funds for the teaching of all subjects.


Science subjects are definitely helpful. They help to solve many problems affecting us and our environment. Government funding will lead to improvement in medical research and the invention of many cures. Health, after all, is wealth. In order for a nation to progress, its people have to be healthy. Research in medical science facilitates this. In addition, scientific research in agriculture can increase the fertility of the land and result in economic growth. Science subjects like technology and engineering also play a crucial role in making our lives happy and comfortable. Obviously, the government funding of science subjects helps the country to develop and progress.


However, this does not mean that only science subjects are important. Other subjects like arts, crafts, literature and humanities also play an important role in the overall progress of a nation. These subjects make people aware of their history and culture. They improve our aesthetic skills and enhance the overall quality of our life. Art subjects provide plenty of job opportunities too. After all, no nation can progress only on the wings of science.


To conclude, government funding should not be limited to science subjects. For the overall development of the country, the government should support the teaching of other subjects as well.




In some countries, the government has tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive or negative?



Growing number of cars on the road and congestion is causing problems for the authorities. Some countries have proposed congestion tax to tackle this issue. I think that this can be a positive development. Analysing the factors such as significant reduction in a number of cars, air and noise pollution and clean environment will prove this.


Firstly, we see a reduction in a number of cars entering the city after the tax. People look for alternate routes and times to avoid the traffic. For example, entering London during rush hours costs 10£. This forces people to look for alternate time and routes to enter the city. Similarly, people prefer using buses in Dublin during rush hours over their cars just to avoid the congestion. Hence reducing the traffic load on city road. The actual reduction in cars is thus positive factor for the cities itself.


Secondly, less number of cars reduce the overall air and noise pollution. A recent survey in UK and China shows that implementation of tax has significantly reduced the pollution levels. This allows the people to live in a pure environment and thus bringing a positive change.


On the contrary, many people may argue that governments should spend money on public transport systems rather than tax but such systems take time and money to develop and might not be the right thing to do at present time.


In conclusion, the actual reduction in the number of cars and less air and noise pollution are the advantages brought in by congestion tax. I agree that it is a positive development but the need of the hour is to develop better public transport systems by the government.



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