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关于素材,也就是文章中写点什么内容,很多考生最头疼的就是无话可说。新托福写作考察的话题包括教育、就业、个人成功、社会、家庭、环境、媒体、旅游、科技等。话题种类繁多,考生想要做到有话可写,就需要在平时多做素材的积累,比如每天看两个话题的范文,搜集出文章中的论点、论据,并用中文或者key words记录下来,形成自己的素材库,考前翻阅一下。即便是出现新题,考生也不用担心,因为平时积累的素材多了,思路就宽了,总能带来一些启发。




题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The most important problems affecting society will be solved during my lifetime.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

范文1:Argument 1 (for)

Although the problems facing the world today may seem surmountable, I think that some of the most important ones will be solved during my lifetime. Even now, experts are working on solutions to live healthier lives, to provide food for the growing world population, and to equalize the difference between advanced and developing nations.

Health issues are a major concern, and the key to solving them rests in understanding how the human body works. We now have unraveled the DNA sequence, which was one of the biggest hurdles to cross. Instead of mysterious interactions between chemicals and bodies that seem to produce different results every time, medicine is turning into a black-and-white technologywhere one factor has a certain response. As we decipher the genetic code, we get better at interpreting how our bodies will react. Within my lifetime, there will probably be a cure for cancerand a method for controlling plagues. There will no longer be victims suffering from degenerative diseases or even mental illnesses.

Another major problem is how to feed the growing world population. Solutions are on the horizonfor both factors involved. One issue is producing enough food, and efficient agricultural practices such as vertical farming and hydroponics are already increasing the food generated per acre. The other factor is to get the food to people who need it. In reality, thousands of pounds of perfectly acceptable food are disposed of daily. For example, restaurants and caterers discard unused meals, and farmers with bumper crops let food rot on the vine because it cannot be sold locally.Therefore, if better agricultural practices are coupled with better storage and transportation to get the food where it is needed, the problem of feeding the world’s population is solved.

Finally, another pressing concern is the giant rift between advanced nations and developing ones. Children in one area have their own bedrooms and smart phones while children in another area are lacking the necessities of a roof, sanitary water and food, and medical care. This rift can be closed if countries work together. Businesses can locate production facilities in poor regions that will benefit from the influx of jobs. If companies subsidize schools and hospitals, they can increase the educational levels and health of their employees, creating a more efficient work force. If governments do everything possible to facilitate such programs, developing nations will have a chance to compete in the modern world.

At first, solving health problems, ensuring for food distribution, and eliminating the gap between rich and poor countries may seem impossible goals. However, I think they will be addressed during my lifetime.

to equalize the difference between A and B 去平衡 A 和 B 之间的差距

a black-and-white technology 一种黑白分明的科技

a cure for cancer 一种治疗癌症的方法

on the horizon 即将来临的,开始显现

let food rot on the vine 让食物在藤上腐烂

be coupled with X 与 X 结合

pressing concern 迫切的问题

the giant rift 巨大的裂痕

范文2:Argument 2 (against)

Technology is increasing at a rapid rate, making it appear as though all the world’s problems will be solved in the next fifty years. In reality, there is no way to resolve some of the most important issues facing us today. There will continue to be wars, climate change, and pressures of a growing world population well into the foreseeable future.

To Americans sitting in a comfortable home, war is an abstract, distant thing. However, it is a devastating and very real horror to families facing persecution and displacement. Children in Yemen need surgery to mend limbs destroyed by bombs. Bolivians look away as rebels knife a government official. Thousands of Syrians live in tents in a makeshift camp because they lost their homes. These tragedies will continue because there is no way to reconcile the moral and ethical differences between groups. It is human nature to reach for power, so even if the conflicts are reduced in one area, war will emerge in a different area as a greedy leader tries to expand his control.

Climate change is another seemingly irrelevant problem at first glance. It is easy to say that a few degrees of change over fifty or a hundred years is not much. However, climate change is an irreversible process that has already started and will just continue to get worse. There will be more habitat loss, extinctions of species, and drastic natural disasters. Human technology may be able to reduce the damage in some areas, but it cannot return the climate to its former conditions.

One last point is the pressures of an increasing world population. As the number of people on Earth continues to rise, more pressures are placed on the planet to support those people. Even with improvements in agriculture, there will not be enough food to feed everyone. More important, there will not be enough clean water for everyone to drink. With people packed close together, epidemics will spread more quickly. Even the common cold or flu could cause significant damage to the population in a crowded city. There is no magic cure for these problems, and a system of providing food, water, and medical care to everyone in the world is unrealistic.

