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First,请各位3分钟时间默读下面的文段(以下范文出自KYLE DeNUCCIO 不同颜色的词请重点关注)

①Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to make effective and informed money management decisions. Gaining the knowledge and developing the skills to become financially literate is a lifelong process that begins with something as simple as putting a few pennies in a piggy bank, and evolves to more advanced subjects such as risk and asset allocation.

②Because financial literacy is not emphasized in the education system - less than half the states have any financial literacy requirements for grades K-12, and only four states require high school students to take personal finance classes - most kids lack the necessary knowledge and skills to become financially responsible adults. The President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy wrote in its 2008 Annual Report to the President: "By almost any measure, today's school children are ill-equipped to understand personal finance and make their way in the modern financial world. Their rising debt and debt problems, along with their poor inclination to save, substantiate what the test scores show. Meanwhile, most students still graduate from high school without any formal classroom education in personal finance."

③There is now - especially following the global financial crisis that began in 2008 - a growing interest in requiring more personal finance classes in the K-12 setting. Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve System has stated that, "One of the key lessons of the recent financial crisis is the importance of personal financial literacy. Besides improving their personal financial decision making, teaching students economic principles will help them as citizens understand and make choices about many of the critical issues confronting our nation."

④Despite this recognition, most things money are still taught at home, where the role of financial educator falls primarily on parents, guardians and other adults in the home. For many adults, however, talking about money is akin to talking about other provocative subjects. Unsure of where to begin and worried about saying the wrong thing, many adults simply avoid conversations about money. This is often made worse by adults' lack of confidence in their own handling of finances. It is important for adults to remember that, even if they are not financial rock stars themselves, they have experience and perspective on their sides, and can draw both from their financial mistakes and successes to share essential knowledge and skills to their children. It starts with a conversation.

⑤In our first guide, Teaching Financial Literacy To Kids, we introduced concepts that are appropriate for the youngest learners, such as the difference between needs and wants.(细节!!) / In part two of the series, Teaching Financial Literacy To Tweens, we covered intermediate topics, including income and expenses, saving for long-term goals and entrepreneurship. / In this tutorial, designed especially for teaching teens, we introduce the more advanced topics suitable for teenagers, including budgeting, credit and debt, money management and investing.(细节!!)(473words)

读完了是不是有一种“好高大上啊” 我写不出来啊,没关系哈来下面BOMB老师帮你“庖丁解牛” 请动笔“记” 光看没用,快拿笔!

1.Financial literacy :翻译成中文的话就类似“理财的能力”

e.g.:Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to make effective money management decisions, so children are obliged to get informed about.




2.informed decisions: 明智的决定 类似表达比如 smart move/sound decision

e.g.:School authorities might make an informed decision to put in a vast majority of money to hire famous teachers after researching hundreds of students’s needs.


3.lifelong process:一辈子的事儿

e.g.: Marriage is a lifelong process that we have to think twice to make an informed decision.


4.putting a few pennies in a piggy bank:把零钱装进存钱罐

“piggy bank”表示零钱罐,penny 一便士

5.asset allocation :资产分配

e.g.:Confronting financial crisis, government has to implement a proper asset allocation policy to avoid repeat financial depression.


6.be emphasized in: 被重视

e.g.:The mindset of "problem-solving" and “thinking-critically “ should be emphasized in the construction of teenagers teaching curricular.


7.require sb to do:要求某人做某事(一般与学生搭配在一起使用更佳)

e.g.:School should require students to attend to some extracurricular activities to strengthen their social abilities.


8.financially responsible adults:经济上有责任感的成年人

e.g.:In order to become financially responsible adults, children are supposed to engage in different finance-related activities to acquire more practical skills on issues of money autonomy.


9.be ill-equipped to:表示”做某事没有准备好“ ”缺乏某种能力“

e.g.:Parents are ill-equipped to understand their children and put in less faith in them such as restricting their money spent on entertainment; limiting their time spent on watching TV, and even prohibiting their freedom to choose majors.


10.have poor inclination to :表示有做不好的事情的不良倾向

e.g.:Children, especially for those rebellious adolescents, tend to have poor inclination to crime, so they should be guided in a right way by their parents.


