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It is inevitable for urbanization to bring us some sacrificelike the alienation of ourselves from nature.



1. 托福写作中必会出现“某某某事很重要”的句子,然而很多同学在描述时,却只能想到important,这肯定是不行的。

原句中“It is inevitable for .... to do sth. ”的形式主语句式真的再简单不过了,初中我们都学过,但却一定比你用important高大上了很多。

2. 这句话中的inevitable还可以换成如下形容词:

significant, indispensable,crucial.... 它们都是用来表示重要性的常用形容词。

3. 给到大家两句仿写的句子,一个是关于环保的,一个是关于沟通的,这都是托福写作热门话题:

A. It is crucial for people to take steps to keep theenvironment from deterioration, like taking public transportation instead ofdriving cars.(人们必然要采取些措施来防止环境恶化,如多乘坐公共交通工具而不是去开小汽车)

B. It is inevitable for the old to havegeneration gap with their children.(对老年人来说,不可避免的会和他们的孩子之间有代沟。)


Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on adesert island.


1. 这样简单的句子,当我们看过后翻译成中文自然是手到擒来,而若给你这样一个汉语,你是否能够想到如此翻译呢?


2. 仿写的时候我们直接将 of 后面跟的名词换成我们所写作文的主题相关词即可,也可将unrealistic换成恰当的形容词,举例:

Many people have formed an inaccurate picture of unknown countries.




托福写作解析:Children and sports


Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


优点:对身体健康有好处;有助于培养与人和睦相处的能力;缺点:耽误学习,instant pleasure costs long-term benefits.







Children and sports

Currently some young children spend a great amount of their time in practicing sports. Most parents feel quite happy because sports are good for their kids' development and team work spirit,however they are quite worried about some negative effects such as practicing sports occupies too much time, distracts their attentions on school work and loses certain interests on other activities. In my opinion, everything has its good side and bad side. The important thing is to handle it properly.

Admittedly, practicing sports can help children's physical development, which makes them grow faster and stronger than before. As we know, during children's development periods, especially from 10 to 16 years old, sports are really helpful for children to develop. Sports can create a strong body that reduces the possibility of contracting some diseases easily. Definitely we believe that children benefit from sports.

Another good thing is that sports teach us to learn how to corporate with other members in a team. Most sports are team work. If we want to play them well, we must master some skills to care about what our team members are thinking and how to adapt each other to achieve a common goal. Sports are not an individual activity, it needs corporation and mutual understanding. This is not easy to master. Of course, for parents they are delightful to see their children to get this skill from sports.



go beyond the textbook : 超越课本

real-world issues :现实世界的问题

presented s/th to the audiences :向观众展示

traditional book-based instruction :传统书本教学

is more demanding than :比另外一件事情更费力

memorize facts from a single source :从单一的源头记忆事实


the history of their town :他们家乡的历史

water quality in their communities :他们社区的水质量

analyzing information from multiple sources :分析不同源头的信息

discussed their findings :讨论他们的发现

collected insect specimens, studied them :收集昆虫样本、研究他们


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is more effective for students to work in groups than by themselves.

The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teacher’s salaries.



1、Enhanced Smarts 变聪明

Wow, this may be the most obvious statement of the post, right? Well, it turns out that reading helps in almost every area of smarts. Those that read have higher GPA’s, higher intelligence, and general knowledge than those that don’t. In Anne E. Cunningham’s paper What Reading Does for the Mind (pdf version), she found that reading, in general, makes you smarter, and it keeps you sharp as you age.

No matter what you’re wanting to do or become, you can’t do it without more knowledge. Reading is an excellent way to get where you’re wanting to go.

2、Reading reduces stress 减少压力

When I’m reading a book, my mind shifts gears. Where I might have a had a stressful day, a book can easily distract me. Fiction is fantastic for this.Reading an awesome fiction book is perfect right before bed time. Though sometimes it’s hard to put the book down if it’s really good. Still, you’ll be relaxed .

3、Greater tranquility 多一点宁静

Reading can soothe like no other. Given that I’m a pretty high-energy person, reading forces me to sit and be still. This daily act of making myself be quiet and still has been nothing short of miraculous for my anxiety and my “fidgety factor”.

4、Improved analytical thinking 增强思辨的能力

That’s right, ladies and germs. Cunningham’s studies have found thatanalytical thinking is boosted by reading. Readers improve their general knowledge, and more importantly are able to spot patterns quicker. If you can spot patterns quicker, your analytical skills receive a boost.

5、Increased vocabulary 增加词汇

It’s no secret that reading increases your vocabulary and improves your spelling, but did you know that reading increases your vocabulary more than talking or direct teaching? Reading forces us to look at words that we might not have seen or heard recently at the pub. In fact, language in children’s books are likely to be more sophisticated than your average conversation.

Increased vocabulary is especially crucial for bloggers or writers. All successful writers will tell you that in order to write well, you need to read. Every day. You’ll be surprised at the words you start incorporating into your writing.

A beefier vocabulary isn’t just for writers though. Knowing what other people are saying and using the perfect words to convey your feelings is a critical part of being a better human. Better listeners are more successful in life.

6、Improved memory 提高记忆力

I have an awful memory. Just ask my fiancee. I usually can’t remember what I’ve eaten for breakfast, let alone things like names and addresss. Yet I’ve been finding that I can remember stuff much easier when I’ve been reading consistently. Do I have any scientific data to match this up? Not really. But I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that reading has somehow given me memory mojo.

7、Improved writing skills 提高写作技能

This isn’t much of a stretch, considering that reading improves vocabulary and critical thinking. I feel like a better writer, as I’m constantly surrounding myself with works from people who are better than me. That’s why English classes in High School make you read “the classics”. That’s why art students learn to copy masterpieces, so they know what creating something incredible should feel like.

8、Helps prioritize goals 更好的权衡目标

Many times we’re certain we know what we “really want” in life. Yet I’ve found that activities like reading show me things I didn’t know about myself. My mind will drift to things that I’d really like to do, and it isn’t long that these little lapses in reading start to cycle. The same sort of goals keep popping into my head, allowing me to see what I really want to do.

For example, I’ve been playing music on a consistent basis, but I’ve always wanted to produce and distribute my own music. As I’ve been reading, I’ve found that song ideas and other general thoughts on music keep popping into my head. It’s my times reading that have really pushed me into giving music a serious go.

When you remove yourself from your work environment, you’ll start to see things that you might really want to do, that you’re not doing yet.Reading gives you a chance for your to wander.


★ 初中八年级语文写作《学习仿写》精选教学设计


