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托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍, 动物食物类高频词一览,今天小编给大家带来了托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 动物食物类高频词一览


伙伴 n. companions

人类 man/ humans/ the human race/ humanity/ humankind/ Homo sapiens

虐待 n.&vt. abuse

替代物 n. replacement= alternatives

爆发的传染病 n. epidemic

囚禁 n. captivity

动物 n. creatures

驱散我们的寂寞 drive off our loneliness

表现很乖的 adj. well-behaved

保护 vt. preserve

栖息地 n. habitat

残忍的 adj. brutal/ callous/ merciless/ inhuman/ ruthless

生物多样性 n. biodiversity

濒危动物 endangered species

兽皮 n. hide

兽毛 n. fur

制药公司 pharmaceutical company

生物医学研究 biomedical research

临床的 adj. clinical

实验室 n. laboratory

(用实验、仪器等的)模拟 n. simulation

动物权益保护主义者 animal right activists

医学研究 medical research

残忍的 adj. cruel/ merciless/ inhuman/ callous/ brutal

活体解剖 n. vivisection

麻醉 n. anesthetic

减轻动物的痛苦 relieve/ alleviate/ ease animals’ pain

宠物是主人的伙伴 pets are their masters’ companions

给主人心理安慰 afford their masters consolation and comfort

偷猎 v. poach

某一种事物是没有替代物的 there are no replacements/ substitutes/ alternatives for sth.


味道好的 adj. tasty

风味 n. flavor

香味儿 n. aroma

超级好吃的 adj. scrumptious

美味食品 n. delicacy

地道的,正宗的 adj. authentic

多样性 n. variety

有机的 adj. organic

摄入量 n. intake

……的摄入过多 excessive intake of …

肥胖症 obesity

冠心病 coronary heart disease (CHD)

油腻的 adj. greasy

食品卫生 food hygiene

奶制品 dairy products

缺乏运动的生活方式 sedentary lifestyle

很不健康的外卖或者速冻食品 TV dinner

糖尿病 n. diabetes

心血管疾病 cardiovascular disease

营养不良的 adj. malnourished

无法治愈的病 incurable disease

治疗 n. treatment

治疗 n. therapy

营养成分构成表 nutrition fact

有营养的 adj. nutritious/ nourishing

素食主义者 n. vegetarian

冷冻食品 frozen food

罐装食品 canned food

让人发胖的 adj. fattening

控制饮食 watch your diet

食品,小物品 n. groceries

低热量的 adj. low-calorie

低脂肪的 adj. low-fat

低胆固醇的 adj. low-cholesterol

以不破坏健康的速度去减肥 lose weight at a healthy pace

钙 n. calcium

高纤维 n. high in fiber

发胖 gain weight

超重的 adj. overweight

慢性病 chronic diseases

(疾病的)症状 n. symptoms

虚弱的 adj. feeble

对于某种饮食或者物品上瘾的人 n. junkie

菜系 n. cuisine

某种菜的制作方法 recipe

饿得不行了的 adj. starving

保持健康 keep fit

精力充沛的 adj. invigorated

原料 n. ingredient

饮料 n. beverage

有益健康的 adj. wholesome/ healthy

均衡的饮食 balanced diet

饮食习惯 dietary habits

主食;主要的 n.&adj. staple

厨具 cooking utensils

餐具 eating utensils

西式餐具 n. silverware

过敏 n. allergy

碳水化合物 n. carbohydrate

蛋白质 n. protein

维生素 n. vitamin

矿物质 n. mineral

微量元素 trace elements

对……提供补充 vt. supplement


Only people who earn a lot of money are successful?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


不能同意。Only是绝对修饰词。确实,往往成功的一个表象是金钱的多少。但钱不是衡量成功的唯一的标准,比如黑帮分子(members of criminal syndicate)、一些黑心的商人 (evil-minded businessman)。还有些职业收入远不如其他行业,比如,我国的教师,护士。成功的定义更应该基于社会贡献:甘地(Gandhi)就身无分文(without a cash in his pocket);特蕾莎修女 (Mother Theresa )也是


China is host to over one billion people. While the majority of China's population is not rich; in fact, it is a very small percentage of people who hold the status of being wealthy. Does this mean that the vast majority of Chinese people are unsuccessful? The answer to this is irrefutably "no". There are many measures of success, and money is one of them. However, money is far from the main measure of success. To prove this point, one need only consider the possibility that a man could be wealthy beyond belief, but not consider himself successful. Perhaps he inherited his money, and has done nothing of value in his life. Perhaps he earned the money through ill means. Whatever the situation, it is more than possible that a rich man could be considered unsuccessful, either by himself, or by others. Many people believe that the main measure of success is happiness, rather than material goods. Without happiness, even a person with money, status and children would not be successful. However, a low paid schoolteacher might think he/she was very successful if he/she succeeded in getting children to learn their material well. Or perhaps a housewife, who makes no money of her own, would feel successful if she raised a healthy, well-adjusted child and kept her home looking wonderful. It is also important to look at the difference between self-perceived success and one's success in the eyes of another person. Perhaps the outside world views a man as unsuccessful if he does not have a lot of money, but he views himself as very successful because of his achievements in life. Whose opinion is more important? I believe that if one thinks he/she is successful, then he/she is, no matter what other people say. In conclusion, money is not the only measure of success. Anyone can be successful, whether they are rich or poor. What matters is how one views himself/herself; if one is proud of one's achievements in life, and feels that he/she has lived a fulfilling life, then he/she is successful.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:young children spending time practicing sports


The advantages and disadvantages of young children spending much time practicing sports.

Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


要求同时说明优点和缺点,因此需要做两方面的论述展开。从优点上来说,儿童参加体育活动对身体健康有好处,也有助于培养与人和睦相处的能力。从缺点上展开,可以说儿童参加体育活动会耽误学习,一时的放松会导致长远的影响(instant pleasure costs long-term benefits)等等。


It is a common activity not only in China, but across the world, for young children to spend copious amounts of time playing and practicing sports. There is much discussion as to whether this is a beneficial way for young people to spend their time. In order to decide, we must consider the advantages and disadvantages. There are many advantages to children spending their time playing sports. First, children will be stronger and healthier because they are getting exercise. This not only has the immediate effects of being healthy children, but also affects their health later in life, as they will develop good habits for taking care of their physical shape and their health. Second, exercise is known to be an excellent appetite and weight controller. In recent years, with the further development of China, many young people are becoming overweight. Playing sports in one 's childhood could definitely help this situation. Finally, sports are excellent social activities. If one plays sports early in life, he will learn about teamwork, perseverance, and goal setting. All of these lessons will help one to become a happier, better adjusted adult. There are also a few disadvantages to children spending time playing sports. For example, playing sports detracts from study time, which is very important. If children are playing sports so often that they cannot concentrate on their studies, they should definitely stop. Another disadvantage is that sports can sometimes be dangerous, causing life-long injuries to a person that is not careful. Finally, some people believe that sports are overly competitive, and push children too hard at a young age. It is possible that children would lose self-confidence and self-esteem if they constantly lost at sports. Sometimes, it is the parents that push the children too hard at sports, causing an unwillingness to participate due to a lack of enjoyment. Overall, I think that sports are beneficial to a young person's life. They offer valuable skills that will be useful throughout one's entire life. As long as one is careful and does not overdo it, sports are an excellent idea for all young children.


