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1. 主语部分常见错误



Take maternity leave is good for women’s health.


解析:语中句子的主语通常由名词或者具备名词性质的短语,词语或者从句充当。而这个句子中take 是一个动词,不能充当句子的主语。

修改:Taking maternity leave is good for women’s health.


Environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious is an undeniable fact.

解析: environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious是一个句子,而且这里没有任何引导词,比如that这种,不能充当整个句子的主语成分,可以用以下两种改法:


a. It is an undeniable fact that environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious. (语法现象:It做形式主语,结构:It is +名词+that)

b. That environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious is an undeniable fact.(语法现象:that引导主语从句)


2. 谓语常见的语法错误

2.1 主谓一致问题

例句:To be an irreplaceable employee require people to upgrade skills constantly.


修改:To be an irreplaceable employee requires people to upgrade skills constantly.


2. 2 There be 句型

例句:There are many people suffer from poverty in the world.

解析:这里出现了两个谓语,一个是there be句型中be是谓语动词,


修改:There are many people suffering from poverty in the world.


2.3 主句缺谓语动词

例句:A current report about a 14-year-old boy who was forced to clean streets because of destroying his school seriously which irritates an argument.

解析:这个句子读起来真的好吃力,还有种头重脚轻的感觉,因为的主句里面包含了一个who 引导定语从句(a 14-year-old boy who was forced to clean streets because of destroying his school seriously),was是定语从句里的谓语动词。整个句子的主干即主句应该是A current report irritates an argument.其中irritates应该是主句的谓语动词,因此去掉原句中的which.


修改:A current report is about a 14-year-old boy who was forced to clean streets because of destroying his school seriously, which irritates an argument.


3. 连词引导状语从句,化复杂为简单

例句: Shopping centers are increasingly enjoying less popularity. Because people are now used to shopping on line which is considered to be more convenient.

解析:because, while, although, when, if 引导状语从句时,必须连接两个独立的句子,从句需依附于主句存在,因此将because前面的句号改成逗号。

修改:Shopping centers are increasingly enjoying less popularity, because people are now used to shopping on line which is considered to be more convenient.


4. 固定搭配,你需要知记

4.1 不定式符号to 与介词to的辨别问题

例句: When it comes to boost economy, many developed countries reach goals at the expense of environment.

解析:when it comes to 中to 是介词,而非不定式符号,因此后面需改成ing分词形式。类似的固定搭配有:adjust to适应,attend to处理;照料, belong to属于, refer to参考;指的是…;涉及,contribute to 有助于,促成,stick to坚持,继续,等等,考生平时需多积累这类固定搭配并熟记。

修改:When it comes to boosting economy, many developed countries reach goals at the expense of environment.


5. 逗号不能连接两个句子

例句:Computers make our life more colorful, this is witnessed by everyone.



a. Computers make our life more colorful. This is witnessed by everyone.

b. Computers make our life more colorful, and this is witnessed by everyone.

c. Computers make our life more colorful, which is witnessed by everyone.




The range and quality of food has been improved with the development of technology and scientific advance. Some people think it is good and others think it is harmful. Discuss two sides and give your opinion.


Technology, the mighty force which is created by the comparatively smaller, walnut-shaped human brain, has changed the landscape, redefined the natural resources and even diversified the food we human beings rely on. The opponents and the proponents both hold their own justifications and I deem that there is no black-or-white conclusion of this issue.

It is more likely that food shortage will undermine the wellbeing of masses less frequently if technology and scientific breakthrough improve the quality and range of choices. In the past when we human beings relied heavily on the rather limited sources of food, a spell of abnormal weather can pose a threat to the yield of the crops and the health condition of livestock, let alone the unpredicted climate change. However, the miserable past is no longer the case today. People are less prone to the impact of scarcity of the food supply and the quality as more food sources can be utilized with the advancement of science.

On the other hand, the skeptics think technology a two-edged sword and the potential risks of technologically-modified food can never be underestimated. The security of some food generated by technology has not been identified, thereby entailing some unpredictable consequences. The genetically modified food, a milestone in human history, provides more options of food and enhance the quality on the one hand, also induces the doubts on its potential harm to human body and health.

Personally, I suppose a reconciliation should be achieved between this two statements. What really matters on this issue is how properly the technologically- changed food can function in the society and what the following steps we shall take if some dire consequences arise. After all , it is the tiny brain that has the final say instead of the technology it creates.


Some people think schools should teach students to form good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is widely acknowledged that a school should be a place for children to get educated, which does not only include the learning of textbook knowledge, but also the formation of good behavior, I suppose.

Obviously, a person’s behavior reflects his/her characteristics and morals to some extent, which forms the impression of individuals leaving on others. For example, people who usually help others and seldom break rules are generally considered to be well-educated citizens and are often highly spoken by others. By contrast, if a teenager who always bullies peers or damages public property are seen as a “bad student” and being unpopular among classmates. Therefore, to behave well exerts a great impact on a person’s social life, which is by no means less important than some subject-related knowledge.

Considering the significance of good behavior mentioned above, schools should definitely attach more importance to the behavioral education. As schooling is one of the most essential components contributing to young people’s future development, schools should also play the role of imparting discipline to the next generation rather than focusing on the school subjects such as mathematics, language and science. Only through this way may arouse students’ attention in developing good behavior and improve a nation’s overall image from the long term.

To conclude, the function of schools should be far beyond providing knowledge. To better prepare students for their future, they should introduce and emphasise the education in the behavioural aspect and involve it in the daily curriculum or teaching activities.


