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很多人喜欢用模板,特别是十天雅思写作的书籍, 如果你的分数要求是6分以下,那你大胆的用,如果想上6分或7分甚至更高,就不要用那么多的模板,就算要用,也要挑与自己水平相适应的,不要挑些看起来很高级的,其实根本没用,反而会让你分数变低。。。 因为考官其实不是讨厌那些模板,他们反感的是高级的模板与你写的文章的语言水平根本不是同一个层次的,写出来的一篇文章里层次相差太大。想想看,读一篇中文的作文,如果每段的开头结尾转折的地方都用些华丽丽的词、文言文、诗句什么的啊,但是接下来却是用最普通易懂的语言,你看了会怎么想呢?

此外,有些人认为写作要拿高分,一定要用上很多高级词汇,以显示自己的高水准,其实不然。大家可以看看剑桥书后面的考官写的范文,其中并没有所谓的高级词汇,都是一些通俗易懂的,大家都认识的单词。但是为什么那种文章就是好呢?仔细读过几遍,你会发现,那些文章写的很通顺,观点阐述也很清晰,说白了,读起来就是很舒服。其实我们也可以做到。别在那些高难度词上纠缠啦,别到时侯用词不当,拼写错误,反而弄巧成拙。我们只要做到,观点表达清楚,用些熟悉的从句,来 1-2个倒装句,再加上恰到好处的连接词,一篇好文章就出炉啦。






比如:很多人用for example,for instance来举例,其实你可以用according to the lastest research,或like Prof.X.X.X said in University of NewYork:X.X.X.X.X… 这些都是很普通却很有说服力的连接词。而书上模板往往让你背的是:for example,on the other hand等等。



Even if machine translation were able to eradicate all the language barriers between peoples, learning foreign languages still make sense.


Even if machine translation were able to eradicate all the language barriers between people, would there be no point in learning foreign languages? By no means.



Write about the following topic:

Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children suffer because they do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past.

Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer:

People who argue that nowadays parents give less attention to their children than in the past are frequently looking back to a brief period of time in the twentieth century when mothers in middle-class families remained at home to look after their children. What these people are suggesting is that women nowadays should not go out to work.

The fact of the matter is that in the majority of families in the past both parents worked much longer hours than they do nowadays. What has changed is that now in most countries their children attend school rather than also working themselves. In that sense they may have less contact with their parents.

Nowadays, as a result of acquiring an education, children come into contact with teachers who naturally have to explain why some of their students are failing. What teachers come up with are frequent stories of parents who are simply too busy for their children. And if children are not supervised by their parents, they will often underperform at school. However, academic failure is nothing new even when one or both parents are at home. If children are neglected by their parents, they will suffer.

In my opinion, children probably suffered more in the past when the whole family was obliged to work long hours just to survive. Nowadays children are protected by the law. Moreover access to education means that they have greater opportunities than ever before.


Write about the following topic:

Some people feel that certain workers like nurses, doctors and teachers are undervalued and should be paid more, especially when other people like film actors or company bosses are paid huge sums of money that are out of proportion to the importance of the work that they do.

-How far do you agree?

-What criteria should be used to decide how much people are paid?

Model Answer:

Nobody can deny that there are certain professionals like nurses, doctors and teachers who are essential to the fabric of society, and who should therefore be rewarded accordingly. However, this is seldom the case. When we look at the salaries and fees commanded by certain film stars and actresses and people who run large companies, this does not seem fair.

First of all, not all film stars earn huge sums of money. In fact, at any one time in the UK, for example, roughly 80 per cent of actors are out of work and on top of that the number who are paid so-called ‘telephone number fees’ is even smaller. One must also remember that the career of many actors is very short and that therefore the money they earn has to be spread over many years. The same applies to company bosses.

Stating a set of criteria as to how much people should be paid is not easy. The idea of performance-related pay is very much in vogue at the moment. Rewarding people according to qualifications has long been used as a yardstick for paying people, but it is not a consistently good measure. Another is years of relevant experience, but there are many cases where a younger person can perform a task better than someone with lots of experience.

Whatever criteria are used to assess salaries, an on-going cycle will develop. This will create pressure in other areas. This considered, generally I feel that certain key professionals should have their salaries assessed by independent review bodies on an on-going basis so that they do not fall behind.


