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托福写作备考新手必看训练攻略一览 掌握练习要点才能事半功倍








托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:preserve or replace historic buildings


Should historic buildings be preserved or be replaced with modern buildings?

Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


保留历史建筑的必要性在于其文化意义、教育意义和商业意义(比如开发旅游业)。而拆除则是出于城市土地需求的现实性来考虑,比如开发住房和商业场所。至于要不要保留,也往往是看哪一个价值更大,并且要具体情况具体分析。The answer depends on the concrete analysis of concrete conditions。


Tall glass towers, whose shiny facades are as cool as their air-conditioned insides, are becoming part of cityscapes from South America to North East Asia. In the process, old buildings are making room for the seemingly unstoppable advancement of modernity. Thus the face of the global city is changing, and city planners are facing the difficult choice of either preserving historic building or replacing them with modern ones. As there are strong arguments for either option, the final decision will depend on a thorough analysis of the specific situation at hand. It is important to preserve historic buildings and parts of cities because they are part of the cultural heritage that gives identity to a community. Old homes and living quarters are a part of history, and, once destroyed, leveled, and buried under thousands of tons of concrete and steel, they will be lost forever. The constructions erected in their places in too many cases lack any sort of connection to the place. These buildings are anonymous and cultureless edifices that could stand tall in any other part of the world. They lack the charm and character of their historic predecessors.

Yet the construction of new buildings is a sign of modernization. Not only will many people find work in the process of building these structures, but their existence will attract future investments and thus greatly benefit the economy of an area or country. In addition, these new buildings often have lower maintenance costs in comparison to the aged constructions. More importantly, newly development homes and office spaces include the comforts of modern life, e.g. air-conditioning and modern kitchens, are thus comfortable to live in.

Sweeping generalizations are impossible here. A city government should try its best to preserve the old, historic charm of a city and its people. Yet at the same time, they have to look forward and modernize old, rundown buildings in an effort to make their city a more comfortable place to live in and a more successful place to do business. Therefore, a city should think about its general interests and goals and then try to make specific decisions in individual situations.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:difficult experiences become valuable lessons


Can difficult experiences become valuable lessons?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.


基本同意这个观点。因为这个观点没有使用绝对词。(Basically/Fundamentally, it is true that…) 举一些例子支持题目中的观点。然而也确实有些痛苦经历对将来毫无帮助。比如对大多数不喜欢化学的人来讲,中学时期在元素周期表(periodic table [system] of elements)中苦苦挣扎的经验对以后的人生并没有什么帮助。有些父母、教师用这个说法作为虐待孩子的借口,说是为了孩子的将来着想,就很没有道理了。


Sometimes experiences that are supposed to be easy and enjoyable turn difficult because unforeseen troubles arise. At other times problems simply turn out to be more difficult than expected, and this, in turn, causes great frustration. However, most difficult experiences will become valuable lessons for the future. They help us anticipate and prevent future mistakes, they allow us to recognize and solve problems more quickly, and they also make it easier for us to endure hard times.

After our family car broke down in the middle of nowhere, my father realized that he had taken his toolbox out of the trunk earlier that day. He, my mother, and I spent nearly the whole afternoon in the sweltering summer heat of late July waiting for the car mechanic to arrive. It turned out that there was only a minor problem with the engine that my father could have easily fixed himself had he had the right tools. That evening he put the toolbox back into the car and vowed never to make the same mistake again.

Math used to be a very difficult subject for me, but once I learned how to identify and distinguish the individual equations it became a whole lot easier. While I used to sweat blood and tears of frustration over my textbook, because I could not figure out where to begin, I am now familiar with the problems. As a result I solve them in less time and I am much less frustrated.

My mother once told me that I was a much more difficult and painful birth than my younger sister. She joked with me that, as a result, I should treat her better and I was supposed to do more chores around the house.

However, when she saw how upset her off-hand comment made me, she hurriedly explained that, while the time of delivery and other circumstances were nearly identical, being pregnant with me had prepared her for my sister's birth. The birth of her second child was easier to endure.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:work for someone else or own a business


Be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business?

Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific reasons to explain your choice.




There are advantages to all three kinds of employment. Owning one's own business might very well be the fastest way to fortune. Working for an employer, on the other hand, is often less risky and usually there are fewer responsibilities. However, I would like to be self-employed. Being self-employed would cater to my strength of working independently, it would give me a maximum of professional and personal freedom, and I would not have to take responsibility for the continued financial security of any employees and their families. I am a perfectionist and enjoy working by myself. When I work in a team or together with a group of people, usually the others' quality standards are much lower than my own. Furthermore, I like to be involved in every step of the development process. For example, if I could become a journalist I would like to be self-employed because I would be responsible for researching, writing, and editing. At most major newspapers and magazines these are three different areas.

Another great benefit of being self-employed is the ability to balance personal life and career. When working for a major company I would have to work on assignments that don't interest me very much. Also, it would be difficult for me to take vacation time whenever I needed. However, as a self-employed person I can decide which jobs I want to take and which jobs to reject. Nobody would order me around. Also, I could design my own work schedule and adjust or change it if it interfered with my personal life.

Lastly, as a self-employed professional I would neither have to give orders nor take orders. After all, I don't work for anybody and nobody works for me. As I am not very fond of managing people and even less interested in being bossed around, the independent or self-employed work would suit me just fine.


