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托福独立写作真题高分范文实例赏析 ,方便食物的利与弊。今天小编给大家带来托福独立写作真题高分范文实例赏析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福独立写作真题高分范文实例赏析 方便食物的利与弊



Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live?

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


总体上,“食物变得越来越容易准备”是一种进步,所以自然会带来improvement。使人们的生活方式发生了一些变化。好的方面:节省时间,越来越方便,一定程度上把妇女从繁杂的家务中解放了出来。也有不好的变化:准备食物是一种重要的家庭活动,可是食物变得容易准备一定程度上使家人在一起的时间减少了,比如“速冻饺子”[quick-frozen dumpling] 快餐业的高速发展的一个直接结果是,人们普遍变胖了,尤其是孩子。


People today can prepare their meal much easier than has ever been before. To prepare a single dinner, provident housewives usually had to work for hours in the past: they had to buy home dirty vegetables which had to wash, meat which had to slice, and so on so forth. Each and every step of preparation was a time-consuming task. But now, things are entirely different. Supermarkets provide vegetables and meat clean and neat, some of them even have relevant ingredients and need only a few minutes to be made into delicious meals. And this change has indeed greatly improved the way people live.

In a sense, food preparation is no longer a tedious task, at least much easier to tolerate. Such a change has liberated many women and given them chance to do more meaningful things, for example, a higher pay job or a more respectful one. On the other hand, more men are becoming willing to do the thing that they once hated so much, and in some cases such transformation of men brought dramatic positive impact on the family. Today, it's not hard to imagine a wife comes home after a day's hard work and how delightful she is to find out his husband has already prepared her several her favorite dishes Children can more easily become independent—at least they can make themselves breakfasts or dinners when parents are occasionally not present.

But such a change has also brought some unexpected consequences. Girls nowadays are becoming more and more reluctant to deem household work as their responsibility. The reason is quite straightforward: it was once really ridiculous to insist men do trivial household work rather than go work and earn money to support family, but conditions have altered now, girls might think: "I can work as well, or maybe I can earn a higher salary than you do, dear boy friend, if you want to marry me, answer me one question first, will you prepare me breakfast and dinner every day?" And some boys, on the other hand, are becoming hesitant to get married, or simply remain solitary, among miscellaneous reasons they do so is one thing: "I can take care of myself, at least I don't really need someone prepare me dinner."

Anyway, such a change is positive and it did improve the quality of people's life. At least it has brought girls, boys, husbands, wives, children and everyone else who has to prepare food an opportunity, no matter what kind of opportunity it is.






动词主要充当“谓”,在句法中,动词的主要表现形式是——“非谓语”:ING(主动)、ED(被动)、To do(不定式)。


形容词常用来修饰名词,形容词也可以是一个句子(即:一个句子充当主句中的一个形容词)。由于形容词主要用作“定语”,故常见的形容词性句子有:定语从句(限定性 & 非限定性)。





2、修饰语错位(Misplaced Modifiers)英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化。

3、句子不完整(Sentence Fragments)在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解。可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这种情况常常发生在主句写完以后。

4、悬垂修饰语(Dangling Modifiers)所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的短语与后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清。例如:At the age of ten, my grandfather died. 这句中“at the age of ten”只点出十岁时,但没有说明“ 谁”十岁时。按一般推理不可能是my grandfather, 如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改明确一点,全句就不那么费解了。

5.词性误用(Misuse of Parts of Speech)“词性误用”常表现为:介词当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词当动词用等。

6、指代不清(Ambiguous Reference of Pronouns)指代不清主要讲的是代词与被指代的人或物关系不清,或者先后所用的代词不一致。

7、不间断句子(Run-on Sentences)什么叫run-on sentence?请看下面的例句。

8、措词毛病(Troubles in Diction)Diction 是指在特定的句子中如何适当地选用词语的问题,作文中用词不当的错误比比皆是。



11、综合性语言错误(Comprehensive Misusage)所谓“综合性语言错误”,是指除了上述十种错误以外,还有诸如时态,语态,标点符号,大小写等方面的错误。










The advice from grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world has changed a lot during the past 50 years.




Throughout the gradual changes occurring to the whole human society, the value of advice from the older generation has become one of the most controversial issues among the general public. Many youngsters are the strong supporters of the claim that the huge changes in the past half century has made the suggestions from grandparents useless. As far as I am concerned, the advice from the senior is not worth following, which is particularly true of hunting for an ideal job and receiving education.

To begin with, consider the job-hunting. With the further specification of industries, an increasing amount of new careers and job position are created, some of which are out of the understanding of the old people. For example, because of the remarkable booming of internet companies, the professional video gamers, which are considered inferior by the senior, has become a job which enjoy great popularity among the young. As a result, the standard of judging whether a job is good or not has changed a lot so that the advice from grandparents about choosing a decent job is outdated. According to a survey conducted by a newspaper titiled China Daily among 1,000 people aged over 60 about the ideal job they consider, more than 95% of the surveyed vote for the so-called iron-bowl jobs such as teachers and civil servants, which has become obsolete to some extent. Therefore, the lack of knowledge about the modern job markets makes grandparents unable to provide feasible guidance for their grandchildren.



