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Admittedly, books written on the basis of realities is valuable to most people.

A less complicated social environment is the most agreeable condition that help maintain the simplicity of children’s mental world.

第一句句子的主语是books,因此谓语动词应该用复数形式are而不是is,这就是“主谓一致”,即:谓语动词在单复数形式上要和主语保持一致。因此,原句的正确表达为:Admittedly, books written on the basis of realities are valuable to most people.

第二句句子的主语是a less complicated social environment,谓语动词应该用单数形式helps. 因此,原句的正确表达为:A less complicated social environment is the most agreeable condition that helps maintain the simplicity of children’s mental world.


The number of students who walk to school has been significantly increased.

A large number of advertisers are filling commercials with appealing visual effects so as to spark consumers’ desires to buy such targeted products.

在托福独立写作中,the number of和a large number of是考生经常使用的两个短语,前者表示“…的数量”,后者表示“大量的”。第一句句子中的主语是the number of students,“学生的数量”是单数的,所以谓语应该使用单数形式has,而不是have. 又如:There has been a sharp increase in the number of Internet users since last year. 第二句句子中的主语是a large number of advertisers,“大量的广告商”是复数的,所以谓语应该使用复数形式are,而不是is.



Most students like to watch TV cannot finish their homework in time.

Children who find passion in sports holding on to this passion throughout life, which leads to a healthier and more successful future.

第一句句子中like to watch TV和cannot finish their homework in time都是谓语动词,一般而言,两个谓语动词需要用连词(如and或but)进行连接,或者可以将like to watch TV变为从句,如:Most students who like to watch TV cannot finish their homework in time(定语从句).

第二句句子没有谓语。句子中who find passion in sports是修饰children的“定语从句”,which leads to a healthier and more successful future是以which为引导的“非限定性定语从句”。整句句子的谓语动词应该是hold,而不应该使用非谓语形式(holding)。在托福独立写作中,尤其要注意there be句型中“谓语的表现形式”,如:

There are a great variety of articles and topics accurately reflect the diversity of users’ interest.

因为there be句型中的be本身就是谓语成分,所以不能使用reflect,而应改为:There are a great variety of articles and topics that accurately reflect the diversity of users’ interest(定语从句);或There are a great variety of articles and topics accurately reflecting the diversity of users’ interest(非谓语结构)。




Many children can avoid their most disliked courses if they are given the opportunity to choose.

Because the content of an e-book is delivered electronically to their devices, students can shop for e-books and receive them almost immediately, any time of the day or night.



Modern citizens are faced unprecedented psychological pressure when they are heavily loaded with mountains of information from the network of mass media.

从句中,they (指现代公民,modern citizens)和满载着大量信息(load with mountains of information)是“被动”的关系,而他们和面临空前的心理压力(face unprecedented psychological pressure)是“主动”的关系,所以原句应该改为:Modern citizens are facing unprecedented psychological pressure when they are heavily loaded with mountains of information from the network of mass media.

在托福独立写作中,face是考生经常需要使用到的单词,解释为“面临、直面”,face也是一个很难正确使用的单词。当要表达“他面临着很多生意上的麻烦”意思的时候,考生可以使用He is facing many business troubles. 或者He is faced with many business troubles. 因为face往往用于“主动语态”,而be faced with用于“被动语态”,又如:

When facing overwhelming challenges, each individual should be well equipped with a vast range of knowledge and a broadened mind.

When they are faced with the increasingly powerful domination of money, people ought to take precautions as early as possible so as not to become slaves of wealth.


1. What events make a person an adult?

People recognize a difference between children and adults. What events (experiences or ceremonies)make a person an adult? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.


Difference between children and adults: 成熟(mature);独立(independent);独立思考(critical thinking);解决问题(problem solving);自我责任(self-responsible)……; Event: 毕业典礼、18岁生日……


People have many different ways expressing, celebrating and legislating our passage from childhood into adulthood. I believe that there is no single moment that defines when a child becomes an adult. Becoming an adult is based on a variety of events, namely, when one's body changes, when one's mind expands, and when one accumulates experiences.

Small children are usually referred to as cherub like. They are all beautiful with rosy cheeks, bright eyes, and tender skin. As a child grows into an adolescent, they grow taller, but their frames remain quite small. Once a youth grows from an adolescent to an adult, frames develop substantially. Their shoulders broaden and they are able to form defined muscles. This physical change is the most obvious sign of a child becoming an adult.

The second modification that occurs is the expansion of one's mind. When one is an adult, they are able to comprehend much more advanced thought processes. They start to be able to think for themselves, and make decisions that are best for them. Children are not capable of making complex decisions regarding their lives or their future. They do not have a mind capable of carefully weighing all of the options and deducing the right choice.

This expansion of the mind is a result of the numerous experience a person has on his/her way to becoming an adult. As one moves through the world, they gather important information about how the world works. This information becomes one's personal database of knowledge: such a database is absolutely necessary if one is to grow past childhood. The experiences of which I speak are the happenings in our day-to-day lives. We are constantly placed in situations where we must choose one path or another. Of course, one will make mistakes along the way. These mistakes are an important learning tool, which help us become wise adults.

In conclusion, children become adults when they have sufficiently matured. Their bodies, their minds, and the number of experiences they have had must grow. Once this process is complete, they can rightfully claim to be adults.

2. Should school buy computers or books?

Your school has enough money to purchase either computers for students or books for the library. Which should your school choose to buy — computers or books? Use specific reasons and examples to support your recommendation.


资金分配问题,参见:[11]的分析。 选择书籍,理由更多一些:





There are many difficult decisions that school supervisors must make in order to ensure the success of their students. One of these decisions is how to spend money when it is available. Quite often, extra funds are spent on either computers or books. Given the choice, I believe that money is best spent on computers.

New technology is being created faster and faster. Each year, IBM develops a new "super computer" that is hundreds of times faster than the previous model. With this constantly changing technology, it is easy for schools to be left behind because they cannot afford new gear. Students deserve to learn on the best technology available, so schools should always upgrade their computers whenever possible. Computers also offer students a wealth of information, perhaps more than books can provide. It is now possible to buy e-books, dictionaries and encyclopedias for a computer. These computer versions of popular research tools are much better than their hardcover predecessors. For example, a computer encyclopedia takes up no space in the library, it allows students to access the information instantly, and it is much more cost effective than buying the entire series on paper. Also, the Internet allows students to find information on anything their hearts desire.

Finally, spending school funds on computers is more beneficial than spending money on books because computers prepare the students for the working world. In today's society, to attain a high paying position in a company it is necessary to have basic computer skills. If students do not have the ability to learn such skills, they will be left behind while others succeed in their place. Accordingly, I feel it is better for schools to spend money on computers rather than books. In addition to the reasons listed above, it is important to note that most major cities have extensive libraries that a local school would be hard-pressed to match. However, libraries frequently do not house computers, and if they do, they are constantly in use by other patrons. In many cases, the only chance a young person has to use a computer is at his/her school.


