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从一开始复习我就习惯性地把雅思写作task 2 划分为八大类:教育类,社会类,科技类,政府类,环保类,发展类,犯罪类。这也是市面上大部分学习机构分出来的类别,基于这种划分,我开始盲目地查找相关的雅思单词,接着盲目地背诵默写。下面小编就和大家分享雅思大作文如何展开论证,来欣赏一下吧。






何谓题型?其实雅思写作task2题型一般有三大类:report,argumentation和report + argumentation‖ 的结合体。






通常report类的文体,不会同时出现以上三个要素,只会有一到两个的配搭,即:cause+influence,cause+solution,influence+solution,或只问influence(如下面我写的一篇7分文章,问effects on individuals and societies)。

所以呢,在这种题型底下,它的结构就非常的单一:开头段+ 原因分析段(一般分析3个原因)+ 影响分析段(一个列举3个影响)+ 解决办法段(这些解决办法一定要对应于之前分析的原因或者影响)+结尾段。这个结构是应该视情况而定(as the case may be)。


1.discuss both views and give your own opinion

2.to what extent do you agree or disagree

3.do you think the advantage outweigh the disadvantage

按照我自己的看法的话,其实argumentation就是两种,那就是1 和 2/3(因为2和3可以看成同一类)。

这两种有区别吗?当然有了。你看,问题都不一样(看上去像是废话)。其实这不是一句废话,因为discuss both views and give your own opinion,是要你先分析双方有什么合理之处,然后再给你自己的个人观点。很明显这是需要均衡结构。什么意思?意思是,假如你支持观点1用了三个论点,然后到你支持观点2的时候也得同样用三个论点(想不到的话,憋你也得憋出来!!!),最后在结尾清晰表达你自己的最后看法。对于这种题型,开头段也是表明观点,例如some people argue.../ while others claim that..../ I personally believe that...

所以呢,这个文体的结构应该是:开头段(回应题目+表达自己的观点)+ 支持观点1(n个论点)+ 支持观点2(n个论点)+ 结尾段(表明自己的观点)。请注意,这个题型是不能用一面倒的,是不能啊!

至于agree/disagree or advantage/disadvantage 题型,根据考官的推介,最理想的结构是:开头段+让步段+ 支持段(论点1)+ 支持段(论点2)+ 结尾段(表明你自己的观点)。万一想不出让步段,或者时间太紧了来不及让步,可以吗?考官说了,允许便秘,憋不出来也是可以的!!!!也就是说,在这种情况下,可以使用一面倒,而且不影响你拿7分(假如你的目标分数是8分,就当我瞎说吧)。


记住三个英文单词―explain,―extend or―example




举个例子,在写what are the influences if the gap between the poor and the rich is widening时,我会选择这么一种方式记单词:

贫富悬殊扩大The widening disparity between the rich and the poor


两极化 polarize community

激化社会矛盾intensify the social conflict

社会对立 social incompatibility

心理问题 induce psychological problem

仇富心理 result in hatred for the wealthy

自卑心理suffer from inferior mentality

行为过激 aggressive behaviour





反政府反社会 anti-government/ anti-society

发泄不满 give vent to their anger and dissatisfaction

增加犯罪drive up the crime rate

社会不公平 social inequality

更可能获得公共资源have more access to public resources

比其他人更容易获得社会特权acquire special privilege over the poor

进一步分化社会,加剧社会仇恨Further polarize the society and fuel social hatred

产生恶性循环 thereby creating a vicious circle







Whether we like it or not, advertising has penetrated into all aspects of life, which has significantly affected people's buying decisions and lifestyles. I believe that this trend does more harm than good to people's lives.

To boost the sales or promote new products, companies tend to design the advertisement to be tempting, or invite popular stars and celebrities to the advertising campaign. This can impel consumers to open their wallets to buy the goods impulsively. Consumers used to care more about the price, quality and purpose of the product, but now they shift their attention to the product's popularity or whether their idols are using the same brand.

In addition, the fashionable elements involved in the advertisement often put consumers under pressure. They may worry that they are out of fashion as described on the advertising, and thus follow the trend to buy the recommended goods, regardless of price. This spending habit can lead to an economic burden or a wrong concept of consumption. Some people, especially young consumers, may compete with others in material ways.

There is no denying that advertisements provide useful information and assist consumers' decision-making, when they are faced with various products made by competitive manufacturers. However, this cannot change the fact that many companies tend to exaggerate the strong points and neglect the weaknesses of their products in the advertising, making it difficult for consumers to get a clear picture of the product.

In conclusion, advertising is unavoidable in the commercial society. To reduce its negative effects on the general public, the authorities need to regulate the advertising industry and encourage rational spending.


Although lectures are normally used to teach students knowledge, there has been an argument that students no longer need to attend lectures, due to the development of technology. Personally, I think that lectures deserve a place in the education system.

Instead of attending lectures, people can depend on computers and the internet to improve learning outcomes. One benefit of using social networking websites is that they can keep the pace of learning by themselves and manage to make the most of time and resources. This educational model is important especially for those people who have work commitments. They are likely to outperform in the related area easier.

Another approach to replace lectures is to register for online courses, and this can help people pursue a higher educational qualifications. Online courses provide people with opportunities to gain access to knowledge without paying educational expenses. In this way, they are more likely to pursue a university degree, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

On the other hand, attending lectures plays an inevitably role in preparing people for their future career. It offers an environment where students are encouraged to communicate with each other and build up a network of contacts, which is beneficial to improving their interpersonal skills. This can help them make a transition to the workplace.

To summarise, I believe that attending lectures remains the most important way for students to acquire new knowledge and achieve good performance, although technology and the internet are likely to make learning more easily.