1.导致:v. cause, bring about, give rise to, lead to, generate, create,Be a contributing factor to

2.认为:v. point out, argue, claim, assert, think, consider

3.强调:v. emphasize, bring/call attention to, accentuate, heighten,strengthen

4.集中:v. focus on, concentrate on

5.解决:v. combat, address, tackle, resolve, solve

6.从事:v. carry out, conduct, perform

7.承认:v. concede, admit, acknowledge, accept, allow, grant


1.支持:v. support, advocate, agree with

2.增加:v. increase, grow, rise, enlarge

n. increase, growth, rise,enlargement

3.改善:v. improve, enhance, upgrade, boost

n. improvement, enhancement, boom

4.扩张:v. expand, enlarge, extend, widen, broaden

n. expansion, enlargement,extension

5.提高:v. augment, increase, develop, intensify

n. augment, increase, development

6.发展:v. develop, advance, grow, evolve, flourish

n. development, advancement,growth, flourishing

7.产生:v. develop, come into being/existence, come about

8.获得:v. acquire, gain, get, obtain, attain

9.执行:v. implement, execute, put into effect, perform

n. implementation, performance

10.实现:v. achieve, fulfill, gain, accomplish, attain

n. achievement, accomplishment,attainment

11.开始:v. commence, begin, start

n. commencement, beginning,start

12. 促进:v. promote, further, advance, encourage, stimulate, foster

n. promotion, advancement

13.鼓励:v. stimulate, encourage, act as stimulus, motivate

n. encouragement, incentive,motivation

14.唤起:v. arouse, cause, induce, prompt, trigger, spark off

15.需要:v. call for, demand, require

16. 取代:v. replace, take the place of, substitute for

n. replacement, substitutionfor, in place of

17. 加快:v. accelerate, speed up, quicken

n. Acceleration, speeding up

18. 减轻:v. abate, lessen, reduce, alleviate, mitigate

n. abatement, lessening,alleviation, mitigation

19. 保护:v. protect, preserve, conserve

n. protection, preservation,conservation

20.保卫:v. safeguard, defend, shield

n. safeguard, defence, shelter

21. 建立:v. establish, set up, found, construct

n. establishment, foundation,construction

22. 遵守(规则,法律):abide by, comply with, follow, respect, act in accordance with

23. 允许:v. allow, permit, give the means to, facilitate


1.反对:v. object, raise objections, oppose

2.减少:v. decrease, lower, reduce, cut down

n. decrease, reduction, drop, decline

3. 耗尽:v. deplete, exhaust, use up

n. depletion, exhaustion, usingup,

4. 阻碍:v. hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede, inhibit

n. hindrance, obstruction,obstacle, impediment

5.限制:v. limit, curb, restrict, place a limit on

n. limit, restriction

6. 危及:v. endanger, imperil, jeopardize, put at risk

7. 衰败:v. deteriorate, degrade, degenerate, rot

n. deterioration, degeneration

8. 恶化:v. exacerbate, aggravate, worsen, inflame

n. exacerbation, aggravation,worsening

9. 加剧:v. intensify, escalate, sharpen, aggravate

n. escalation, intensification,aggravation

10.破坏:v. damage, destroy, ruin, devastate

n. damage, destruction, ruin,devastation

adj. devastating, destructive

11. 污染:v. pollute, contaminate

n. pollution, contamination

12. 败坏:v. pervert, corrupt, deprave, lead astray, debase

13.扭曲:v. distort, pervert, misrepresent, falsify, misstate, misreport

14.削弱:v. weaken, undermine, impair, invalidate

15. 干涉:v. interfere in/with, intervene in, impinge on/upon(侵犯)

n.interference/intervention/involvement in/with

16. 侵犯:v. encroach on/upon (time/rights/personal life)

n. encroachment on/upon =impinging on/upon

17. 与···相违背/相矛盾:run counter to = run contrary to

Contradict (each other)= conflict with =be at odds with sth

18.误解:v. misunderstand, misapprehend, misinterpret

n. misunderstanding,misapprehension, misinterpretation

19. 逃避:v. escape, break out, evade, elude

20.遭受:v. suffer from, be stricken with, be afflicted with

21.违反:v. violate, disobey, transgress, infringe

n. violation, infringement,contravention, breach

22. 忽视:v. lose sight of, ignore, neglect

23.疏远:v. alienate, isolate, become/get estranged from

n. alienation, isolation,estrangement


1.大量的:enormous, massive, tremendous, considerable

2.重要的:significant, substantial, crucial, important

3.严重的:adj. severe, serious, acute, drastic

adv. severely, seriously,acutely, drastically

4. 有害的:adj. hazardous, dangerous, harmful

5. 贫穷的:adj. poor, poverty-stricken, destitute, impoverished

6. 富有的:adj. rich, wealthy, affluent

7. 差距:n. gap, disparity, divergence

8. 积极的:beneficial, advantageous

9.消极的:baneful, detrimental

10. 明显的:manifest, obvious, evident, apparent

11. 影响:impact, repercussion, effect, ramification

12. 人类:the human race, human being, humankind, humanity

13. 当代:in current society, in this day and age, in present-day society,in contemporary society

14. 传统的:traditional, conventional, old-fashioned

15. 健康的:healthy, vigorous, robust

16. 有营养的:nutritious, nourishing, wholesome, healthy