11.show a growing interest in:表示在某方面展现兴趣

e.g.:Talent kids tend to show a growing interest in tackling difficult problems.


12.fall primarily on:主要属于某人/主要落在谁身上

e.g.:To address environmental problems, the duties will fall primarily on three aspects : governments ;individuals and small businesses.


13.is akin to: 与某事某物相似

e.g.: Friendship is akin to love.


14.provocative subjects:刺激的话题/争议的话题

e.g.:How to achieve a sense of happiness has long been the provocative subjects which are often discussed among scholars.


15.on one’s sides:就某人而言/支持某人/站在某人那边

e.g.:On my side, finance-related issues should be emphasized in the education of kids.


16.share essential knowledge and skills to :分享重要的知识技能给某人

e.g.:Teachers should share essential knowledge and skills to teenagers who are eager to learn and improve their abilities.


Which one of the following values is the most significant to share with a young kid (5-10 years old)?

A being helpful

B being honest

C being well organized



这道题目为一道“三选一”类题型,在回答这种题型的时候考生们可以不用写最令人头疼的让步段。刨除开头和结尾段,主体段的写作可以围绕着所选选项的优势和不选择的选项的弊端进行展开。针对于这道题做题比较多的同学会根据“题感”选择A和C 这两个选项,此时选择C选项的同学表示不服。吼吼~ 同学们先不要着急,因为我们今天要讲的分论点构思方法可以适用于这三个选项。

在审阅这道题目时,同学们应该首当其冲看到一些关键词“5-10 years old”。当题目当中出现一些表示特定时间段的词汇时,建议同学们使用“换时间点”法。所谓的换时间点法就是将文章主体段按照时间节点划分为两段。一段立足于当下,一段立足于未来。

例如:A选项所提到的helpful就可以用这种方法进行写作。第一段针对当下时间段的主题句可以写为:小孩子在5-10 岁之间养成乐于助人的品质可以使孩子们在班里结交到更多的朋友。第二段针对未来时间段的主题句可以写为:孩子小的时候养成乐于助人的习惯在未来会成为一个有责任感的人。同时B和C 选项也可以使用这样的方法进行论证。现在这篇文章看起来是不是更容易展开了呢?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In order to become financially responsible adults, children should learn to manage their own money at young age. Use specific reason and examples to support your answer.

在分析这道题目的时候我们要看到一个关键词“at young age”。这道题目所问的“为了使孩子成长为一个对自身经济状况负责任的年轻人,应该在孩子小的时候就让孩子学习理财。”如果这道题目没有了关键词“at young age”,题意就会变为“为了使孩子成为对自己经济状况负责的年轻人,应该让孩子们学习理财”,同时这道题目就失去了可讨论性,既然是一中贯穿终生的能力当然应该学习。

所以,通过上述分析,我们不难发现,这道题目讨论的重点在“at young age”上面。因为孩子年纪小,因此有些人会分析道:1由于孩子年龄小手头没有太多金钱,即使学习了理财也没有意义 2 小孩子的主业是学习,学习理财会浪费本应该用在学习上的时间。与之相反,当思考到“应该让孩子从小学习理财”这个论点的时候,同学们会出现词穷的现象,多数同学只能想到“由于理财是一个贯穿终生的技能,因此应该从小学习”。此时,推荐同学们使用“换时间点”法。首段我们可以去分析一下小时候学习理财对孩子小时候就产生的立竿见影的好处。比如:在孩子小的时候学习理财就可以帮助孩子们养成不乱花钱的习惯。第二段去分析一下小时候学习理财对孩子长大后产生的好处。比如: 年少时就学习过理财的孩子比起那些长大后才学会理财的孩子要拥有更丰富的理财经验,可以避免重大投资理财失败等等。





时限:50 分钟

问题:2 个任务






独立写作任务测试你依据自身的经历与知识写作的能力。你需要完成一篇写作,就某个议题阐述与支持你的观点。这里的关键是要以具体细节来支持你的观点或选择。文章字数达到 300 字左右才为有效。



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