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Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful.They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.



Scandals occur in nearly every field that human set foot in, both revealed and incubative.Once people recognize that the person they adored yesterday is actually a liar by the exposednesses of his scandal, the first reaction may be anger, sorrow and depression.However, if rational rethinking and remediation have been taken after the reports of scandals, actually greater progresses can always be achieved compared with the efforts made by the daily boring speeches made by speakers and reformers.

Scandals can clearly show us the hidden unreasonable and unjust regulations, therefore administers or the public can adjust or even correct those errors. After the Watergate Event, not only President Nixon lost his job, but further influence was conducted by the public and medium. They realized that the problem of the abuse of power which was neglected in the past. As a result, a closer scrutiny upon the high officials of government prevents them from abusing their power any longer. Recently, the filthy relationship between Juventus Club and several references was publicized by medium, which shocked the football circle by those large holes in the institutions of football league and thus forced the Italia Football Association to take actions towards Juventus, references and the ill institutions. While Juventus has been deprived the former championship, a series of more appropriate regulations have at last been added into the football systems. There is no denying that those scandals indeed prohibit the daily operations and developments of certain fields to some extent, but these deleterious effects can be temporary, if proper measures have been done immediately. In this case, scandals may become stimulations that can provoke the awareness of the emergency of the scandals, which is necessary for establishment of an ultimate solutions to the present problems.

Furthermore, compared with the accomplishments endowed by the professional speakers and reformers, the progresses made by the aftereffects of scandals are often more significant and fast. A scandal maker usually has his position in high status, which grants him power great enough to make his underground and illegal behavior so harmful and astonishing that it can be called a scandal. Before their scandals have been known to the public, they are generally admired and trusted by their superiors and inferiors, as well as the medium and public. Therefore, it is difficult or even impossible for speakers and reformers to win the battle against those scandal makers and their inequitable laws or regulations without the support of anyone. No one believes or even pays attention on whatever the speakers and reformers assert, if the scandal makers are trying to cover up those events by their power and trust they gained at the same time. Consequently those errors remain forever. Once the secrets of the scandal makers give away, however, their aura fades, legends evaporate, so does the trust and power endued. Under such circumstances that all sides feel unsatisfied and disappointed, it is much easier for reformers to draw the focus on their ameliorative allegations towards the long existed problems, and thus, the improvements can be made. Perhaps it may be strange to accept the ironic conclusion that scandals do play a more vital role in healing the morbid system of a certain realm than those reformers do sometimes, but oftentimes it is scandal that helps the reformers a lot to strike their targets, which leads to a future primary achievements for society.

Despite the forgoing contributions of scandals, they are not without its apparent problems. Hypersensitive worries may lead serious disorders or even disasters. A threshold trouble is about the excessive revealment of privacies of the officials, stars, or other persons who were doubted to have scandals. This was often done by some so-called responsible mediums in the name of observation the social problems. As a result, the bothered officials or the stars can hardly utilize their full abilities to fulfill their tasks or jobs. Just to meet the curiosity of the public so that they can bolster their sales and profits, these mediums' detective behaviors will inevitably bring about disorders to those who in charge in some areas. Secondly, overstatements of the grave effects of scandals may shadow the contributions of the scandal makers unfairly. Although Clinton was accused by his rose event, his dedication towards the resuscitation and prosperity of America's economy during his term of office cannot be denied. If his fault was overemphasized present, he may have to resign immediately, and his economic ability can no longer serve the society,which is an obvious loss of the society.

To be just, I acknowledge that most people hate to witness scandals happening around them. What is more, recessions and the private violations always come along with scandals.Nevertheless, seeing from another angle, if the scandals are in fact ineluctable, it may be wiser to bravely face with the extant problems. We should find them out and then correct them rather than simply denying their existence.



Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise.



With the respect of history, today’s democratic structure of politic roots deeply in ancient Greek philosophers’ advocation for the respect of public and individual beings,their admiration of the egalitarian, and the eagerness for justice as well as the electoral system specially devised to surpvise those in power. The Renaissance taking place in Europe and the democratic Revolution booted up by Napoleon in France both have produced great thinkers who demand the restriction of the politicians’ power and authority, labeling the end of an era in which politicians could lay their hands on almost every objects of demand. Driven by this trend, the contemporary politicians ostensibly deprived of certain freedom enjoyed by most artists and scientists could no longer behave in the way they would like to. These people, taking the responsibility of the democratic government, are restrained from several aspects. These restriction mainly comes from the public’s desire and different groups’ attitudes.

Although being neglected sometimes, the artists and the scientists still adhere to their own responsibilities, appear undisturbed and display astonishing indifference to the public. Such right is deserved as to artists and scientists, since their insightful thoughts and complicated feeling about life far go beyond what normal people may achieve.Frustrated and deterred by these maestros, publics turn to the other extreme―ignoring these great thinkers and even cursing them as heretics that destroy the current harmony. Again, scientists and artists enjoy the freedom to obliterate the influence laid on them by the mundane world since their interests are just focused on the exploration of the purity of the truth and reciprocating the perfect memory of the past or wonderful visions about future, rather than caring for the public’s benefits.

During such process, they just jump out of the world and objectively describe it, any scorns or restrictions are treated as part of the object they are proceeding, and this is just the hits of their successes. Sometimes, certain behavior that even force the community members away from communicating with these elites are taken as pride in that artists and scientists could employ their free time to continue their interest.

On the other hand, never would the politician own such comparatively broad freedom. As for a politician, the key to success in politics is to gain and maintain political power.Such power comes from certain identification of the public morality with the politician’s private one and the balance of different groups’ benefits and demands. Consequently,the politician’s attitudes, behavior and even the life style are tightly restricted for fear that any diversion from public’s taste may conduce to losing authority which is a real tragedy for a politician. To be an effective political leader excludes the opportunity that a politician may taste the freedom of the same merits as that enjoyed by artists and scientists, the freedom characterd by consciously seperating oneself from commentary and neglecting the demands made by majority. The successful leadership could be achieved by submerging oneself into the public and being sufficiently prepared for sacrificing some freedom for the majority’s benefits.

It is always funny to imagine what will happen to a special politician who could share a scientist or an artist’s freedom. When this politician is bored at the legitimate meeting that is being broadcast by media agencies, he escape to have a chess with his child.Subsequently, critics begin to accumulate the dissatisfaction of the public to attack this leader’s lacking responsibility of the public affairs. Moreover, he may again utilize the freedom to isolate himself from the public pressure by flying out to have a summer holiday. Then, only one thing can be assured, our special politician is deprived of the right to initiate his power which is a symbol of the end of his political life.

The development of technology and recognition of our society require both politicians and insightful thinkers. However, the democratic system of our contemporary world fixes two distinct sets of freedom that could enjoyed by them. While we agree that artists and scientists enjoy the comparatively broad one, we can not expect the political leaders to have opportunity to taste it.