Therefore, the major problems of war, climate change, and population growth will continue to exist, possibly for as long as human beings exist on Earth.

well into the foreseeable future 在可预见的未来

live in tents in a makeshift camp 住在临时搭建的帐篷里

there is no way to reconcile the moral and ethical differences between groups 伦理差异是无法调和的

to reach for power 获得权力

climate change is an irreversible process 气候变化是一个不可逆转的过程

drastic natural disasters 极端自然灾害,特大自然灾害

With people packed close together, epidemics will spread more quickly 由于人们挤在一起,流行病转播的更快


题目:An elementary school wants to increase the time on educating students technology (such as computers), which means that students will have less time for the study of music and art.

When it comes to spending the time on studying arts and music and the time on studying technology, which one do you think is better for elementary students?

范文1:Argument 1 (for)

I think it is important for elementary students to get a solid grounding in technology. Technology can help students learn to solve everyday problems, to interact with others, and to prepare for the working world.

First, technology is part of our everyday life, and becoming increasingly more so. If students do not know how to use computers, smart phones, and tablets, they cannot function adequately in this changing world. However, there is more to understanding technology than just typing in a question and reading the answer. Students must know how to escape from a frozen screen, remove and reset a jammed printer, and install new programs. Students who learn about technology gain the mental flexibility to solve basic problems like these. Instead of being stopped by a challenge, a technologically-aware student tries different ways to work around it. In other words, technology helps prepare a student to solve problems and face events that do not run exactly as planned.

Second, technology offers students a chance to interact with other students around the world. Through the internet, students in different countries can see each other and talk, or even collaborate on projects. This experience can bring other subjects such as geology to life because the students can talk with people their own age who are living in the place. Interaction can increase interest in skills such as learning a second language or increase awareness about history or art. Working with friends from around the world, the students gain a wider perspective and are less likely to succumb to prejudice and hatred based on race or nationality. Technology is the key to communication with others around the world.

Third, technology provides useful skills that are in demand by employers. Companies need employees who can manipulate data and operate machinery. Students who have these skills and are ready to work are more likely to be hired than students who do not. Therefore, elementary schools should help prepare students from an early age so that when they reach high school, they can operate spreadsheets, word processing programs, and specialized equipment. Students who go beyond the basics and learn to program, design, or assemble technological devices will be even more prepared to compete in the fast-paced working world.

It is essential for students to learn about technology so that they can capably solve problems, interact with others, and start preparing for the working world.

to get a solid grounding in technology 在技术方面打下坚实的基础

become increasingly more so 变得越来越是如此

the mental flexibility 思维灵活性

a technologically-aware student 一个有技术意识的学生

gain a wider perspective 获得更为广阔的视角

succumb to 屈服于,屈从于

go beyond 超出,超越

范文2:Argument 2 (against)

Children need to have a well-rounded education that includes art and music. Art and music provide many skills that are foundational for further growth and development, physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they should be considered an essential part of any elementary school program.

Young children’s bodies are developing and changing very quickly. Arts can help children learn to use and control their bodies so that they can master more complex tasks in the future. For example, drawing, painting, and calligraphy require manual dexterity to control the pencil, brush, or pen. Children studying these things can learn to use their hands to complete precise tasks. Music offers another example of how children can learn to use their bodies: instruments such as flutes and woodwinds require careful control of breathing combined with fingering of keys. Arts are fun rather than repetitious, so these physical skills are acquired in an enjoyable way.

Arts can also help children improve their memory and concentration. Completing an artwork takes time, sometimes days or weeks, so children must concentrate to finish rather than justrushing on to a new activity . Scientific studies show that if you practice memorizing things such as the process of knitting or weaving, or the notes to perform a song, you can get better at memorization in the future. If children learn to focus on one project and memorize the steps needed to complete it, they will be better able to concentrate for long periods and complete difficult tasks in the future.

Finally, arts can help children develop emotionally. Arts do not have a “right” and “wrong” answer, so children can explore personal creativity. They can feel pride at accomplishing a project that is uniquely theirs. This self-esteem can give them confidence to try new activities without fear of “failing” because they made a mistake. Especially considering the pressures of the modern world, arts can be an essential outlet to try making something beautiful or fun. Arts provide a balance to the rigid programming of other elementary school classes such as math and spelling where it is essential to give the one correct answer.

Arts help children develop physically, mentally, and emotionally. Therefore, arts such as music, drawing, and painting are an essential part of elementary education.

a well-rounded education 全面的教育

manual dexterity 手部灵巧性

rush on to a new activity 匆忙地投入到一项新的活动

arts can help children develop emotionally 艺术可以帮助孩子发展情感

self-esteem 自尊

arts can be an essential outlet to try making something beautiful or fun 艺术可以成为创造美 好或有趣事物的重要途径

provide a balance to X 为X提供了平衡


